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Male postnatal depression

333 replies

Foxysoxy01 · 25/10/2017 10:52

Just caught a bit of This Morning with my coffee and they are talking about male postnatal depression.

Now I understand it is a massive change to both parents with a new baby and can quite believe that it could cause stress and worry, even depression for the non birthing partner but why would it have to be postnatal depression which feels more female and is a term used for women who have given birth?

The thing I have an issue with (maybe I'm an unreasonable cynical cow) does it not seem another thing that men have to take away from women?
It feels a little bit like taking away a real horrible issue that women who have given birth sometimes face and making it all about men again and how very hard they have it.

My AIBU is I'm I being a real in empathetic bitch or is this just another case of men having to take over women's experiences and issues? Or is it just a word I'm getting hung up on and technically it is actually correct that they may have postnatal depression?

OP posts:
FuckShitJackFairy · 28/10/2017 15:20

Or maybe they are actively teaching their boys not to rape??

JacquesHammer · 28/10/2017 15:21

@LadyLannister your daughter has a 1 in 5 chance of being sexually assaulted. Have you read the #metoo campaign?

Sexual assault is an epidemic. Rape is an epidemic. And someone is doing it.

If I had a son I would be teaching him not to be a rapist. It isn't the responsibility of mothers to teach their daughters not be be victims

MrsTerryPratchett · 28/10/2017 15:23

Because let's face it, that's what you're saying - these rampant men just can't help themselves so let's denounce the lot of them

Exactly the opposite actually. Odd that you can’t understand that.

UnbornMortificado · 28/10/2017 15:28

she also won't grow up to be a complete twat.

Let's hope she takes after her father then.

PeppersTheCat · 28/10/2017 15:30

I wouldn't be surprised if there was an element of ptsd for some fathers, especially when the birth was particularly traumatic.

Poor lambs.

Oblomov17 · 28/10/2017 15:31

I don’t like the term. Male having depression, of course. In relation to birth of child, fine.
But PND, no.

CherryChasingDotMuncher · 28/10/2017 18:50

Well to all the militant feminists on here who say they hope I don't have a daughter - I sincerely hope you don't have any sons because clearly you must be eyeing them suspiciously due to the fact you believe they have a high likelihood of becoming a rapist when they're older. Because let's face it, that's what you're saying - these rampant men just can't help themselves so let's denounce the lot of them.

I have a son. I’m not sure why your feel sorry for him as I haven’t denounced him of anything. I desperately want to change things for him as well as my DD because toxic masculinity harms males as well as females.

I’ve said this before but us mothers of sons need to stop being so defensive when people point out the harm men as a class do to women as a class. I do not like the thought of my beautiful rosy cheeked sweet natured son being a sexual predator. But, I’m sad to say, if the world carries on the way it is it’s not reaching for the stars to suggest he might turn out, at the very least, to have no respect for women.

Being defensive about ‘our boys’ is woefully unhelpful and only further damages women who are** victims. Pointing out facts about male violence is not ‘betraying’ my son or men as a sex. If more parents perhaps looked at the facts rather than got pissy about the thought that their little Johnnies might not turn out great, maybe the world would be more open to talking about what causes harm to women and men.

CherryChasingDotMuncher · 28/10/2017 18:54

And yes I’ll be teaching him not to rape

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