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To be worried

511 replies

nobullshitallowed · 22/03/2017 13:19

Sorry I'm posting for traffic, have already started a thread and had barely any replies. Not sure what I'm looking for really, a handhold or people who have been through similar.

Around 6-7 weeks ago, my ds aged 6 suddenly started complaining of hip/joint aches and pains. I put it down to growing pains.

3 weeks ago he went really lethargic, he sleeps 6-6.30 so is having enough sleep. His teachers started commenting that he was tired in school, told he has gone from a really happy active boy to quite irritable.

Managed to get him into the doctors, who checked him over, went through quite a lot with him. He's now urgently requested that he have full bloods done. And referred him urgently to a children's hospital.

He then told asked me what I thought they would be testing for, I have been googling and each time it comes up with leukaemia Sad. So I told asked my doctor that. He said that was a big worry and it's why he is referring him so quickly. He said the way my son has explained the pain and pointed it out it rules out other causes.

He's at hospital next Thursday, and I'm bloody terrified. Feel awful for not taking it seriously at first. I honestly just thought growing pains.

My other ds 3 is diagnosed epileptic, I'm petrified for what's to come for ds 6 now Sad

Would be grateful for anyone who has been through similar to reply.

Thanks for reading sorry if it's all mumbled I just feel so numb and not really explaining myself properly.

OP posts:
teaandakitkat · 23/03/2017 18:52

Another hand holder.

I have experience of childhood leukaemia. It's not good, but it's not a death sentence either.

Hope you get results quickly x

Nospringflower · 23/03/2017 18:58

Hope you don't have too long to wait and that the results are good Flowers

nobullshitallowed · 23/03/2017 19:15

Does anyone know how long results generally take? I should have asked but completely forgot too.

I'm a bit worried they will wait until tomorrow if they come back tonight, as they know dh is home tomorrow. Would they do that?

Ds was really really brave, I'm so proud of him. He's grown a huge fear of needles from seeing his brother having them quite a lot. So this was a big thing for him. Xx

OP posts:
Mrsemcgregor · 23/03/2017 19:18

Thinking of you and your little one OP. I hope you get the results really soon, waiting must be torture for you Flowers

2017SoFarSoGood · 23/03/2017 19:32

Another hand holder here, NoBullshitAllowed

Whatever it is, you sound like a great mum who has done all the right things so far, and will continue to do so. Waiting is horrible. Especially when you have nobody there with you to distract you. Perhaps some crappy mindless tv show (once little guy is in bed) will help a little?


OpalIridescence · 23/03/2017 19:33

Must be so hard OP, you have done nothing wrong and everything right so please don't give yourself any trouble.

Well done to your son for coping with the needle, it's scary!

Hope you have results very soon and they put your mind at rest x

nobullshitallowed · 23/03/2017 19:37

My 4 month old dd is keeping me occupied, boys are in bed fast asleep. Going to finish my glossing when she's in bed, will keep me going x

OP posts:
PerpendicularVincent · 23/03/2017 19:37

Another one offering a handhold OP and hoping for the best Flowers

Iamthedogsmother · 23/03/2017 20:25

Thinking of you OP.

Fitzsimmons · 23/03/2017 20:30

Gosh this must be such a weight on your mind. Thinking of you Flowers

Liverbird77 · 23/03/2017 20:32

Thinking of you.

hesterton · 23/03/2017 20:38

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

nobullshitallowed · 23/03/2017 20:39

You are all so bloody amazing. I know I keep saying it but thanks so much for taking the time to read and reply. It really does mean a lot xx

OP posts:
justcurious40 · 23/03/2017 20:44

Another hand hold for you. Hope you will get some good news tomorrow. x

Writerwannabe83 · 23/03/2017 20:45

Hi OP,

I'm a Paediatric nurse and within my 13 years in the profession I have seen many children present with bone pain and lethargy and yes, in some cases it isn't good news but in other cases there are completely innocent causes.

You are absolutely not a bad parent, please don't ever feel that or feel guilty, all that matters is that your son is now being attended to.

I hope you get good news tomorrow Flowers

DaisyBlameless · 23/03/2017 20:49

Good luck tomorrow

sailawaywithme · 23/03/2017 20:50

The waiting is the hardest part. Hang in there.

newventurermum · 23/03/2017 20:55

big hug FlowersFlowersFlowers

BroomHandledMouser · 23/03/2017 20:56

DD went through a similar thing over Xmas.

She had tiredness, aches and pains, a huge lymph in her neck, random temps, night sweats that sort of thing.

She also had bloods done which came back abnormal. I freaked out thinking the worst.

Turns out she had a form of asthma. The air wasn't getting to her properly/causing her to get tired and achey/causing her to sweat/causing her to cough there for making her results abnormal.

I wasn't expecting that at all, so perhaps it might be a similar senario?


bunnylove99 · 23/03/2017 20:58

Thinking of you OP. Try and get an early night tonight and some rest. Flowers

ColourfulOrangex · 23/03/2017 21:00

Hope everything turns out Oki OP Flowers

Yeeyeelovesraaraa · 23/03/2017 21:03

Thinking of you op & here to hold your hand.Flowers


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Kittykatclaws · 23/03/2017 21:07

Another here to hand hold!

I'm sending many positive vibes your way that it's good news, I know waiting is horrible the hours seem to drag so it's good you've got something to take your mind off things.

And we are all here to offer support when you need it! Flowers

Oysterbabe · 23/03/2017 21:07

Crossing my fingers for you. Flowers

Tigerstar123 · 23/03/2017 21:11

Just wanted to add my support too and really hoping all OK xxx

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