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....about the giant strawberry?!

286 replies

KentMum2008 · 04/05/2017 22:03

Total first world problem I know, and I'm defo more irritated by this than I should be, but...
I got some amazing strawbs from the market, seriously huge and really sweet. I put one in DS lunch box and it filled a whole compartment (one of those sistema lunch cube thingys)
DS comes out of school and says one of the lunchtime supervisors said to him 'what a mean mummy, only giving you one strawberry. You'll have to ask her for more tomorrow' I know the woman in question she's one of the mum's in DDs class so I jokingly said to her 'I hear you think I'm a bit of a meanie' in case DS was making it up.
I shit you not, she said to me 'well that's terribly mean only giving him one strawberry, that's not enough to fill a growing boy' She was deadly serious too.
For reference, the strawb in question is below. Pretty large, and accompanied by a sandwich, a chunk of cucumber, a babybel and a yoghurt. She would have been at his table from the beginning of lunch so she'll have seen what was in there to begin with. They do a cursory sweep for contraband at the beginning of lunch every day.
Was I BU to say to her 'you're not the lunchbox police Linda, save your concern for the kids with a sausage roll and a can of Coke'?
Because her face was Shock, you'd think I'd just slapped her....

....about the giant strawberry?!
OP posts:
PastaOfMuppets · 05/05/2017 14:20

OMG this thread has made today worthwhile ... love it 😂

Blueskyonthehorizon · 05/05/2017 14:27

Send this

....about the giant strawberry?!
Gileswithachainsaw · 05/05/2017 14:32

blue Grin

KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 14:32

If we could just doctor that image so the strawberry is huge, and it's got my face on it that would be perfect.

OP posts:
angryladyboobs · 05/05/2017 14:34

That's fucking huge!!!


Clandestino · 05/05/2017 14:34

'you're not the lunchbox police Linda, save your concern for the kids with a sausage roll and a can of Coke'?

You're my new hero! Well done! And yeah, fuck Linda.

Blueskyonthehorizon · 05/05/2017 14:34

Well, OP, you have more gigantastrawbs at home, a camera phone and a sassy know what you have to do!

Dancergirl · 05/05/2017 14:38

That's brilliant blagging Grin

ILookedintheWater · 05/05/2017 14:49

So many ways to mess with her mind.
Have you considered growing cucamelons?

KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 14:52

I've heard of those, I think James Wong raves about them occasionally.
I genuinely considered hollowing out a watermelon and packing his whole lunch inside it (in sandwich bags obvs, melony sandwiches would be grim). Imagine Linda's face when DS pitches up with a whole watermelon for lunch. In this imaginary scenario, I've attached a GoPro to DS school jumper so I can actually see her face.

OP posts:
KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 15:02

Standing in the playground and can't help but chuckle while glancing over at Linda the Lunch, oblivious as to what next week has in store for her Grin

OP posts:
Ilovewillow · 05/05/2017 15:08

I'm not sure Linda has any right being a lunchtime supervisor with that attitude! My 8 yr would have been very happy with that lunch and that strawberry!

MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 05/05/2017 15:53

I'm feeling a bit sorry for Linda now. She volunteers to do lunch duty (which is akin to the fifth circle of hell) and chats to the children so she's clearly a good egg.


FuckYouLinda · 05/05/2017 15:55

I think you need to pack strawberry themed lunch accessories - napkins, cutlery, laminated strawberry placemat, coasters that sort of thing.

ILookedintheWater · 05/05/2017 16:02

It can work both ways:
miniature pineapples, giant soft fruit,
tiny sandwiches, giant beef tomato.
Any chance of sourcing a full size babybel instead of a mini babybel?
Does he like cold chicken? Lidl still have some quail in the freezer: tiny teeny chicken.
I may be overplanning on your behalf.

BillyButtfuck · 05/05/2017 16:02

Moving why didn't you wear your giant peach outfit today?

amusedbush · 05/05/2017 16:07

I know you said that giant plums aren't appreciated (hur hur Grin) but look at the plum I had a few weeks ago! It was bigger than my apple Grin


....about the giant strawberry?!
PyongyangKipperbang · 05/05/2017 16:10

Cant you give him one teeny tiny strawberry and when she mentions it train him to say "Its not small, its far away"?

Pinkheart5917 · 05/05/2017 16:21

I've not read the whole thread as well I'm too lazy but that is one impressive strawberry! Envy

1 strawberry at the size is fine with the rest you provided for lunch

KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 16:24

Moving don't feel too sorry for Linda, there are plenty of mums who volunteer in school, myself included, for lunch duty and assorted other things, and she's the only one who is judgey and rude. It's not the first time she's commented on lunchbox contents when it's entirely unwarranted.

OP posts:
KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 16:26

Pyongyang I wanted to train him to say 'the whole of MN says fuck Linda' but not sure how well that would go down.

She's actually not an entirely bad person, but she is one of those volunteers who makes a big deal about volunteering iykwim. She even has it in her Instagram bio....

OP posts:
MovingOnUpMovingOnOut · 05/05/2017 16:50

Oh well in that case teach him to arch a brow and say "fuck you Linda, fuck you right up the bum".


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Tomorrowillbeachicken · 05/05/2017 16:51

I'm tempted to grow these in my garden

MrsChopper · 05/05/2017 17:03

Ah man, now I fancy a giant strawberry dipped in melted chocolate

I wonder what Linda looks like!

flibberdy · 05/05/2017 17:21

Thanks for this thread, it's given me a good laugh this eve Grin
fuck Linda

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