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To be worried

511 replies

nobullshitallowed · 22/03/2017 13:19

Sorry I'm posting for traffic, have already started a thread and had barely any replies. Not sure what I'm looking for really, a handhold or people who have been through similar.

Around 6-7 weeks ago, my ds aged 6 suddenly started complaining of hip/joint aches and pains. I put it down to growing pains.

3 weeks ago he went really lethargic, he sleeps 6-6.30 so is having enough sleep. His teachers started commenting that he was tired in school, told he has gone from a really happy active boy to quite irritable.

Managed to get him into the doctors, who checked him over, went through quite a lot with him. He's now urgently requested that he have full bloods done. And referred him urgently to a children's hospital.

He then told asked me what I thought they would be testing for, I have been googling and each time it comes up with leukaemia Sad. So I told asked my doctor that. He said that was a big worry and it's why he is referring him so quickly. He said the way my son has explained the pain and pointed it out it rules out other causes.

He's at hospital next Thursday, and I'm bloody terrified. Feel awful for not taking it seriously at first. I honestly just thought growing pains.

My other ds 3 is diagnosed epileptic, I'm petrified for what's to come for ds 6 now Sad

Would be grateful for anyone who has been through similar to reply.

Thanks for reading sorry if it's all mumbled I just feel so numb and not really explaining myself properly.

OP posts:
ImperialBlether · 22/03/2017 14:41

If you're near Alder Hey you're in the best place. I really hope all the tests come back negative.


FacelikeaBagofHammers · 22/03/2017 14:41

Keeping fingers and toes crossed.

There are a hundred other, less serious things it could be. Google is HORRENDOUS. Just try keep sane until tomorrow, one step at a time.

Thinking of you.

Iamthedogsmother · 22/03/2017 14:46

Thinking of you OP. Fingers crossed for good news Flowers

Graphista · 22/03/2017 14:48

TOTALLY understandable that you're very worried.

But as pp have said

A - it may not be leukaemia

a dr on another thread (totally different subject) said that the most common and the most serious cause of symptoms is what they aim to rule out first.

B even IF it is

i sounds like you may well have caught it early which is always a help.

ii sounds like you have a great assertive gp advocating for your child

iii treatment IS very effective now and full recovery rates are really good.

Flowers for you Cake (chocolate?) for your boy.

peachgreen · 22/03/2017 14:49

Will be thinking of you, OP.

Holdbacktheriver · 22/03/2017 14:50

Another one here offering a hand hold Flowers

Hope you get some answers soon op. Glad to see your gp has managed to sort bloods for tomorrow now, sorry I don't have any advice.

ohfourfoxache · 22/03/2017 14:52

Keeping everything crossed for you Thanks

In the nicest possible way, please try not to worry (I know, that sounds ridiculous) but maybe the Drs want to rule it out in the first instance rather than expecting confirmation that that is what is wrong?

Also, Google is absolutely wonderful- but not for things like this. Step away completely- talk to us instead.

Have you got any RL support?

Datingbarb · 22/03/2017 14:56

Just before Xmas my dd developed a limp and pain in her hip, along with tidiness, temp, generally just under the weather, she was sent for x-rays, bloods, MRI etc, it lasted about 8 weeks

Turns out it was actually a result of falling off her bike 5 weeks previous, she basically damaged the muscle that then ceased up

Hip pain/limp can develop from just general illness and if your dd is poorly it may just be down to that.

Personally I would get seen straight away for bloods if nothing else just to ease your mind

Datingbarb · 22/03/2017 14:58

Sorry I would go straight to A&E I did with my dd after a few weeks of just getting nowhere at doctors, they done the bloods there and then and results were back within a hour or two

They want to rule out things like septic arthritis etc along with things like lukemeia

nobullshitallowed · 22/03/2017 15:01

Thanks so much for all replies.

I'm probably feeling worse because I don't have RL help. My husband works away and I don't have any family.

I promise I've not been back on google, to be honest when it came up when I searched I shrugged it off as a load of nonsense.

Need to nip out and pick up his numbing cream.

I'm really grateful for all the comments, Thankyou so much x

OP posts:
Whirltime · 22/03/2017 15:01

I don't have anything good to add just wanted to offer support really hope it turns out for the good Flowers

Calyx72 · 22/03/2017 15:05

Flowers hand holding and sending good vibes. Good job getting the wee one seen and best of luck, will be thinking of you

morningconstitutional2017 · 22/03/2017 15:18

You must be very worried but do rest assured that it's highly likely that if the diagnosis is very serious the NHS will pull out all the stops for your son. Flowers

NootNoot · 22/03/2017 15:18

Big hugs. I hope it's all ok. Its is VERY treatable xx

PiesDescalzos · 22/03/2017 19:21

I'm so sorry you don't have rl help during this time nobull. Are you able to call or text your partner regularly? You will certainly have support here, you're not alone, not really. We all hope this turns out to be something else less serious. Will be thinking of you. Try as best you can to shut your mind off and sleep tonight.

ohfourfoxache · 22/03/2017 22:23

Oh bloody hell, no RL support makes things even harder for you Sad

Lean on us - we're all here for you xx

Pinotwoman82 · 22/03/2017 22:31

Hope all goes well tomorrow xx

PovertyJetset · 22/03/2017 22:35

Childhood luekiemia is obviously very bad but also very treatable. Chin up Flowers

zukiecat · 22/03/2017 22:43

Sending you Love and Light

I haven't really got anything I can say other than I hope everything goes well, And a hand hold


MrsTwix · 22/03/2017 22:43

Flowers and either Brew or Gin too.

QueenArseClangers · 22/03/2017 23:17

Flowers I'll be thinking about you and your boy tomorrow OP.

PointlessUsername · 22/03/2017 23:20

Hope it goes well with ds tomorrow. Flowers


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Witchend · 22/03/2017 23:27

Ds was like that last year. He wasn't getting through a full day of school, I was picking him.up at lunch time and he was sleeping in the way home-and those were the good days.
He was fast tracked in for bloods and they clearly thought the same.

Nothing came of it. He gradually got better, and although he still seems to pick up bugs easily and is still not as energetic as he was before, he is a normal happy 9yo, who you wouldn't pick out from his friends.
We think it was probably just a post viral thing that lingered. The only thing the bloods found was that he's very badly allergic to magic cream and dust mites.

Haudyerwheesht · 22/03/2017 23:31

I hope he's ok. The doctor will want to rule out anything urgent and serious as a first port of call - hopefully that's what will happen.

Best of luck

NeverTwerkNaked · 22/03/2017 23:33

Well done for getting him seen; it's understandable you will be worried until you have answers

A friend's little girl was diagnosed with leukaemia a couple of years ago, she was very poorly for a while but is bouncing around now.

I get the thing about no family help nearby, it makes everything more stressful, but in a similarish situation I was amazed how many people went massively out of their way to help

Fingers crossed you don't have to wait too long for the results

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