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AIBU? think my mother has just NCd me?

166 replies

sleepingonthesparebed · 14/05/2017 19:28

DM and I have always been close, I live 5 mins away with my DH and Cs and we always spend a lot of time together. She often comes round for tea, collects kids after school sometimes, always popping in and out of each other's homes. DH is often summoned round to do DIY jobs and that's all fine and tikkety-boo.

In the last two weeks I've barely heard from her at all. She had some friends to stay for the weekend two weeks ago and since then it's almost as if she doesn't want to spend time with us anymore. She was going to come round for tea on Weds (a weekly thing) but she texted shortly before to say she'd "rather not anymore". She was also going to come round this afternoon but hasn't returned any calls or texts until just now when she has texted to say she "won't be coming round".

This is all highly unusual and out of character and the kids are most anxious and upset that she won't be here. They've been looking forward all week to seeing her especially as they didn't get a chance when her friends came to stay or on Weds when she would usually have been round.

I know this sounds absurd but it almost feels like her friends have told her to get a life apart from us. She's moving house in a few weeks time but only 10 mins further away. Maybe she's moving away in her mind too.

She won't respond to any messages or pick up the phone when I call. She's not in when I go and pop round. It's like all of a sudden something has happened to make her not want to spend time with us. She's not met someone, that I do know.

As this is so out of character, AIBU to be concerned for her health/welfare or does it seem that she just wants less to do with us? I can't think of anything that we might have said or done to have offended her and as she's not talking to me I can't really find that out.

She's 70 next year and has spoken previously of her concerns about "getting old and incapable" and "staying sane". She's an otherwise very independent single and strong-minded woman.

AIBU to be concerned or is this just a declaration of independence from her family???

OP posts:
HCantThinkOfAUsername · 14/05/2017 20:40

Yes id check on her, trust your gut instincts

PyongyangKipperbang · 14/05/2017 20:42

She has certainly had her head turned by someone hasnt she?

If she didnt want to see you then thats her choice but she should at least have the decency to explain why, if only so you stop bugging her about it.

sleepingonthesparebed · 14/05/2017 20:42

Oh my. I've just had a text from her which implies she's read this thread.
Head spinning.....

OP posts:
Fruitcorner123 · 14/05/2017 20:43

What does the text say?

crazykitten20 · 14/05/2017 20:44

I hope you're ok? 💕🐱

pudcat · 14/05/2017 20:44

Whatever did she say?

PyongyangKipperbang · 14/05/2017 20:44

I think you need to go round there and just have it out with her. This has got beyond silly now, and someone is shit stirring so the best thing to do is deal with her face to face if she wont reply to calls etc.

LooksBetterWithAFilter · 14/05/2017 20:44

I had just refreshed the page to say you should find a way to go round wine or not and seen your update. Oh my what did she say is she ok?

MrsMozart · 14/05/2017 20:44

Most odd. I hope all is okay for all.

lougle · 14/05/2017 20:44

Well then she'll know you care about her, won't she?

Fruitcorner123 · 14/05/2017 20:45

It could be something to do with her conversation with DBro and not this thread.

DameDeDoubtance · 14/05/2017 20:46

Sounds like she has taken offence at something. Have you fallen out before? Does she normally talk things through or conceal her feelings?

livvymc · 14/05/2017 20:46

Sounds very odd and out of character. Hope you get to the bottom of it OP and all is ok Flowers

pudcat · 14/05/2017 20:46

If she has read the thread she will know how worried you are and all the advice you have been given

Teardropexplodes · 14/05/2017 20:46

How strange. But I agree with @lougle.

Do you think someone's stirring?

claritytobeclear · 14/05/2017 20:47

If she has read this thread then all she will know is that you are genuinely worried, OP. Try to stay calm, and ask her about this.

MadMags · 14/05/2017 20:48
Rachel0Greep · 14/05/2017 20:48


Crispbutty · 14/05/2017 20:50

Well if she has read this then you have said nothing in it other than how worried you are.

What other threads have you posted on though? Could you have said something that has been taken the wrong way?

PutThatPomBearBack · 14/05/2017 20:51

Well now you've said that she's definitely going to knowHmm

PaulAnkaTheDog · 14/05/2017 20:51

She's read this thread?

Lonelynessie · 14/05/2017 20:53

Ok - well you've not said anything bad so...



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DearMrDilkington · 14/05/2017 20:53

But if she has read this, you've just confirmed it is you Confused

SheSaidHeSaid · 14/05/2017 20:53

Whether true or not I'd want to actually see her and check someone isn't pretending to be her and sending you messages or god knows what.

FannyFifer · 14/05/2017 20:55

Hope all is ok.

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