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To wonder if you work from home, what do you do?

345 replies

JonahAndTheSale · 16/08/2016 21:04

Hello! Mumsnet Jobs team here. We've noticed this thread is fairly old now, and some of the information is out of date. We've put together this article of advice, tips and tricks to start working from home. Alternatively, you can look at the work from home opportunities on Mumsnet Jobs. We hope this is helpful!


I don't know anyone who works from home in rl but I see it all the time on mumsnet.

If you work from home, what is your job?

Obviously not referring to sahp here!

OP posts:
HungryHorace · 17/08/2016 06:58

Another lawyer here. I do 2 days a week at home, but will probably increase that to 3 when we finally go paperless. Though I'm potentially being seconded to Glasgow for a year soon, so will be doing 4 condensed days in the office instead (and hopefully my firm will be paperless on my return!).

YourNewspaperIsShit · 17/08/2016 06:58

I'm the secret shopper that every retailer despises Grin i mainly review Wetherspoons though, i can accept assignments as and when but you can't earn a living off it even if you did it all day long (which I dont) I just like free food

Thequilltosurvive · 17/08/2016 07:04

Project Manager - 50% home, 50% office.

LRDtheFeministDragon · 17/08/2016 07:08

Academic - when I'm actually teaching I'm usually away from home, but when I'm researching or preparing teaching, I work from home a lot.

JacquelineChan · 17/08/2016 07:10

Me and dp run an events business

SimplyNigella · 17/08/2016 07:18

Commercial manager for an FMCG company. I'm home based with occasional client visits and 1-2 days in the office.

TerrorAustralis · 17/08/2016 07:23

Another freelance editor here.

icanteven · 17/08/2016 07:27

Web design/digital marketing.

WaitrosePigeon · 17/08/2016 07:28

I'm a make up artist. I also do beauty treatments.

DanglyEarOrnaments · 17/08/2016 07:47

I've already put me - cleaning business owner, but also our admin lady works with me remotely from home too.

StrawbRhi · 17/08/2016 08:13

DH has the option to work from home when he likes, which evens out to roughly 1-2days a week. He's a global IT infrastructure architect.

DownHereInTheHorridHouse · 17/08/2016 08:21

Another writer - mostly ghosting (if someone has had an interesting or unusual life, or they have a huge Instagram following, or they've suddenly got attention, or they have achieved something, or a hundred other things, I write their story for them).

I work varying times - I can take all school holidays off, and any other time during the day or week. I'm here for the dogs, for ageing parents, to do emergency pick-ups if one of the kids needs me. The only deadlines come from publishers, and they're usually not too bad - I know well in advance when they'll need the book so, in theory, I can be organised!

I'm thinking of moving over to fiction - have planned that for such a long time and never got round to it as I'm always too busy writing books for other people, but it's time I think. Won't really change my working day though - might walk the dogs more as I work out tricky plot problems Wink.

OnIlkelyMoorBahtat · 17/08/2016 08:47

Project Manager for a publishing company. I work at home two days a week.

MrsHathaway · 17/08/2016 10:26


Pretty much 99% at home, the odd client meeting (at theirs) or catch-up with the boss (at his or at mine).

I had to do years of hideous commuting and pointless office politics before getting to this point, though, and it's unusual in my field not to have to spend at least 50% of the time in the office.

heron98 · 17/08/2016 10:40

How can you be a wedding celebrant from home? Surely you aren't conducting ceremonies in your living room?

sportinguista · 17/08/2016 11:03

Graphic Designer - been going 2 years now and never regretted once. I work out my own schedule, I have much more variety and I can fit in with DS. I have the odd outside meeting but on the whole I just do skype/email.

Personally I love it!

MrsHathaway · 17/08/2016 11:37

How can you be a wedding celebrant from home? Surely you aren't conducting ceremonies in your living room?

You can if you live in a massive castle. Big old houses are expensive to run and weddings are big business. If one of the owners get licensed then you're keeping more of the money the B&G spend.

ineedabodytransplant · 17/08/2016 11:41

System Designer - get twice as much done, if not more, from here rather than the office (even with distraction like Mumsnet - and I'm no mum, I'm a bloke ). Especially as the office is a three hour jaunt away (And I hate the working environment there)

Blomme · 17/08/2016 11:45

**notagiraffe how did you get into that job and manage to work from home? Thanks.

PaperdollCartoon · 17/08/2016 11:51

I don't work from home but a large number of my team do so worth mentioning as a job option. I'm a researcher for a top headhunting firm. I will probably work partly from home when I have kids, but currently live minutes walk from the office so being there is fine!

GetAHaircutCarl · 17/08/2016 12:00

Another writer here. Novels and scripts. The former is virtualy all from home. The later has and will require more meetings/travel, but still most days are from home.

I also teach at university. I go in for lectures/seminars/tutorials. I attend some meetings (but only on days I'm there teaching).

SilenceMeansWhatAreTheyUpTo · 17/08/2016 12:56

Freelance translator for over 20 years.


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ShtoppenDerFloppen · 17/08/2016 13:11

Medical transcriptionist/ health record editor here.

foxessocks · 17/08/2016 13:14

Audio typist

PaulDacreCuntyMcCuntFace · 17/08/2016 13:22

Financial services compliance. Split week between office & home. I get much more done at home but you do need to be disciplined and not get too distracted into things like MN Grin

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