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To be worried

511 replies

nobullshitallowed · 22/03/2017 13:19

Sorry I'm posting for traffic, have already started a thread and had barely any replies. Not sure what I'm looking for really, a handhold or people who have been through similar.

Around 6-7 weeks ago, my ds aged 6 suddenly started complaining of hip/joint aches and pains. I put it down to growing pains.

3 weeks ago he went really lethargic, he sleeps 6-6.30 so is having enough sleep. His teachers started commenting that he was tired in school, told he has gone from a really happy active boy to quite irritable.

Managed to get him into the doctors, who checked him over, went through quite a lot with him. He's now urgently requested that he have full bloods done. And referred him urgently to a children's hospital.

He then told asked me what I thought they would be testing for, I have been googling and each time it comes up with leukaemia Sad. So I told asked my doctor that. He said that was a big worry and it's why he is referring him so quickly. He said the way my son has explained the pain and pointed it out it rules out other causes.

He's at hospital next Thursday, and I'm bloody terrified. Feel awful for not taking it seriously at first. I honestly just thought growing pains.

My other ds 3 is diagnosed epileptic, I'm petrified for what's to come for ds 6 now Sad

Would be grateful for anyone who has been through similar to reply.

Thanks for reading sorry if it's all mumbled I just feel so numb and not really explaining myself properly.

OP posts:
BarbarianMum · 23/03/2017 21:13

They will test for leukaemia first because it is the most serious thing this could be. That doesn't mean that it is the most likely. Flowers

theworriedone · 23/03/2017 21:28

Another hand here OP

PiesDescalzos · 23/03/2017 21:34

Thinking of you op. Well done for getting through today. What a brave boy you have. So hope you get results back and all turns out to be okay Flowers

Dairymilkmuncher · 23/03/2017 21:48

Thinking of you OP Flowers and your wee boy, hoping he's better soon and these tests come back not serious. So glad your husbands back tomorrow in the meantime look after yourself

MOISTOWLETT · 23/03/2017 21:55

Just another hand hold here! Thinking of you and your family Flowers xx

wassher · 23/03/2017 22:05

Best wishes for the results Flowers

BellMcEnd · 23/03/2017 22:13

Very very best wishes for tomorrow, nobull Brew

Specialagentblond · 23/03/2017 22:14

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you all, hang in there, you are doing amazingly.

zukiecat · 23/03/2017 22:39

Sending all my best wishes to you OP

Hope the news is good tomorrow

Blessed Be


MrsGosling71 · 23/03/2017 22:52

Best wishes and good luck for the results xx

Mcchickenbb41 · 23/03/2017 23:09

Hi op just wanted to say been thinking about you today and your ds of course. You are not a terrible mum at all ! Honestly my dd is always complaining about some pain or other at the moment her boobs ache ( she hasn't got any ). If I took her to the drs every time we'd be better of moving in. Your not alone. Sounds like a lot of mumnetters are routing for you xxxxxxxx Flowers

blahblahblah2000 · 23/03/2017 23:42

Good luck Xx

nobullshitallowed · 24/03/2017 08:23

Still no newsSad

Going to give them until 10 I think, ds wants to go to school, going to let him go. Surely the results would be in by now? This wait is killing me.

OP posts:
theworriedone · 24/03/2017 09:11

Still thinking of you today OP. I'm at hospital today with my DS (chemo) but I'll try and come on and check for an update later x

PM if you'd like a chat x

Mcchickenbb41 · 24/03/2017 09:16

Following with everything crossed xxxx worried oneFlowers* xx*

RentANDBills · 24/03/2017 09:17

Thinking of you, OP. Flowers

Devilishpyjamas · 24/03/2017 09:20

Don't torture yourself - if you have a number to ring for the results do it as soon as you feel able.

CoffeeandChocolateplease · 24/03/2017 09:31

Thinking of you Flowers I hope you have some news soon.

AllThatIsGoldDoesNotGlitter · 24/03/2017 09:43

Hi OP. I'm a GP in Liverpool so I know how the system works! Alder Hey use their own lab which is separate from the GP ordering system. I can look up results from the Royal or Aintree via my GP computer system, but not Alder Hey. So the lab will send a copy of the results to your GP surgery. This can take a few days so I wouldn't assume that a routine blood result would be with your GP the following morning. If the result were very abnormal then the lab would normally ring the GP surgery as soon as they saw it, which would happen quickly. So no news is good news. Your GP probably doesn't have the results yet, but you could always ring the surgery and ask to speak to the secretaries, who might be able to chase it up.

ohfourfoxache · 24/03/2017 09:49

Wow Gold, is there anything that MN doesn't know Grin

GP as a first step sounds really sensible Thanks

basher77 · 24/03/2017 09:58
Enidblyton1 · 24/03/2017 10:09

Sending you lots of positive thoughts Flowers


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Witchend · 24/03/2017 10:09

No news is good news OP.

Because if they had found something they would be on the phone that instant. That was what I was told when Ds was being tested for similar. They tested the most likely, and worst cases first, and then moved to less likely and less urgent. The longer it went, almost certainly the better the result.

For ds it was 5 or 6 days before they phoned and then they gave me the only positive result they had-he was majorly allergic to Dust Mites, which clearly was not the reason behind his fatigue/temperatures/sickness.

So then they were let with the conclusion that it was probably a post-viral thing, and he was just beginning to show signs of improvement, so we didn't need to investigate further.

ineedwine99 · 24/03/2017 10:13

Wishing all of you all the best Flowers

TheHobbitMum · 24/03/2017 10:21

Another hand hold OP, no news is good news xx

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