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....about the giant strawberry?!

286 replies

KentMum2008 · 04/05/2017 22:03

Total first world problem I know, and I'm defo more irritated by this than I should be, but...
I got some amazing strawbs from the market, seriously huge and really sweet. I put one in DS lunch box and it filled a whole compartment (one of those sistema lunch cube thingys)
DS comes out of school and says one of the lunchtime supervisors said to him 'what a mean mummy, only giving you one strawberry. You'll have to ask her for more tomorrow' I know the woman in question she's one of the mum's in DDs class so I jokingly said to her 'I hear you think I'm a bit of a meanie' in case DS was making it up.
I shit you not, she said to me 'well that's terribly mean only giving him one strawberry, that's not enough to fill a growing boy' She was deadly serious too.
For reference, the strawb in question is below. Pretty large, and accompanied by a sandwich, a chunk of cucumber, a babybel and a yoghurt. She would have been at his table from the beginning of lunch so she'll have seen what was in there to begin with. They do a cursory sweep for contraband at the beginning of lunch every day.
Was I BU to say to her 'you're not the lunchbox police Linda, save your concern for the kids with a sausage roll and a can of Coke'?
Because her face was Shock, you'd think I'd just slapped her....

....about the giant strawberry?!
OP posts:
Mysty · 05/05/2017 13:08

That's a strawb on 'roids lol ! Size of it!

Awwlookatmybabyspider · 05/05/2017 13:14

Does Linda know how much those strawberries cost. It's about £10 a punnet.
Linda's got too much to fucking say, imo

HemanOrSheRa · 05/05/2017 13:15

I voluntarily go in and help reception classes with phonics on my day off work, I don't get a fucking badge. Who do I write to? The Badge Police.

KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 13:20

Awwwlook I got 4 linnets for £3!

OP posts:
KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 13:21

*punnets. I don't even know what a linnet is.

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AwaywiththePixies27 · 05/05/2017 13:21

I voluntarily go in and help reception classes with phonics on my day off work, I don't get a fucking badge. Who do I write to?

Linda, obviously. Bribe her with some of your giant strawberries! Grin

KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 13:21

Heman I strongly suspect Linda the Lunch is the badge police.

OP posts:
Awwlookatmybabyspider · 05/05/2017 13:21

Where from.? Mang.

Gileswithachainsaw · 05/05/2017 13:22

Loving this thread Grin

Team #fucklinda all the way

KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 13:22

The little Wednesday market in the town I live in!

OP posts:
RitaMills · 05/05/2017 13:23

This thread is proper laugh out loud funny! 😂😂😂😂

crazycrofter · 05/05/2017 13:24

But why did you still have the strawberry after the event?! Or is the picture of an identical strawberry? I'm confused!

KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 13:26

I took the picture before, because it was SO huge, obviously I had to whatsapp it to all friends and family...

OP posts:
HemanOrSheRa · 05/05/2017 13:26

I think you are right mango Grin. Is she Chief Inspector of The Badge Police though? There must a committee or summat that deals with The Handing Out Of Badges.

MyfanwyMontez · 05/05/2017 13:33

Poor Linda- she can't help being a fruit fetishist, lunchbox inquisitor. And she obviously has a bage because she's a very special person . I ask you, where is the Linda Love?

FuckYouLinda · 05/05/2017 13:35

Thanks for the new nickname mangomay Grin

KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 13:46

FuckYouLinda amazing! I'm so honoured

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KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 13:48

HeMan I don't know that she's Chief Inspector, I think she's head of the Badge Distribution Committee, which means I'll never get one.

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KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 13:50

She's definitely not Lord High Inquisitor of the Lunchbox Contents Investigation Dept, although I'm willing to bet she's scrawled that on the bottom of her badge. She's even got a fucking lanyard. I want a lanyard.

OP posts:
MaidenMotherCrone · 05/05/2017 14:08

Op you should have a lanyard with a giant strawberry hanging from it.

Linda can just fuck right off.

NavyandWhite · 05/05/2017 14:10

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 14:11

Fuck me Maiden you're a genius.
I'm actually gonna make myself a laminated giant strawberry on a lanyard. I know for a fact that Linda doesn't have laminating and printing privileges like I do (obvs I need them for phonics resources) so that will really grind her gears. I'll make sure I'm in the staff room Monday when she's just signing in for lunch duty....

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KentMum2008 · 05/05/2017 14:13

And before anyone says anything about wasting school resources, I paid for my own little stash of laminating pouches that the literacy coordinator keeps in a special drawer for me Grin

OP posts:
Booshbeesh · 05/05/2017 14:14

give him one blueberry pls oh pls do this

ILoveDolly · 05/05/2017 14:15

Strawberry Lanyard? Swearing Name Change? Fuck You Linda Grin
This thread has it all

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