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Can I trust my cleaner?

190 replies

Boffin90 · 05/11/2017 11:14

Over the last 2 years there have been a couple of times I have overpaid my cleaner (one overpayment was an extra £50) into her account. This has occurred on occasions I have needed to pay multiple people for various things and made a few mix ups. My cleaner has never mentioned to me when this has happened. I have always made the discovery. I know she checks her account as if it hasn’t gone into her account by the next morning she messages me. (I have never been late with her payment, it’s always been her bank causing some delay on showing her side).
I will be setting up a standing order but it makes me wonder if I can trust her. An overpayment error does not mean you’re entitled to the extra money!
AIBU or would you feel uneasy that someone is not willing to confess you have given them too much?

OP posts:
Pengggwn · 05/11/2017 16:46

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Boffin90 · 05/11/2017 16:47

But please stop overpaying her whatever else you do

Anyway, stop making the mistake. You know now not to do it so make sure you check

That’s not focussing on the 2 mistakes, rather than the whole picture?

OP posts:
Boffin90 · 05/11/2017 16:47

Now you are making it personal.
It was a response to a sanctimonious comment made by yourself.

OP posts:
iknowimcoming · 05/11/2017 16:48

Also the standing order thing is strange unless you currently pay her say fortnightly and you will be switching to monthly standing orders for instance - in which case she’d technically lose a bit of cash that way?

BeautyQueenFromMars · 05/11/2017 16:50

Wow, AIBU really has become a place where people just jump on and stick the boot in to the OP, picking up on tiny things and ripping the poster to shreds, twisting every sentence so as to blame the OP for everything. Bloody hell.

Boffin90 · 05/11/2017 16:51

What is strange about a standing order?’

OP posts:
iknowimcoming · 05/11/2017 16:53

The fact that she’s doesn’t want you to pay her by standing order?

Boffin90 · 05/11/2017 16:55

Well I don’t want to keep doing it manually and make a 3rd mistake! Especially when I’m the only one checking!!!
So the best idea is an automated payment.

OP posts:
iknowimcoming · 05/11/2017 16:56

No you misunderstood me - I mean it’s strange that SHE doesn’t want you to pay her by standing order! Do you pay her weekly, fortnightly or monthly?

Pengggwn · 05/11/2017 17:01

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HundredMilesAnHour · 05/11/2017 17:01

OP you seem to be making a mountain out a molehill. Why didn't you just say to your cleaner "I just noticed online that I overpaid you, I'll take the overpaid amount off your next pay ok?". Really simple yet for some reason you're moaning on MN rather than having a conversation with your cleaner. If you overpaid her and never mentioned it, it's hardly unreasonable for your cleaner to think you've paid her a bonus. Try having a conversation, it's not difficult!

Boffin90 · 05/11/2017 17:02

I do apologise.
I think it odd too. I think I know why but can’t say as it’s her business. I have explained that it is no different to a transfer, just automated.

OP posts:
Boffin90 · 05/11/2017 17:05


I think you need to read all the posts.
The thinking it was a bonus has been discussed.
The mentioning it to my cleaner has been discussed.
I am on here to find out if anybody else would feel uncomfortable knowing the whole picture.
Obviously you wouldn’t and that’s fine.

OP posts:
Dobopdidoo1 · 05/11/2017 17:08

How odd she doesn’t want a standing order. Will it change the dates that you pay her? Otherwise she doesn’t even need to know. You just set it up and then can relax knowing that the money is automatically transferred.

iknowimcoming · 05/11/2017 17:11

If you are paying her anything other than monthly currently she might feel (correctly) that she’d lose out by being paid by a monthly s.o., also I wonder if she thinks she’d miss out on your bonus payments by using the s.o. I.e. you might forget to give her the extra cash she’s been used to at Xmas and Easter? Those are the only reasons I can think of that she’d be reluctant for you to pay her by dd or so imho.

Boffin90 · 05/11/2017 17:12

That’s your interpretation of my communication with you - which you’re entitled to.
I don’t believe I’m passive aggressive.
Sadly text can not always convey the context in which something is meant or the manner in which it is expressed.
You can only read it with the voice in your head, not my voice and vice versa.
This alone can lead to a difference of opinion as in our case.

OP posts:
amicissimma · 05/11/2017 17:14

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Boffin90 · 05/11/2017 17:15

I will try and set it up same day each week so hopefully it won’t change anything.
I would give her her bonuses by cash at Xmas etc so it doesn’t muddy the water.

OP posts:
Pengggwn · 05/11/2017 17:17

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PollyPelargonium52 · 05/11/2017 17:18

Somebody once told me they always tested their cleaners by leaving a £20 note under the table and that if it was still there by the time the cleaner went home/it hadn't been picked up and mentioned - then she knew they were trustworthy.

Boffin90 · 05/11/2017 17:18


Most of that has been covered.
So pointless responding to your post at length.
(Meant in the nicest way, but I would be repeating things)

OP posts:
Givemeallthechocolate · 05/11/2017 17:18

Why is the OP getting such a bashing? God... she doesn't really deserve to be told she's negligent or anything else. Mistakes happen.

Sorry for the loss of your son op.


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Pengggwn · 05/11/2017 17:20

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Boffin90 · 05/11/2017 17:30


Thank you.
Apparently you cannot make mistakes according to many.
There are some damn perfect people here.
I sadly am not infallible. I think the point is being clearly missed.
2 mistakes in 2 years. 2 weeks out of 104 is just not acceptable! 😱😱😂😂

OP posts:
LaurieMarlow · 05/11/2017 17:31

Somebody once told me they always tested their cleaners by leaving a £20 note under the table and that if it was still there by the time the cleaner went home/it hadn't been picked up and mentioned - then she knew they were trustworthy.

That's been discussed on here and all cleaners on the thread said they'd quit without question if they saw their employer had laid a trap like that for them.

Sometimes I think you should do a basic 'decency and competency' test before you can become an employer. Many would fail.

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