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People smoking outside in public

214 replies

Mimicat44 · 16/12/2016 17:49

I had to go into town today for an appointment (normally try to avoid it at this time of year) with dd in her buggy. Even though it was only a ten minute walk from where we parked, we had to walk through/around four separate groups of people smoking. No way to avoid breathing in the smoke. I don't think I'm being particularly PFB as it would have pissed me off if I'd been alone but it was infuriating thinking of dd having to breathe it. At one point we got stuck walking behind someone who was smoking with no way to overtake. AIBU to wish that they would ban smoking in the street/outside public spaces? Why does their right to smoke trump our right to not breathe poisoned air? If they want to carry on, fine, they can stink up their own houses, tar up their own lungs and clean up their own fag butts!

OP posts:
Starsandcars9 · 16/12/2016 19:34

Ps the worst bit was when I was preggers and the smell of smoke would literally make me gag or vomit. Walking to work on a busy pavement was a minefield!

DontTouchTheMoustache · 16/12/2016 19:34

Again? Really?

GravyAndShite · 16/12/2016 19:35

The people smoking do not realise how much they stink

Knew it. Owned it. Loved it.

I even smoked in my apartment when it was against the rules Blush

Oh look, the world is still turning, huh.

Gowgirl · 16/12/2016 19:35

Hated the smell of yeast myself! Supermarkets may not have a bread section.

CherryChasingDotMuncher · 16/12/2016 19:36

we like to smoke, so why don't you fuck off to the far side of fuck?

Can't think why people say smokers are selfish Hmm

galaxygirl45 · 16/12/2016 19:38

I absolutely loathe the smell, I was in the hairdressers yesterday and a woman came in who must have just smoked one outside. She stank, and the smell was very strong around her for the next 10 minutes or so. It's such a vile antisocial thing to do, I don't remotely get the appeal of smelling like an ashtray and paying a fortune for the privilege.

gamerchick · 16/12/2016 19:39
CherryChasingDotMuncher · 16/12/2016 19:40

galaxy inince went to a hairdressers a few years ago where the salon owner allowed smoking inside Shock 3 people were smoking as I had my roots done. I only went the once and absolutely honked coming out!

CherryChasingDotMuncher · 16/12/2016 19:41
  • I once!
Alabastard · 16/12/2016 19:41

Cigarettes serve a purpose. They stop me from strangling people who moan about smoke in outside public places.

CherryChasingDotMuncher · 16/12/2016 19:41

This was after smoking ban BTW in 2010 IIRC

Starsandcars9 · 16/12/2016 19:41

Galaxygirl - it's weakness... As most addictions are...

Badcat666 · 16/12/2016 19:41

As a non smoker can I have a whine about the vomit inducing smell of overpowering gross perfumes/ aftershaves when I'm out and about or on public transport or the smell of a poo filled babies nappy on a 40minute cramped hot train journey?

Stop polluting the air with your bad choice of smells! Down with that sort of thing!

waves a pitchfork about and tries not to take someones eye out

PigletWasPoohsFriend · 16/12/2016 19:42


I am a non smoker


Starsandcars9 · 16/12/2016 19:43

Badcat I'm with you re people doing their nails on the tube - nail varnish stinks as if a crowded carriage on the tube all want to smell it in already horrid conditions!

Honaluuhuu · 16/12/2016 19:47

You're absolutely right we should be aiming for a smoke free generation in our young, it is a filthy and disgusting habit that is unhealthy for everyone in involved 1st hand 2nd hand 3rd hand you name it's unhealthy. It is a selfish and pitiful habit and should be illegal and hopefully will be given 20 years. Mark my words. Anyone who smokes is an idiot. Fact

Ginkypig · 16/12/2016 19:47

Well I'm off to My garden for a quick ciggie, I wouldn't want to stink out my house now would I.

Millymollymanatee · 16/12/2016 19:47

Smoking... outside... in public.

Where do you suggest they go?

As DH says, as least they'll be dead soon.

Badcat666 · 16/12/2016 19:49

Einstein smoked like a chimney, pretty sure he wasn't an idiot.

WeDoNotSow · 16/12/2016 19:49


IAmNotAMindReader · 16/12/2016 19:54

There are more pollutants in the air than cigarette smoke. Your air was already contaminated even without it.
You are being massively PFB as you can choose to avoid a smoker as in your own words they stink so they are easy to identify.

I am a non-smoker and always have been and think you are being a dick.

Gooseygoosey12345 · 16/12/2016 19:57

It's not your choice to walk through smoke with a buggy but it's not their choice for you to have had children and walk down that street with a buggy. Unfortunately, you can't make everyone see the world through your eyes, and nor should anyone try to


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Fireandflames666 · 16/12/2016 20:00

I don't think YABU. It's a disgusting habit and it should be something that is only done at home. There's nothing worse than having to walk through a cloud of smoke whilst out shopping.

BlurryFace · 16/12/2016 20:04

I never understand why people call smoking antisocial, it feels very social to huddle around the outside heaters or sit on a bench outside work and have a laugh and a chat.

Walking through the odd cloud of smoke won't make your baby explode, OP. You wanna look through some old family photos from the good ol' days (80s and 90s) - fag in one hand, baby in the other.

Where are smokers supposed to smoke if they can't inside, underwater?

Blacksox · 16/12/2016 20:05

I hate smoking, hate walking through it or being stuck behind it - but it wont do you any harm.

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