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to be tired of hearing this from everyone?

153 replies

yawning801 · 07/10/2017 12:30


I'm a size 6 (sometimes eight) and 5ft 5. My doctor is telling me that I urgently need to gain weight. I've tried pigging out and weight-gain powders, etc etc, all to no avail. And all I hear is this:

"Just eat!"
"It must be SO HARD for you, trying to GAIN WEIGHT!"
"You're so lucky, trying to gain weight! I need to lose weight!"
"Can I give you some of mine?"
"Hey, Friend X! yawning is trying to gain weight!"

AIBU to want to take off anyone's face who says the above?

OP posts:
TheFirstMrsDV · 08/10/2017 18:08

Thank you. It was.
It is taboo to even hint that an obese child is that way because of its obese parents but apparently fine to dx eating disorders in a child based on the mother's size. Even if that size is within normal ranges!

Horribly ironic but DD did become anorexic during her treatment. They weighed her so often and she had so little control over what was happening to her I suppose it was her way of taking back some control.

That reminds me of another low point. I was concerned about the emphasis put on weight and tried to raise it with a doctor. I was worried DD might develop an ED because it was so relentless. The doctor assumed I was concerned that DD was going to get fat because of the steroids she was on. Completely failed to listen to me and made the assumption based on me being thin?

Fernanie · 08/10/2017 18:17

YANBU. I'm a size 10 with a muffin top, but my sister has always been a 6-8, though perfectly healthy. She was in a shop recently and someone shouted at her "Oi! Skinny bitch!" When she turned around they said "Better not go outside, it's really windy. You might blow away!" then fell about laughing. People assume that if you're slim you have the self confidence to let unsolicited comments slide off you, but that's not always the case. She's always felt self-conscious of her (what she considers) "boyish" frame and has wanted to be more curvy, and she felt really humiliated for someone to draw attention to it in a very public place.

Fernanie · 08/10/2017 18:22

MrsDV I missed your first couple posts. That's horrendous. I'm so sorry you went through that.

Susieangel · 08/10/2017 18:27

Sadly, I am a size 18 and feel that I am constantly being told to lose weight. The more anxious I get, the more I eat.
Sorry "they" won't leave you alone. As long as you are well and fit, just ignore them

kaytee87 · 08/10/2017 18:33

A size 6 or 8 doesn't mean much tbh as all the shops are a different size. I'm 5"4 and when I was a 6/8 I wasn't underweight. On the low side of normal probably but not unhealthy.

Try protein shakes and lots of butter and cream if your bmi is very low.

PetalMettle · 08/10/2017 18:35

I am fat.
Yanbu. I can see it’s annoying

Coconutspongexo · 08/10/2017 18:39

I'm 5'11 at 7st4 - I am aware that is a low weight but it's the most I've ever weighed I've battled anorexia since I can remember

Anyway I uploaded a picture on Instagram on Friday night and a comment was 'do you know what food is? Try putting it in your mouth'

I get comments constantly even when people knew I was anorexic 'oh starving yourself if attention seeking you'd look better with a bit of meat on you' idiots

How is that acceptable? Body shaming in any form is wrong it's disgusting. I'd never dream of commenting on anyone's weight EVER.

tippz · 08/10/2017 18:49


Anyway I uploaded a picture on Instagram on Friday night and a comment was 'do you know what food is? Try putting it in your mouth'

Nasty, rude fuckers. I hope you blocked them! Hmm

Maybe next time, say "I'll put my clenched fist in your mouth if you don't belt up, at 40 fucking miles per hour!" Angry

Allthewaves · 08/10/2017 18:56

My son gets sick of being called skinny. Due to meds he struggles with appetite. We just had to go full fat - cream, ff milk, cheese, oil added to meals

MarthaArthur · 08/10/2017 19:00

Yanbu! I have been trying to gain weight my whole life on doctors orders but no matter what/ how much i eat and that foul powder you drink to gain weight it doesnt work. And yes the comments are alwaay hurtful and annoying from people.

MarthaArthur · 08/10/2017 19:02

mrsdv thats horrendous I am so sorryy you and your dd went through that.

yawning801 · 08/10/2017 19:26

Oh no MrsDV how awful! So sorry to hear that Flowers!

OP posts:
falange · 08/10/2017 19:39

OP may I offer my services. For very reasonable rates I’ll take you on holiday with me. I guarantee that if you eat what I eat, move as little as I do and drink vast quantities of alcohol you’ll put on nearly a stone in 2 weeks. Just like I have Grin

FairlyConstantNameChanger · 08/10/2017 19:55

falange, I can't speak for the OP but I would bet my bottom dollar that if I did that I wouldn't gain anywhere near a stone! A few pounds maybe. I would absolutely love to gain a stone; if only it were that easy for me Sad.

RidingMyBike · 08/10/2017 19:56

I had this for years - it was really annoying. And being really thin seemed to mean it would take me ages to recover from any illness as I'd lose my appetite and lose more weight, then be totally lacking in energy. At that point I was 5'6 and about 7.5 stone. I often seemed to be anaemic and sometimes got turned away from blood donors. I'd get lots of comments about it too.

I eventually put weight on after getting married - and eventually conceived at my heaviest ever 10.5 stone. I lose weight again if I get stressed or depressed so traumatic birth and PND led to me losing weight very very fast - I was back in my pre-pregnancy jeans ten days after giving birth, which was far from ideal as it meant my breast milk was delayed for weeks.

What I did to gain weight - have an extra thing at each meal, so if you're having a sandwich, add packet of crisps. Always have something for pudding at lunch and tea - usually fruit or yogurt for me, but have it! I switched to full cream milk and had a mug of it in hot choc every evening. Look at the calories in things and do not buy the 'reduced' version!

HelenaDove · 08/10/2017 20:00

Dipping ............thats disgusting. Fuckers.

HelenaDove · 08/10/2017 20:05

Im the opposite way. I used to be 21 stone and i lost ten. I always have to watch what i eat. It has to be about 1300 or i gain.

I cant go for so called low fat foods as they are higher in sugar and sugar affects my weight more than fat does. So i go for full fat versions but watch the portion sizes.

So it could be that going for the low fat versions might actually help some of you trying to gain weight as these versions are higher in sugar so i had to cut them out.

MarthaArthur · 08/10/2017 20:06

Question, do other people on here who cant gain weight, do you feel cold and dizzy a lit too?

Viviennemary · 08/10/2017 20:07

If you are severely underweight it is a threat to your health. I agree your doctor should have given you advice. But with so many people trying to lose weight people trying to gain don't get much sympathy.

FairlyConstantNameChanger · 08/10/2017 20:08

Martha, not particularly but maybe others do.

That's interesting Helena. It is so hard to know what to eat and there is such little advise out there for people trying to gain weight.

Coconutspongexo · 08/10/2017 20:09

I'm always cold and dizzy but I'm severely anaemic with very low blood pressure so that's why.

You need to get your bloods checked and maybe your BP.

HelenaDove · 08/10/2017 20:09

They do from me Vivienne. I went to school with a lad who couldnt gain weight no matter what and he is still the same now in his 40s. He finds it incredibly frustrating.


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Coconutspongexo · 08/10/2017 20:10

I didn't block them btw I've deactivated my insta for now, it's not really for me regularly called ugly or skinny by people I actually know.

MarthaArthur · 08/10/2017 20:12

Fair enough thanks for the replies. My BP and bloods are fine i have been like it my whole life, my mom was the same. Thats interesting Helena, but sweets and chocolate is my staple diet ConfusedBlush

MarthaArthur · 08/10/2017 20:13

Dipping thats shocking! I get a lot of comments about my weight but thankfully nothing that nasty in a long time.CakeGin

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