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People smoking outside in public

214 replies

Mimicat44 · 16/12/2016 17:49

I had to go into town today for an appointment (normally try to avoid it at this time of year) with dd in her buggy. Even though it was only a ten minute walk from where we parked, we had to walk through/around four separate groups of people smoking. No way to avoid breathing in the smoke. I don't think I'm being particularly PFB as it would have pissed me off if I'd been alone but it was infuriating thinking of dd having to breathe it. At one point we got stuck walking behind someone who was smoking with no way to overtake. AIBU to wish that they would ban smoking in the street/outside public spaces? Why does their right to smoke trump our right to not breathe poisoned air? If they want to carry on, fine, they can stink up their own houses, tar up their own lungs and clean up their own fag butts!

OP posts:
WeDoNotSow · 16/12/2016 22:08

Yes, Crap dog owners are the worst.
I'd much rather my kids walked past someone having a quick fag than stepped in dog shit because the arsehole owner can't be bothered with a pooper scooper!

Salmotrutta · 16/12/2016 22:17

I love a smoking thread I do.

So, OP - how would you divvy up the £10,000,000,000 (that's £10 billion) pounds of tobacco tax then?

Well, actually it's £10 billion minus £3 billion if you take into account what smokers cost the NHS so what would you like the £7 billion pounds that smokers generate to be spent on?

Actually, don't bother, I don't care what a prissy self righteous twat thinks.

Do you get many nose bleeds up there on the high moral ground?
Bluntness100 · 16/12/2016 22:25

God, is this the same hysterical op as in the last thread?

Gotta love an obsessive snowflake, sigh,

Tezza1 · 17/12/2016 01:07

Think I might go have a quick fag.....
I had to stop smoking three years ago before a major op, and didn't start again because smoking exacerbates my illness. Gee, I enjoyed smoking, and have put on a ton of weight since I stopped - guess you can say I've found other things, like chocolate, with which to occupy my hands.

Reading posts like these make me realise how much I miss it. Heavens, I'd love a cigarette (or thirty) at this very moment. I still am not game to watch the episode of "Frasier" where Bebe describes the pleasures of smoking - and has half the household later sneaking one - for fear I'd be out in my car and at the shops before the episode has finished.

WanderingNotLost · 17/12/2016 01:28

Haha OP, you're me 2 or 3 days ago... I had this exact same thread going!

WanderingNotLost · 17/12/2016 01:29

And Bluntness please stop calling me hysterical. Nothing hysterical about not wanting to breathe in other people's smoke

HeadElf · 17/12/2016 01:31

I've got de ja fucking vu

HeadElf · 17/12/2016 01:32
PenguinsandPebbles · 17/12/2016 01:45

In outside areas it is smelly at worse. It's not pleasant but nobody is blowing it directly in your mouth. It's winter if your outside then yes you may see people smoking but your not exposed to it on planes, in cinemas, pubs, trains etc etc yes it's annoying walking past it, through it but it's still legal and I'd rather walk past a smoker than a very drunk person any day of the week.

On my way home this evening, I walked past a fair few groups of smokers puffing away and didn't feel uneasy at all but I was yelled at by drunk people.

DP is severely asthmatic and I've never known him to collapse due to the smell of cigarette smoke.

What really annoyed me about the other thread was that not only smokers were an issue people who vape are now also the devil reincarnated (people trying really hard not to smoke anymore)

Whizbang · 17/12/2016 02:08

Chill out OP, you'll do yourself a mischief with all your anger.

Live and let live....

whogrewoutoftheterribletwos · 17/12/2016 02:15

salmon - where are your figures from? The last ones I was able to get were that it was £12bn in taxes (direct tobacco tax + VAT) with £6bn spent on treating smoking related diseases. Chuck in the fact that smokers die younger, and the biggest welfare spending in the UK is on pensions and related old age benefits (>40%), smokers are valuble contributers to society. Probably even helped subsidise the delivery of your darling little one, op.

So I'll keep on smoking. Just doing my bit for the country

Starypjs · 17/12/2016 06:33

I'd be more worried by the people who fart in elevators.

Munstermonchgirl · 17/12/2016 06:48

Embrace it OP. I love walking past smokers. It provides just the right nostalgic whiff of '1970s behind the bike sheds', whilst knowing it's someone else taking the hit for you...
The majority of us don't wish to voluntarily pour extra taxes into the government coffers, while at the same time statistically knocking several years off our own life. The mugs are doing us a favour really!

RachelRagged · 17/12/2016 16:15

I hate smokers.

Perhaps they hate you as well .
How precious.

RachelRagged · 17/12/2016 16:16

None of you would have coped in the 70s , , We however survived.

This hysteria is mad,

CheeseCakeSunflowers · 17/12/2016 16:26

Munstermonchgirl I agree, for me the smell of stale smoke is a memory of nights out at the disco when I was a teenager. Smile

OfaFrenchmind2 · 17/12/2016 16:50

The smoker corner is the best gossip place. And in my company, this is the best place to see complete erasure of any hierarchy for 15mn. You share your lighter and banter with both the CFO and the intern, or with the mid level analyst... it may be unhealthy, but great for a stress reliever, and have some social interaction with someone you do not work directly with. Us pariahs stick together I guess!

DanyellasDonkey · 17/12/2016 17:00

We have a lovely hotel near us that we like to go to for a special meal. However if we go on a Saturday night, we have to fight our way through entire wedding parties (brides included) standing smoking at the front door,

Not a good start to a special occasions Hmm

SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 17/12/2016 17:06

I think it is pretty horrible to insinuate that the non-smokers are boring, and no fun to talk to.

OfaFrenchmind2 · 17/12/2016 17:10

I do not see that anywhere SDT

corythatwas · 17/12/2016 17:19

2 asthmatic family members, and I used to get quite ill with breathing indoors cigarette smoke, but this is really taking preciousness to a new degree.

EverythingEverywhere1234 · 17/12/2016 17:32

Not brides included Danyella ?! Horrifying unladylike behaviour. I do hope you tutted most firmly at her just to ensure she didn't miss your bosom hoicking??


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Munstermonchgirl · 17/12/2016 17:35

Don't sweat it SDT- us non smokers are pretty good on gossip too Smile

Gowgirl · 17/12/2016 17:43

I had 20 embassy in my garterGrin

EverythingEverywhere1234 · 17/12/2016 17:46

Gowgirl simply appalling. What might people have thought?! 😱

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