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To wonder if you work from home, what do you do?

345 replies

JonahAndTheSale · 16/08/2016 21:04

Hello! Mumsnet Jobs team here. We've noticed this thread is fairly old now, and some of the information is out of date. We've put together this article of advice, tips and tricks to start working from home. Alternatively, you can look at the work from home opportunities on Mumsnet Jobs. We hope this is helpful!


I don't know anyone who works from home in rl but I see it all the time on mumsnet.

If you work from home, what is your job?

Obviously not referring to sahp here!

OP posts:
SueGeneris · 17/08/2016 13:29

Another freelance copy editor.

christmaswreaths · 17/08/2016 14:08

I am a senior manager for a large corporate and I am based at home and have been for the last 10 years.

I do travel to London and various other places regularly, but in fits and starts, averaging out about one day a week away and the rest at home.

I do enjoy the flexibility of it, although when I am at home for a week or two on the trot, I find it quite frustrating being on my own all day until the kids come home from school :)

RebeccaWithTheGoodHair · 17/08/2016 14:29

Feature writer here - also do copy writing and marketing, anything that needs words!

LunaLoveg00d · 17/08/2016 14:48

I'm another freelance content writer like Fitzsimmons. Specialise in finance/insurance/legal topics, also do other stuff too. Not full time, probably around 15 -20 hours a week depending on workload. Very flexible around the kids.

tutorwho · 17/08/2016 15:04

I am a private tutor so I tend to do a lot of planning at home before tuition sessions.

SapphireStrange · 17/08/2016 15:12

Shtoppen, can you tell us more about your job? Sounds interesting.

I'm another editorial freelancer, btw.

Mommawoo · 17/08/2016 15:38

Freelance writer. Sort of. There are some online websites that connect you with clients and take a cut from your earnings. I dont have any private clients anymore after dd came along.

Mommawoo · 17/08/2016 15:39

*online companies, not websites Confused

PortiaFinis · 17/08/2016 15:43

I'm a Parish Clerk too.

Sammysquiz · 17/08/2016 15:44

I do freelance bookkeeping & accountancy for small businesses

wasonthelist · 17/08/2016 15:48

IT sector in a niche non-geeky role. Most of my colleagues work at home in various Countries. Got the role because a friend who did it before me got promoted - at the time my line manager worked from home in Florida

JennyOnAPlate · 17/08/2016 15:55

Book keeper and administrator. I work for other people who have their own business but don't have the time/can't be arsed to sort their own paperwork Grin

My work is actually very varied, from boring spreadsheets to writing news letters/blogs.

RebeccaWithTheGoodHair · 17/08/2016 15:58

Mommawoo - can you recommend any of the sites you use?

LunaLoveg00d · 17/08/2016 16:03

Peopleperhour is one of the best for freelance gigs. I work quite a bit through there but have been doing it for a while and often clients come to me rather than me pitching for work.

RebeccaWithTheGoodHair · 17/08/2016 16:06

cheers Luna - always good to have new clients!

DownHereInTheHorridHouse · 17/08/2016 16:11

There's Reedsy for freelance work too.

Mommawoo · 17/08/2016 16:15

I work with constant content. You can dip in and out of it without having to make a commitment. I heard Upwork is very good but you need to invest time to build up a good profile to attract clients.

Itsnottheendoftheworld · 17/08/2016 16:23

I detest doing this job and would love to change but that's what my qualifications are in. I have preschool children so have to work round them. Usually late at night when they sleep.
Really really hate doing bloody books.

idontlikealdi · 17/08/2016 16:26

Bid writer. 2 days at home 3 in the office.

Nanny0gg · 17/08/2016 16:40

How do you Parish clerks work from home?

Our clerk works in the PC office and she has constant visitors villagers and the Parish councillors coming in all day with queries and complaints (and for a cuppa and a chat!)

LunaLoveg00d · 17/08/2016 16:42

There are loads and loads of content and freelance sites, some good and some not so good. PPH is my preferred site, but I have others I use too. I have learned the hard way never to follow an "all your eggs in the one basket" approach.

Mimilondon39 · 17/08/2016 17:57

Magazine journalist. Love working from home - can write in my cashmere pjs and get so much more done than when I'm in an office.


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I8toys · 17/08/2016 18:16

I am a PA. My boss works in London and I live in Harrogate. 3 days in the office in Leeds and 2 at home.

Catinthecorner · 17/08/2016 18:28

For the freelancer writers, how did you get started? It's an area I'd love to break into but so many sites offer ridiculously low pay ($20 for 1000 words) or need you to be already published before they'll work with you.

DownHereInTheHorridHouse · 17/08/2016 18:43

Luna - any time I've looked at PPH, I've been shocked by the rates. Is it a matter of getting a back catalogue of work there almost before you can start to charge more realistically?

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