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People smoking outside in public

214 replies

Mimicat44 · 16/12/2016 17:49

I had to go into town today for an appointment (normally try to avoid it at this time of year) with dd in her buggy. Even though it was only a ten minute walk from where we parked, we had to walk through/around four separate groups of people smoking. No way to avoid breathing in the smoke. I don't think I'm being particularly PFB as it would have pissed me off if I'd been alone but it was infuriating thinking of dd having to breathe it. At one point we got stuck walking behind someone who was smoking with no way to overtake. AIBU to wish that they would ban smoking in the street/outside public spaces? Why does their right to smoke trump our right to not breathe poisoned air? If they want to carry on, fine, they can stink up their own houses, tar up their own lungs and clean up their own fag butts!

OP posts:
JustCallMeKate · 16/12/2016 18:57

I hate the fact that when I walk around outside my clean air is contaminated.

Apart from car exhausts etc 🙄 The air isn't exactly clean is it?

I hate the fact that some arseholes think it's their God given right to breathe the same as me. Bloody oxygen thieves!

I've never smoked but give smokers a break FFS.

Alisvolatpropiis · 16/12/2016 18:58

Get over yourself.

AgainPlease · 16/12/2016 19:03

I have an idea, move to North Korea where your freedom and choices are taken away from you and see how you get on.

I'll be sat here in London sucking on a fat Marlborough Light enjoying my liberties.

they probably smoke on the streets of North Korea too

Shakey15000 · 16/12/2016 19:04

My clean air Really??? Your clean air?????

You own the SKY???? Wow.

876TaylorMade · 16/12/2016 19:06

Smoking... outside... in public.

Where do you suggest they go?

Badcat666 · 16/12/2016 19:07


Of course she owns the sky! and the AIR! We should be grateful we are allowed to inhale... be vewy vewy grateful...

ItShouldHaveBeenJingleJess · 16/12/2016 19:08


Regardless of how 'essential' you think cars are, they emit far more toxic fumes than cigarettes. Why do you think asthma is on the increase while the number of smokers is going down every year? And I too fucking HATE having to risk my life (and often that of DS) because of entitled new mummies who insist on walking two abreast, and usually never even thank you for having to step into oncoming traffic.

I hope everything in your house is organic, OP - lots of chemicals lurking in household products and food, you know...

EveOnline2016 · 16/12/2016 19:09

I am a smoker and hate it when peaks with children come near me. How dare they interrupt my 5 minutes of sanity.

GravyAndShite · 16/12/2016 19:10

I guess being addicted to something makes you really fucking selfish about doing it even if it pisses off or harms others

Are you addicted to being a moany precious entitled twat?


Quit 5 years ago, couldn't gaf what anyone else chooses to do with their lungs.

Gowgirl · 16/12/2016 19:14

Here have a Biscuit you obviously need the suger rush!

Lalunya85 · 16/12/2016 19:14

I think you're getting a bit of a hard time here OP.

I was walking to the station the other day with my two kids aged 2 and 1 the other day. We got "stuck" behind a smoker and couldn't overtake them as it was too narrow and he was rushing for the train just like we were. It annoyed me because both my kids have been hospitalised with asthmatic conditions this year, and breathing can be an issue for them.

What annoyed me even more when I had to walk past groups of smokers to get my child into hospital when she was struggling to breathe.

I did mumble something inaudible under my breath. But at the end of the day, it's one of those things you just have to get on with and accept. I wouldn't want it banned entirely. You can't curtail people's rights like that. Tyranny of the majority etc.

GravyAndShite · 16/12/2016 19:17

Lalunya85 She is getting a hard time because she is being twattish.

LittleBooInABox · 16/12/2016 19:19

What gravy said!

NavyandWhite · 16/12/2016 19:19

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Scrumptiousbears · 16/12/2016 19:22

Up until you said "also it's much easier for you to move out the way of a bugy than it is for someone to manoeuvre the buggy out of your way/the path" that's when the word "entitled" popped into my head.

gamerchick · 16/12/2016 19:24

The OP is getting a hard time because people are still smoked out after the last thread recently. You have to pace them out man Wink give it a few weeks and we'll be good to go again.

Soubriquet · 16/12/2016 19:24

Yup scrumptious

I must be a miracle mother because I manage to manoeuvre around people. I've even walked in the road with a buggy once where there was people walking slowly. Shock

Because I'm not a twat and know my buggy doesn't give me the right to floor space

Starsandcars9 · 16/12/2016 19:27

Yanbu - I agree - it's horrendous! The people smoking do not realise how much they stink and how much the people walking behind them are secretly cursing them and their bad smell!

RebelRogue · 16/12/2016 19:30

Stars nope. Our judgement is clouded by too much smoke Grin

NavyandWhite · 16/12/2016 19:31

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pictish · 16/12/2016 19:31

"I guess being addicted to something makes you really fucking selfish about doing it even if it pisses off or harms others.
Oh and by the way, you stink a lot more than you think you do."

Is that us told then? I'm well chastened me. Hmm Grin

AgainPlease · 16/12/2016 19:32

lalunya he was running and smoking at the same time? That's impressive!


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NavyandWhite · 16/12/2016 19:32

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CherryChasingDotMuncher · 16/12/2016 19:33

s it morally ok to smoke right outside the front door of a hospital? Everytime i go for my maternity appointments there will be some people smoking. Usually by the machine where you have to pay for parking which is right by the door. I get to walk through a lovely cloud of foul smoke every time i go in.

All NHS hospitals have a smoke free policy in their grounds but yes the selfish fuckers still congregate outside ignoring the "no smoking" signs.

Why on these threads do people talk about smokers like they're some vulnerable, demonised group? They are choosing to bring a habit that is smelly and unpleasant for others into a public area and get all pissy when people don't want to stink of their fags all day.

ARF at suggesting that the alternative is to move to an oppressive dictatorship or stay indoors!

Gowgirl · 16/12/2016 19:33

Yep we stink, we are kiling your babies.....we like to smoke, so why don't you fuck off to the far side of fuck?

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