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to be tired of hearing this from everyone?

153 replies

yawning801 · 07/10/2017 12:30


I'm a size 6 (sometimes eight) and 5ft 5. My doctor is telling me that I urgently need to gain weight. I've tried pigging out and weight-gain powders, etc etc, all to no avail. And all I hear is this:

"Just eat!"
"It must be SO HARD for you, trying to GAIN WEIGHT!"
"You're so lucky, trying to gain weight! I need to lose weight!"
"Can I give you some of mine?"
"Hey, Friend X! yawning is trying to gain weight!"

AIBU to want to take off anyone's face who says the above?

OP posts:
FairlyConstantNameChanger · 07/10/2017 17:29

Yes, I would love it if you could just eat meals in pill form! The whole hassle of cooking, shopping, tidying up, kids fighting at the table, having to eat when not hungry would be gone!

Slimthistime · 07/10/2017 17:31

I was underweight for most of my 20s, I couldn't believe the comments people made

in my first jobs, when eating office cake etc, a couple of people actually said "you're throwing that up aren't you".

then I got pneumonia and lost more weight, then when I returned to work my boss was a bit worried and, in a kind way, bought me things like strawberries, but even that was quite weird.

anyway OP, yes it is annoying. I hope you feel back to 100% soon anyway, recovering from surgery can be such a mission Flowers

paranoidpammywhammy2 · 07/10/2017 17:35

I used to be stick thin and had a very healthy appetite. I got so much grief from people; it's just rude and ignorant.

It's not polite to comment on how much someone eats, to draw attention to someones portion size or too tell people they eat like a pig. I don't have worms. I'm not ill. When I was pregnant I was gaining weight at the right rate so unhelpful comments about my pregnancy just made me anxious and keep checking in with the mid wife.

I'm over-weight now and dieting but it still winds me up when I think back to hurtful comments work colleagues, friends and family have made. My daughter is now going through exactly the same. My brother wears baggy clothes to disguise his body shape. It seems a lot more unacceptable to be a tall, thin man.

parkednearby · 07/10/2017 17:39

A relative of mine is as thin as a rake and is 63. Always been the same build and eats like a horse. Some people are just naturally a racing snake build, in the same way that others are stocky.

SabineUndine · 07/10/2017 17:43

I’m obese. I used to eat out with a friend who constantly struggled to keep her weight above 7 st. So I sympathise; it’s just that being underweight is less common than being overweight.

GenericNameChange · 07/10/2017 17:49

I used to work for a lady who was the same height as me, so about 5"9 - 5"10, and she was a size 4-6. I dunno if she had a medical condition, I never asked as it was none of my business, but jesus the amount of comments she used to get about her weight were awful. If chocolates or cake were going around the office she'd be one of the first in there, we used to go get and each lunch together so I know she was eating, she'd eat like the rest of us at work meals out etc. She'd laugh along in public but she'd also tell me in private how much comments like that upset her, and she was sick of hearing them.

I was quite young (and overweight!) when I worked for her so I had no idea that skinny shaming was a thing, and how upsetting it is. I used to joke with my sister or my friends about people being skinny bitches and stuff before working for her, but now I don't ever comment or pass judgement on other peoples bodies, I wouldn't want them to comment on mine. Your body, your business.

Mittens1969 · 07/10/2017 17:52

My DDs (8 and 5) are naturally very slim, unlike me! They’re lean and wiry and very good at sports. People talk a lot about childhood obesity, but my two can eat ice cream, chocolate, crisps or whatever snack they want and it really makes no difference. (Obviously we do watch what they eat, as we want them to have good teeth and to be healthy, but still, obesity is one thing I don’t have to worry about.

I do sometimes worry about them being too slim though, especially DD1.

I never really thought about it before, I used to envy women who stayed so slim, but I’m getting it now.

My suggestion would be to eat a lot of healthy high calorie food, like cheese for example. Or oily fish, avocados, potatoes. Have a second helping of a healthy meal. That sort of thing. As others have said, think about staying healthy more than anything else. And see the doctor again.

Hebenon · 07/10/2017 18:12

I have finally attained a supposedly healthy BMI in the recent past after years of being underweight (it was just my natural weight). I'm 48. I still look slim but now have wobbly bits in places I never thought I would! I think it is just the natural process of aging.

I tried MyFitnessPal once to try and put some weight on and found I was eating around 2500-3000 calories a day (tons of crisps and nuts and cheese and avocados, not biscuits etc so reasonably healthy). I honestly could not see how I could eat more food physically! I am fairly active in that I tend to walk places rather than bus/drive. But I have never had any kind of exercise regime or anything.

Some people are just naturally skinny.

midnightmisssuki · 07/10/2017 18:20

I get this all the time - you just learn to live with it and grow a thicker skin really. A classic one was 'don't look for sympathy from me - thin people don't deserve my sympathy' - this was when I was trying to talk to my 'friend' about the exact same problem you have. It's horrid - but you get used to it. I have.

Dozyoldtwonk · 07/10/2017 22:39

I'm 7st 2lb at 5ft 3in and I get this all the time. It's annoying and fucking rude. Comments are mainly from DM, actually, who referred to me as a bag of bones the other day Hmm I have a few friends that are overweight and I would never, ever dream of commenting on their bodies in such a way.

It's funny though, as I don't actually feel as slim as I sound. I'm a size 6/8/10 (depending on store & fit) but I think years of giving my weight more attention than it needs has fucked up my thinking possibly a whole other thread

NeverForgotten · 07/10/2017 22:46

How much do you weigh and what is your BMI? Size 8 is a bit vague since it varies so much between manufacturers.

Blahblahblahhhhhhh · 07/10/2017 23:24

I think slim shaming is just as bad as fat shaming. My dsf couldn't put weight on if he tried. He stayed 7st 2 his whole adult life. And as a 5ft 9 male in the navy got called skinny ribs throughout the whole of his time their. Made him paranoid and wore thick jumpers all year round.
I myself am a fat fat fatty and not even a gastric bypass helped me loose weight.
However I have come to accept myself as I am. I will never be thin but I will never hate myself .
Maybe try to love yourself as you are.
We are only human. Flawed and beautiful.
Sorry for the long post .

Flowergarden63 · 07/10/2017 23:27

Maybe that biscuit is to help me gain weight! Grin

Itsalwayswineoclocksomewhere · 07/10/2017 23:31

Urgh tell me about it!

I'm 6ft and I've always been very slim, the most I've ever weighed is about 9stone. Even contraception that makes peot gain weight seems to make me thinner.

I used to get sick of people asking if I ate, or telling me to eat more, or exclaiming how lucky I am in comparison to them.

When I was a teenager I was bullied very badly for being such a tall thin girl, and regularly had strangers come and tell me to eat something, and even shout abuse at my poor mum for not feeding me.

These days at 30 I simply laugh and say at least I never need to visit a gym. It seems to work for me, and stops most comments. I am wondering when the "oh you'll put on weight as you get older" comments will stop. I've gained about a stone in 8years, so I'm guessing I'll always be thin Wine

Justaboy · 08/10/2017 00:10

Itsalwayswineoclocksomewhere Six foot eh?.

Very impressive if i may be allowed to say so:-)

ottersHateFeminists · 08/10/2017 03:06

I used to hate seeing pictures of myself when I was too skinny.

There was no mental eating disorder, a physical issue. My health didn't really suffer but I always wanted a few extra kilos.

I hated the comments. Not so much the 'aren't you lucky' ones but people telling me I should gain weight. I'm sure it was said in sympathy or concern but I don't think they'd have been quite so free with their comments if I'd be fat.

I had to change lifestyle; instead of triathlons (and the training) and the huge calorie requirements, I played other sports like tag rugby and mountain biking. It meant I could sustain a higher weight.

SuperBeagle · 08/10/2017 03:58

I'm a size 6 at 5'7" and have heard the same, but it's never bothered me. I figure we, as a society, have a very different conception of "healthy" now than we did 20+ years ago, and that frames peoples' perceptions of "skinny".

I'm very healthy. I go swimming and walk my dogs a lot, and I eat what I deem to be "plenty" of food, although I do think it's probably less than what many people eat in terms of portion sizes. I haven't had so much as a cold in over 2 years. I'm thoroughly unconcerned with my weight.

I am guessing that I have inherited my dad's/paternal grandfather's body type which means that I'm just slim. Narrow frame, with no tendency to gain weight regardless of how healthy or unhealthy my diet is. One of my cousins also has this sort of build/body type. The rest of the family are different.

C'est la vie. People are all different.

TheStoic · 08/10/2017 04:10

Some people are just naturally skinny.

It’s interesting how this is obviously true, yet most people would roll their eyes at anyone who claimed they were just ‘naturally fat’.

Pigflewpast · 08/10/2017 17:48

Yep been there. Very skinny teenager, put on a little bit when found alcohol but then lost loads of weight when I was ill in my 20s and just couldn't put any on. Eventually had to have Complan as well as meals and then as physical illness improved I found my weight improved too. I've just hit menopause and now struggling to lose even a pound having put on loads of weight this year, so seeing the other side

MusicToMyEars800 · 08/10/2017 17:49

Crispymum I think we are 2 of the same kind Grin Those are my downfalls too Wine and kettle chips, especially the sea salt and balsamic vinegar ones.

Yanbu OP, I reckon lots of them are just jealous Grin I know I am a bit jealous of not being able to eat anything without being the size of a hippo Grin

Sayhellotothelittlefella · 08/10/2017 17:52

Have you been tested for coeliac disease? Often low iron is the only obvious symptom ( it was with me) and the fact you can't gain weight is another alarm bell. Sometimes doctors won't even consider it unless you constantly have d and/or v but there are so many different symptoms

TheFirstMrsDV · 08/10/2017 17:55

I have always been thin.
People are fucking rude and nasty.
My DD became ill. Before we knew what was wrong with her she lost her appetite. It was awful. She just couldn't eat. I tried everything.
SILs blamed me. They said they knew it would happen because I was so obsessed with my weight. I wasn't. I have never owned a set of scales. I don't know how much I weigh now.
I never spoke about size etc around DD.
She wasn't anorexic. She had cancer.
She eventually died.
Just thinking about how I was blamed makes me upset, all these years later.


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FairlyConstantNameChanger · 08/10/2017 17:58

Bloody hell MrsDV that is awful Flowers.

tippz · 08/10/2017 18:07

@MrsDV I am so sorry about your daughter. Flowers

tippz · 08/10/2017 18:07

Why the fuck to people have to comment on peoples weight/body size etc? Or ANYthing to do with their appearance for that matter.

I know a number of people close to me who have suffered comments because of the way they look - ginger - are yer pubes ginger haha? You're too pale, get a tan! Hmm You need to gain weight, you're like a stick. Have you put weight on?




It really makes me feel uncomfortable when someone comments on what I eat. I eat small portions, and some people just don't believe that I eat less than half the food they eat.

When I go out with friends/acquaintances/colleagues, I have a salad, and a couple of slices of garlic bread, and get 'is that all yer having?' and 'you MUST need more than that!' And 'you're making me feel bad you are!' Hmm Sorry but I can't help it if you feel like a greedy twat! I am not going to stuff triple the amount of food I want or need down my neck to make YOU feel better!

To the OP; YANBU

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