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AIBU? see what your (master) bedroom looks like?

550 replies

HariboFrenzy · 01/02/2017 20:20

I can vaguely remember similar threads but have done a search and can't find a bedroom one. We are swapping rooms in our upstairs to even out the other 2 rooms so moving from front to back of house. Just being nosy looking for inspiration if anyone is willing to post? I can post our current one once DS is asleep Smile

OP posts:
Crumbs1 · 02/02/2017 19:29

Our bedroom is/was central to family life. Luckily cleaners had been today! see what your (master) bedroom looks like?
AndShesGone · 02/02/2017 19:30

no wardrobes as have a separate dressing room

Just fuck off!!! GrinGrinGrin

Disclaimer: please note the 'fuck off' is lighthearted and I do not wish you to fuck off, indeed if you were my friend I would be light heartedly punching you on the arm while secretly being what the kids call 'well jel'.

Autumnchill · 02/02/2017 19:32

Master bedroom still needs doing as it's in the new extension but here's my guest room which I love so much I move in every now and then when husband is away see what your (master) bedroom looks like?
LumelaMme · 02/02/2017 19:33

GinAndOnit, it would be criminal to paint the chest of drawers half of the linen press: it's stunning as it is: mahogany?

Our bedroom his a bit of a tip, but some of the ones on here are just gorgeous.

GinAndOnIt · 02/02/2017 19:41

Lumela when MIL gave it to us, she asked what colour I would paint it. I said I wouldn't be doing any such thing because it would lose its history, and she thought I was nuts! But, 6 months on, it's just so dark.

I am going to change the bed to something not dark wood, and take the top half of dresser off, and hopefully that will brighten up the room enough. Aside from anything else, I really can't be bothered to paint it!

We also have a half moon table which is dark wood, and it would look odd in the room to be the only dark wood thing, I think.

MortifiedinAsda · 02/02/2017 19:49

AndShesGone i shall take that fuck off lightheartedly Grin as my last bedroom was too small for anything but a small double so i am feeling very lucky.

Crumbs1 what a beautiful room! I am looking for a similar light fitting for my bedroom.

Autumnchill that colour is just gorgeous - it looks so relaxing in there.

LumelaMme · 02/02/2017 19:49

DD would sympathise with you, Gin: She has something similar in her room and is always muttering about 'gloomy' and 'takes up space' and related complaints.

GinAndOnIt · 02/02/2017 19:52

DP was adamant we wouldn't be having it here, but I just love it! I think our house is just not quite grand enough for it. I think I'll go through the seasons again though with it as is, because I'm sure it didn't feel so gloomy before. The weather being gloomy has made the whole house feel the same!

IMissGin · 02/02/2017 19:54

Not the best pics but here you go... see what your (master) bedroom looks like? see what your (master) bedroom looks like? see what your (master) bedroom looks like?
hmcAsWas · 02/02/2017 19:56

Great thread - who needs to buy Ideal Home magazine with all these options. We need a thread for sitting rooms next

hmcAsWas · 02/02/2017 19:56

(If someone has already said that I apologise - have not read the thread, just viewed the photos!)

stayathomegardener · 02/02/2017 20:06

Love the pictures, great inspiration.
Place marking to post pictures of unfinished bedroom tomorrow.

loobylou10 · 02/02/2017 20:06

Love these bedrooms. Here's mine. see what your (master) bedroom looks like? see what your (master) bedroom looks like?
Endmoor1405 · 02/02/2017 20:06

You are all sickening!! Our bedroom looks half done, half bare plaster and horrible yellow built in wardrobes (I'd love to say they were once white gloss and have yellowed but I'm afraid that someone actually painted them that colour... They looked smoked!!)

I'm attaching photo of ours at Christmas (in case the Christmas bedding doesn't give it away!). You can't see the dressing room part where I stood to take the photo (ran out of time to paint before Christmas!!), nor the huge pile of clothing/washing/general crap that now lives on the dressing table! see what your (master) bedroom looks like?
siscaza · 02/02/2017 20:07

Mines very ordinary but very restful Smile see what your (master) bedroom looks like?
McMumface · 02/02/2017 20:08

This is mine,can you tell I'm a Laura Ashley fan too?!I just love it as it's cosy in the Winter but bright in the lighter months...although I'm a serial decorator(been told that I don't dust,I re-decorate!),so it may change at any time..HmmI am currently in the throws of living room designs as our double integral garage is being made into a living room-excited is not the word! see what your (master) bedroom looks like?
Mrspotatohead18 · 02/02/2017 20:09

Aw I love this thread 😁

LC01 · 02/02/2017 20:14

Here's mine. see what your (master) bedroom looks like?
Thisrabbitthatrabbit · 02/02/2017 20:16

Crumbs Shock

LookMaAStone · 02/02/2017 20:17

Crumbs yours looks like a hotel room. Even with the nicely placed magazine!

Klaphat · 02/02/2017 20:28

Crumbs yours looks like a hotel room. Even with the nicely placed magazine!

Google image search turns up an awful lot of hits relating to Hotel Vernet, Paris.

Crumbs1 · 02/02/2017 20:33

Hotel Verne? Sorry we always use a friends apartment on Rue du Bac when in Paris. Now they do have nice rooms.


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Proseccohoho · 02/02/2017 20:40

Oh, KathyandClare, your bedroom looks so incredibly beautiful and comforting. I want to buy your whole house! Smile

Autumnchill · 02/02/2017 20:44

Thank you Mortified. It's a F&B colour and as soon as I saw it, knew it was right. Different angle photos. Fitted wardrobes are white with walnut surround and walnut floorboards see what your (master) bedroom looks like? see what your (master) bedroom looks like?
Klaphat · 02/02/2017 20:45

Hotel Verne? Sorry we always use a friends apartment on Rue du Bac when in Paris.

Sure you do.

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