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to resent the lack of time I get with my DC?

154 replies

Hoptastic53 · 19/04/2017 22:49

I have three, soon to be four DC. They are 2, 6 and 8. I recently went part time because of childcare difficulties due to DP working unpredictable hours. I was looking forward to having more time with the DC but I still feel like I hardly get any quality time with them.

Yesterday, for example:

7 - I get up, make packed lunches, shower, feed dogs.

7.35 - wake DC, get 2 yo dressed and ready, then begin the battle to persuade school hating 6 yo to get ready.

8.10 - downstairs to breakfast
8.30-9.10 - walk to school and back
9.30-11 - toddler group
11.15 - 12 - food shopping
12.15-1.15 - put shopping away and lunch
1.15 - 1.30 - stories with DD
1.30 - 2.15 - walk DD to sleep while walking dogs
2.15 - 3 - hang washing out, hoover, tidy while DD sleeps in pushchair
3-3.40 - walk to school and back
3.40 - 4 - get kids snacks and unpack bags
4.10 - leave to collect DD from after school club
4.30 - dentist appointments for DCs
5.00 - exercise dogs while DCs play at park
6 - arrive home and Cook tea
6.30 - 7.15 - eat tea and wash up
7.15 - 7.45 - get washing in and put away, get uniforms ready for the next day
7.45 - 8.15 - get all DCs showered
8.15 -8.35 - bedtime stories
9 - all DC asleep

This is typical of a day though 9 was actually an earlier bedtime than usual. So in total I probably had half hour quality time with my two year old during the entire day, and none with the older ones. Yes, I see them more but I'm always busy and never have time to just focus on them like I want to. DP thinks I'm lucky to be part time but actually he probably gets more time with them even though he's full time. Am I really badly organised or do other people find they have little quality time with their DCs?

OP posts:
Annahibiscuits · 21/04/2017 12:54

Also, think it will get easier as your 2 year old gets older. It's an intense time

rollonthesummer · 21/04/2017 13:06

You sound like the sort of person that prefers a quiet life and quality time which is odd for you to then go on and have 4 children and dogs?

I would sack of the clubs and toddler group and get online shopping for a start. The dentist is surely only once or twice a year?!
You have complete control over your days-make then work for you!

deadringer · 21/04/2017 13:22

Forget the 'quality time' bullshit, family time is more important imo, and all the time you are with your dc is family time. What you describe in your op is normal family life. Your kids will remember you being there caring for them and their needs. Yes housework etc has to be done and i agree with pp who say involve the kids as much as possible. As they get older you will have more downtime to enjoy with your children, and without them too if you choose.

Annahibiscuits · 21/04/2017 13:42

You are right deadringer, we have been sold this fantasy of 'quality time' haven't we. What is it supposed to actually be. Most family time, is actually bickering with more than 1 kid Grin

'Me time' is another one

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