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People smoking outside in public

214 replies

Mimicat44 · 16/12/2016 17:49

I had to go into town today for an appointment (normally try to avoid it at this time of year) with dd in her buggy. Even though it was only a ten minute walk from where we parked, we had to walk through/around four separate groups of people smoking. No way to avoid breathing in the smoke. I don't think I'm being particularly PFB as it would have pissed me off if I'd been alone but it was infuriating thinking of dd having to breathe it. At one point we got stuck walking behind someone who was smoking with no way to overtake. AIBU to wish that they would ban smoking in the street/outside public spaces? Why does their right to smoke trump our right to not breathe poisoned air? If they want to carry on, fine, they can stink up their own houses, tar up their own lungs and clean up their own fag butts!

OP posts:
Cantgetmyoldnameback · 16/12/2016 18:37

Couldn't you have posted on the very long, very recent, thread on exactly the same subject?

Mimicat44 · 16/12/2016 18:39

Badknee tell that to the paramedics etc

OP posts:
Snowflakes1122 · 16/12/2016 18:42


CheeseCakeSunflowers · 16/12/2016 18:42

I am a life long non-smoker but I've changed from being someone who hated smoking in the 70's & 80's when it was impossible to avoid smoke in pubs,clubs, restaurants, cinemas, buses and just about everywhere. I use to piss my workmates off by moaning about their smoke drifting across the office from their desk to mine.
Now I feel sorry for smokers gathered in their miserable looking huddles outside offices and trying to keep warm on the outside cafe tables. They have been legislated against so much in the past 30 or so years and I find most are now very responsible about where they smoke so no I don't think there needs to be any more legislation.

NotLadyPrickshit · 16/12/2016 18:42

Gamerchick so do I - a friend came to stay & I think I smoked half of her fag stash for the week!

OP unfortunately for the time being we still have some level of freedom so smokers will smoke if they want to where they are legally allowed to & also unfortunately sometimes people do things we don't like - I fucking hate people with buggies who think they own the path getting stuck behind buggies but hey ho the kiddlywinks need to be transported somehow

LittleBooInABox · 16/12/2016 18:42


You wanted them banned from cinemas - they were.
You wanted them banned from shopping centres - they were.
You wanted them banned from pubs/ clubs - they were.

Shall we stick them on the moon? Would that appease you?

I'm a non smoker and tbh it all rather boils my blood! How about you avoid going to the town if you don't like it? No, I can't ask you that. It'd be absurd.

But if there smoking in an open public space. Then YABU! The only, exception to that rule is children's play parks.

Mrsglitterfairy · 16/12/2016 18:44

YABU in my eyes. I am a non-smoker, quit a fair few years ago not counting the odd sneaky one here & there and generally I'm happy people can't smoke indoors anymore but come on, give people a break. You can't protect your baby from everything and walking past people smoking would have taken you all of 5 seconds. Let it go Hmm

Gowgirl · 16/12/2016 18:45

I wouldn't call the school runs/sainsburies runs essential round here as there is a tube 5 minutes away but people still do it.....

Arlowthegooddinosaur · 16/12/2016 18:45

Ffs how many of these ridiculous threads are there. They all go same way.

Millymollymanatee · 16/12/2016 18:45

Smoking should be completely banned. I hate the fact that when I walk around outside my clean air is contaminated. I especially hate walking into bars or pubs where the smokers stand outside. It's disgusting and make me feel sick. The very worst though is those that stand outside the entrances to hospitals.

LittleBooInABox · 16/12/2016 18:45

Oh god, she's one of those mums eyeroll

I have the buggy therefor you move! Love those! Since when did dropping a tiny human out of your foof make you more entitled to pavement space! Must have missed that in the UN rights document...

hmcAsWas · 16/12/2016 18:46

Smoking outside - I don't like it much that's true, but I suck it up because it really isn't much more than a transient irritant. Perspective is required

fourquenelles · 16/12/2016 18:46

I don't smoke and I don't drive either.

WaitrosePigeon · 16/12/2016 18:47

You can wish all you like but I will still smoke outside as long as I am permitted to do so.

Mrsglitterfairy · 16/12/2016 18:48

Haha gamer you sound like me
I miss smoking me. I love walking behind someone smoking

Gowgirl · 16/12/2016 18:48

Make it a tiara fourquinelles how are you? Wine

RebelRogue · 16/12/2016 18:48

NotLady. Maybe the friend should visit again? GrinGrin

NotLadyPrickshit · 16/12/2016 18:49

MillyMolly cigarette smoke is the least of your worries when it comes to contaminated air Hmm

RebelRogue · 16/12/2016 18:49

my clean air is contaminated.

CLEAN air? Really?!?

Soubriquet · 16/12/2016 18:50

I don't smoke and I don't drive either.

I don't drink either Wink

NotLadyPrickshit · 16/12/2016 18:50

Rebel only if she's bringing me a stash of fags & Romanian thyme Wink

Badcat666 · 16/12/2016 18:50

A few years back I had to go to to A&E in London due to breathing difficulties one very hot and muggy day. Nowt to do with someone smoking near me but because of the pollution levels from the traffic (our windows open straight onto a busy road so you either bake too death or choke with a breeze). A&E was full of blue lipped people gasping for air like fish out of water. And I don't even have asthma!

I can walk past someone having a ciggie within an issue but I now have to be very careful in the summer at work and a few people in the office have to work from home whenever the pollution levels are high.


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pinkieandperkie · 16/12/2016 18:52


fourquenelles · 16/12/2016 18:53

Good Gowgirl Thanks Smile

MycatsaPirate · 16/12/2016 18:57

YABU and precious.

I hate it when I'm trying to struggle round the shops and parents with buggies think I should move round them, driving them straight at me.

I'm disabled. Every single step I take causes considerable pain. But clearly you are one of THOSE parents who thinks that now you have a baby the whole fucking world should revolve around you and your 'ickle preshus'.

Jeeez! Get over yourself eh?

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