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People smoking outside in public

214 replies

Mimicat44 · 16/12/2016 17:49

I had to go into town today for an appointment (normally try to avoid it at this time of year) with dd in her buggy. Even though it was only a ten minute walk from where we parked, we had to walk through/around four separate groups of people smoking. No way to avoid breathing in the smoke. I don't think I'm being particularly PFB as it would have pissed me off if I'd been alone but it was infuriating thinking of dd having to breathe it. At one point we got stuck walking behind someone who was smoking with no way to overtake. AIBU to wish that they would ban smoking in the street/outside public spaces? Why does their right to smoke trump our right to not breathe poisoned air? If they want to carry on, fine, they can stink up their own houses, tar up their own lungs and clean up their own fag butts!

OP posts:
Bekksy · 16/12/2016 18:23

Oh for gods sake. Get a grip. Please!

I am not a smoker but really this is fucking ridiculous. Leave them alone.

Showgirl109 · 16/12/2016 18:23

YANBU I hate this. I'm an ex smoker and now the smell makes me want to gag (so I get it I'm worse than the non smokers) walking down the street yesterday and outside every shop for 100 yards there was a smoker. I was really shocked, If your waiting for a bus you have smoke blown in your face, as you go in and out of every shop. I actually smelt like I had smoked a pack by the time I got home. I know it's a free space and legal but that doesn't make it pleasant for everyone else.

Showgirl109 · 16/12/2016 18:25

Lots of people have all sorts of horrible habits, why should everyone else have to accept them in public?

Mimicat44 · 16/12/2016 18:26

I guess being addicted to something makes you really fucking selfish about doing it even if it pisses off or harms others

OP posts:
Mimicat44 · 16/12/2016 18:26

Oh and by the way, you stink a lot more than you think you do Grin

OP posts:
RebelRogue · 16/12/2016 18:26

Well cigarettes are very useful in keeping me (relatively) sane and happy so YABU Grin

gamerchick · 16/12/2016 18:27

Says the person pushing her child in a buggy at car exhaust height. Ok then.

waves at Gowgirl Grin

EverythingEverywhere1234 · 16/12/2016 18:27

Why are you even on aibu? I think you've missed the point of it somewhat.

Gowgirl · 16/12/2016 18:28

Did you mean to be so rudeHmm

Mimicat44 · 16/12/2016 18:29

As I already said gamerchick, cars are useful/essential, cigarettes are pointless

OP posts:
ElfontheShelfIsWATCHINGYOUTOO · 16/12/2016 18:29

Mimi as ex smoker who occasionally partakes I do feel your pain, but you can walk away, walk through etc.

Not so when they smoke outside their home and your home is next door, in summer, different story and no where to walk or escape too. Be thankful you can escape it and pray you dont get smokers living next to you.

Gowgirl · 16/12/2016 18:29

Hi gamer! Its bash the smokers time againWine

RebelRogue · 16/12/2016 18:30

They must be jealous GrinGrin

Mimicat44 · 16/12/2016 18:31

Everything - are you talking to me? because in my OP I said AIBU to wish that it was banned in public spaces. That is the point of AIBU is it not? Some people think IABU some people think I am a NBU.

OP posts:
Gowgirl · 16/12/2016 18:31

Think I might go have a quick fag.....

gamerchick · 16/12/2016 18:31

I know, it gets me right in the feels happy sigh Grin

Largemelons · 16/12/2016 18:32

I miss cigarettes.
Sometimes I find it mildly annoying if I'm in a cloud of it and some smokers are inconsiderate knobs. But they've banned it from everywhere and made people feel like social outcasts for daring to light up even in public.
They'll die out eventually Wink

RebelRogue · 16/12/2016 18:32

Gowgirl.. i'll join u

EverythingEverywhere1234 · 16/12/2016 18:33

Yes I am, although I thought that was clear. Well, quite, I can read too but why ask when you are so positively sure you are right and everyone who disagrees is talking out of their arse?

BadKnee · 16/12/2016 18:34

Really???? Grow up OP - Of course you never drive, or fly, or use disposable nappies or plastic bags. And of course you can't possibly be stupid - or selfish.. - Oh No.

Bailey101 · 16/12/2016 18:34

So if cigarettes are so pointless, so are many other things that aren't essential to being alive. I hate listening to my neighbours music, so does that mean that music is pointless?

gamerchick · 16/12/2016 18:35

Man, I miss smoking me. I love walking behind someone smoking... Like the bisto kids in that advert.


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BadKnee · 16/12/2016 18:35

Cars are not neary as essential as you think they are - it just suits you to drive when you want to.

Flumpsnlumpsnstuff · 16/12/2016 18:35

Lights up cigarette
Oh yes very annoying almost as much as entitled parents Grin

Gowgirl · 16/12/2016 18:37

I particularly dislike mums with prams sitting outside cafes complaining about my smoke only in the spring and summer mind...

Exhales into phone Grin

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