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AIBU? see what your (master) bedroom looks like?

550 replies

HariboFrenzy · 01/02/2017 20:20

I can vaguely remember similar threads but have done a search and can't find a bedroom one. We are swapping rooms in our upstairs to even out the other 2 rooms so moving from front to back of house. Just being nosy looking for inspiration if anyone is willing to post? I can post our current one once DS is asleep Smile

OP posts:
zukiecat · 02/02/2017 17:30

I would post a pic, I'm not ashamed or embarrassed but I don't know how to do it from my phone

BertieBotts · 02/02/2017 17:38


Zukie there should be a little paperclip thingy under where you write the post.

Mcchickenbb41 · 02/02/2017 17:42

I have serious bedroom envy. Mines not horrible. I fact it used to be beautiful however it has been used as a dumping ground for years especially as we have been constantly decorating. Think we will do ours later in the year fingers crossed

Eolian · 02/02/2017 17:44

Thanks zukiecat ! We are going to change it around a bit and put some fitted cupboards in to use the space better, but I like the fact it's got beams and sloping ceilings even though it was only built in 1999! And the carpet really is skanky but you probably can't tell from the photo!

FeliciaJollygoodfellow · 02/02/2017 17:49

2017Better - it is, but mine's from Sainsbury's! Grin

So many of you have so much space. I'm hugely jealous. My room is quite tidy at the moment as I cleared a full cars worth of shite from under the bed which I then replaced with more shite and I also repainted so fingerprints the other day Grin

Rulex we have those same Pax wardrobes from ikea!

FeliciaJollygoodfellow · 02/02/2017 17:52

There's something to be said for a nice room. I hated it before I decorated, we'd lived here for five years before ours got touched. I do love it now, I do wish I was more naturally tidy though!

Our carpets are minging and I want them replaced but the thought of having to move all those cabinets is enough to bring me out in a cold sweat....

ClaudiaNaughton · 02/02/2017 17:55

madbengalmum are your wardrobe handles from uk? Look great.

zukiecat · 02/02/2017 18:00

Ok, everyone, here you go! see what your (master) bedroom looks like?
Blatherskite · 02/02/2017 18:01

We've just moved and are about to decorate our new room. Place marking for inspiration :)

zukiecat · 02/02/2017 18:02

The wall without the paper! The toys are old ones belonging to DC

I have to sort through them but I have awful sentimental attachments to things! see what your (master) bedroom looks like?
zukiecat · 02/02/2017 18:03

Thankyou BertieBotts

I never realised that was for taking photos Smile

RhinestoneCowgirl · 02/02/2017 18:07

This was me taking pictures last Autumn to remind me that it looks nice when it's tidy, in an attempt to encourage me to tidy more often Grin see what your (master) bedroom looks like? see what your (master) bedroom looks like?
uncoolnn · 02/02/2017 18:09

Good god I can't possibly post a picture of mine now with all these beautiful rooms Blush

MortifiedinAsda · 02/02/2017 18:11

This is mine, we moved here in September and it's my favourite room ever. These photos are from Chrismas ( complete with a mini Christmas tree on the coffee table ) no wardrobes as have a separate dressing room. see what your (master) bedroom looks like? see what your (master) bedroom looks like? see what your (master) bedroom looks like?
Madbengalmum · 02/02/2017 18:18

Thankyou Claudia, yes they are made in the uk. I always think handles make a massive difference to things.

Eolian · 02/02/2017 18:34

zukiecat - dd is jealous of the colour of your walls! We're about to decorate her bedroom, so she'll be trying to persuade me...

Arsenicinthesugarbowl · 02/02/2017 18:47

Wow! Some amazing bedrooms. I'm moving shortly and aspire to a bedroom like cathy, madbengal and mortified. The reality is more like the room Count Olaf put the Baudelaire children in! But it will be great when it's done Grin

zukiecat · 02/02/2017 18:52

I only chose that colour Eolian because someone gave me lilac and silver wallpaper!

I did find it a calming colour, but now I can't decide between ice green or a much warmer colour like red

MortifiedinAsda · 02/02/2017 18:54

Arsenic I love the Count Olaf mansion! It just needs a little 'ahem' work.

zukiecat · 02/02/2017 18:55

I also have dreams of a vintage Cath Kidston type decor though

The room is tiny, so would only need two rolls of paper, I'll just paint the other walls

Off to google wallpaper now Smile

Ellewoods1 · 02/02/2017 19:01

Most of these rooms look huge, mine is tiny! see what your (master) bedroom looks like? see what your (master) bedroom looks like?
trixymalixy · 02/02/2017 19:04

@nikaKaKa they are the Hana range from habitat, from about 10 years ago. They still sell some of it, but not in the dark colour anymore.


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dudsville · 02/02/2017 19:18

I have enjoyed this thread. I can't post my pic as would out me but I love seeing others don't something similar to me. We only have a bed and a table for the tea tray in our room. It's just for sleeping. Super king. Heaven.

MissMrsMsXX · 02/02/2017 19:21

Jesus. Do people iron their duvets???

ivykaty44 · 02/02/2017 19:28

If yes, sod the clothes as I love the feel of a high thread count ironed duvet, it's my luxury

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