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Sexual Assault by Teens?

156 replies

rainysunday7 · 24/09/2016 20:20

There was an incident on a school trip (15 year olds). The boys pinned her down a girl and touched her inappropriately, putting their hands up her top, pulling her hair etc. . There were about seven of them.

It was reported to the school by another student. The school intervied the girl who admitted it had happened. The boys were excluded for a couple of days while the school investigated.

The girl was asked if she wanted to press charges against them, she didn't want to so the boys returned to school.

She has lost most of her friends as they say she should have told them loudly to stop (she said she did) but apparently not loud enough. They said she deserved it as she is a "slag" anyway and wants sympathy. One of the boys was going to spit on her but stopped. Her friends say that he didn't in the end so she should "get over it and stop being an attention seeking drama queen".

Her so called friends are backing up these boys and threatening her on behalf of the boys but the school have only given them a talking to.

Even though it is not my child involved AIBU to be absolutely fuming on her behalf? I cannot do anything about it but every time I think about it, it makes me so angry.

OP posts:
Velvian · 11/10/2016 17:53

How is your niece op?

Italiangreyhound · 11/10/2016 18:27

Danglebals I am so sorry, sorry that happened to you and sorry that you were given the choice of whether or not to report it. We really must must make our new generation of girls know that these types of things should never happen to them, and when they do they must be reported and taken seriously.

Italiangreyhound · 11/10/2016 22:55

rainysunday7 any news?

a8mint · 12/10/2016 08:37

Please respect your neice and her parents wishes. I have been in a similar situation and going to the police and court is just like reliving the experience again a and again but this time with more humiliation and leople, lots of people hate on raps victims. I know you think you are doing the right thing but you do-gooders are not the ones who have to live with the fallout which is 100 x worse than the original event.

Italiangreyhound · 12/10/2016 09:49

a8mint I am so sorry this happened to you and so sorry you felt the way it was dealt with was so wrong. There is a previous poster who said having it effectively not investigated or prosecuted has had a detrimental affect on her life. Yesterday I listened to a very disturbing radio programme about a girl of 13 who was raped and told no one for years. This also impacted her life, I think both the rape and the keeping it secret, and she felt it was her fault. She now knows it was not and has had counselling.

We really cannot live in a world where boys abuse girls and get away with it.

Plus we do not know fit sure exactly how the girl feels. This is not a secret that someone wants to reveal, it is already known about.

If men ansboys knew they would be prosecuted every time. I think it would change behaviour I'm men and boys and reassure females that they are right to expose this evil. For adult woman there is a choice to keep quiet but for girls I do think adults need to be involved I'm their decisions. Either to prosecute it keep quiet could
/will have ramifications.

KindDogsTail · 12/10/2016 13:37

a8mint and Danglebals I am so sorry this happened to you. I so hope you realise how someone like me reading what you have said completely believes you, and is outraged on your behalf for the awful things that happened to you, including even from those who might have helped; and also how someone like me, reading what you have written, is sending you every best wish from their hearts, hoping these wounds have healed or will heal.

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