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To think a pink mark on his collar is make up

195 replies

Eden80 · 07/11/2017 19:14

I need opinions but have no idea how to upload a pic here - using phone app.

OP posts:
Cheeseontoastie · 07/11/2017 20:56

No I don't think it's lipstick. Could be anything Tbh

louise5754 · 07/11/2017 20:56

Cut finger and wiped it down his shirt. It would make a line like that?

ghostyslovesheets · 07/11/2017 20:57

looks like blood to me

PandorasXbox · 07/11/2017 20:58

Where about is it on the shirt? Inside of the collar ( that’s what it looks like on the picture )

Tippz · 07/11/2017 20:58

Makes no sense why lippy or blusher would be there! Confused

It's either blood or brick dust.

WipsGlitter · 07/11/2017 20:58

Could just be from a hug though.

Eden80 · 07/11/2017 20:58

pandora- yes that’s a good point

OP posts:
Eden80 · 07/11/2017 20:59

There was a picture which shows it folded so some is on the exactl line on the neck but majority in the outer part

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Eden80 · 07/11/2017 21:01

So i am being unreasonable- I’ve never known any marks like this on his clothes before. My friend said he would have spotted it and rubbed it off - far too OCD to fuck up like that if it was anything suspect. I wish I wasn’t so suspicious. I just can’t help it.

OP posts:
PandorasXbox · 07/11/2017 21:02

Sorry could only see the line photo. Wonder if he’d been leaning on something that’s rubbed off on him?

PandorasXbox · 07/11/2017 21:03

Do you have reason to be suspicious OP?

introverteccentric · 07/11/2017 21:03

I personally wouldn’t say it was make it, its looks more of a line than than a smudge of that makes senses, like potentially he’s leaned against something perhaps

LemonysSnicket · 07/11/2017 21:03

If you don't trust your partner THIS much, then I think you know your answer. A pink smudge within his collar wouldn't make me blink. Do you have a gut feeling

Eden80 · 07/11/2017 21:07

Not really - he wasn’t as active on skype on this trip and some nights didn’t call but he said it was due to being so tired and going to bed early but normally he would so I guess that coupled with this made me more suspect - if it was just one thing perhaps not.

OP posts:
PandorasXbox · 07/11/2017 21:10

I agree with your friend, I’m sure if someone had been up to something they would be very careful to get rid of any evidence before coming home.

schoolgaterebel · 07/11/2017 21:15

No, I don't think it looks like makeup.

splatattack · 07/11/2017 21:15

Go with your ex used to work away and suddenly seemed more tired than usual to Skype...every single time he was on a date. He was tindering away while I was back home. Your case could be completely different of course but if you think something is off then it most likely gut was never wrong, I just didn't listen to it properly..

PandorasXbox · 07/11/2017 21:16

That’s not very helpful splatattack.

Eden80 · 07/11/2017 21:20

He has to go back to the same place for another week in a fortnight or so - will see if he is more active on Skype this time but I know it’s hard work when he is over there - and loads is crammed in so it is plausible but it did arouse suspicions. I know so many women who have been cheated on by men who they never believed in a million years would - I don’t think I would ever trust anyone 100 percent as most people seem capable of it. Sad really as it’s a head fuck being suspicious and I really wish I wasn’t. Really appreciate all the replies here ladies.

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holdbackonthewine · 07/11/2017 21:21

Where in Africa? My DH grew up in west Africa and always mentions the red dust and red earth as well as the red sand storms. I think the earth was called laterite and the dust storms harmattan. He gets quite hot and sweaty and I could imagine his collar could end up red instead of black like it might in a UK city. Not defending him just saying my impression as it looks like a straight line which you get when collar absorbs from rubbing the neck.

holdbackonthewine · 07/11/2017 21:24

Wouldn’t make up be more .... well .... splodgy? This looks like it’s been formed between the neck and the collar. Horrible to be feeling suspicious though. My DH is away on business right now and I missed his FaceTime tonight (my fault phone was dead) so I can imagine how you must feel.

PamDooveOrangeJoof · 07/11/2017 21:26

Hmmm sorry I do think it looks like make up to me. Does he wear concealer at all? Does he wear it on his neck/face if he gets spots?


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Eden80 · 07/11/2017 21:27

Holdbackonthewine - it’s west Africa yea.

It is horrible feeling suspicious and I wish I could be more trusting. It causes the person who suspects loads of anguish.

OP posts:
Eden80 · 07/11/2017 21:29

Oh gosh no he doesn’t wear any make up or have any acne, so definitely not his own make up

OP posts:
Wheresmyluck · 07/11/2017 21:35

I thought it looked like foundation Blush

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