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To wonder if you work from home, what do you do?

345 replies

JonahAndTheSale · 16/08/2016 21:04

Hello! Mumsnet Jobs team here. We've noticed this thread is fairly old now, and some of the information is out of date. We've put together this article of advice, tips and tricks to start working from home. Alternatively, you can look at the work from home opportunities on Mumsnet Jobs. We hope this is helpful!


I don't know anyone who works from home in rl but I see it all the time on mumsnet.

If you work from home, what is your job?

Obviously not referring to sahp here!

OP posts:
IfTheCapFitsWearIt · 16/08/2016 22:04

The thread title just reminded me of the a web and mitchell sketch Grin

vimtoqueen1 · 16/08/2016 22:04

I am a pensions consultant and work from home at least one day a week.

jollyjester · 16/08/2016 22:04

I also would be interested to hear more MirandaWest

Balloondog · 16/08/2016 22:04

Middle East researcher for a UK consultancy so I work from home but travel to the region 4/5 times a year for a few weeks at a time.

WingDefence · 16/08/2016 22:05

I work for an accounting institute but my position is very specialised so can't say more than that or I'll put myself! Nearly everyone in my department works from home even though we have a big London HQ. It's brilliant.

WingDefence · 16/08/2016 22:05


JaceLancs · 16/08/2016 22:07

Work for a charity
I can work from home or office whenever I want
Travel around the county quite a lot too

Misty9 · 16/08/2016 22:10

Dh does - software engineer geek

SwedishEdith · 16/08/2016 22:12

I do internet-based research for an independent publisher

That sounds like messing about online all day great! How did you get into that?

ExtraMushroomsPlease · 16/08/2016 22:20

Oooh ghosty can you tell me more about your role please. I work with LAC for a charity and I'm about to start an MA in education. Your job sounds right up my street in terms of what I would like to do after. Sorry to be nosey!

LaContessaDiPlump · 16/08/2016 22:20

Another writer on health topics here - wfm 2 days a week, which is vair nice Grin

sminkypinky · 16/08/2016 22:20

Project manager, wfh one or two days a week.

RumbleMum · 16/08/2016 22:23

Freelance copywriter.

HobnailsandTaffeta · 16/08/2016 22:23

Marketing Manager

VanellopeVonSchweetz99 · 16/08/2016 22:23

I'm a writer (novels, short stories, children's books).

Birdandsparrow · 16/08/2016 22:23

Freelance translator.

ollieplimsoles · 16/08/2016 22:24

Children's book illustrator, I have an agent who handles all my marketing and they pass all the job offers for books I get on to me. Ive worked with clients in America, China, and Australia and its all from home, I love it!

ghostyslovesheep · 16/08/2016 22:29

ExtraMushrooms (Yummy!)

I work for the Looked After Children's Education Service which over seas the quality and progress of education for LAC young people - we have termly meetings and assist with issues such as school changes, threatened exclusion, use of pupil premium, moves and placements etc

I also work with Care leavers and a careers adviser (which is what I am qualified to do)

Came to the role after 19 year with the same org (council) as a careers bod - been at it a year - I love it but it's very very manic, stressful at times and demanding (I work 20 hours but the role means I often work 30+ to make meetings etc) - it's a new job so it's been a challenge to mould it and it will be for another year I think - crosses 3 depts which complicates things!

Goldrill · 16/08/2016 22:29

Just about to change career, but was in science policy till recently. Few days each month in office and wfh the rest. Brilliant!

hambo · 16/08/2016 22:30

Designer / maker - supply shops wholesale. Work 10am - 2pm Mon - Thurs.

fakenamefornow · 16/08/2016 22:31

H&S consultant. Based at home but mostly out at meetings and site visits. Back in time to collect my kids from school though.

ghostyslovesheep · 16/08/2016 22:32

as a not and a

having laptop issues!


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ghostyslovesheep · 16/08/2016 22:34

ignore the spelling as well!

gives up

honeylulu · 16/08/2016 22:36

Solicitor. One day at home. Four days in the office. We're encouraged to do one or more days at home as it motivates you to keep your e-filing up to date (so you can access it remotely).

thegreenheartofmanyroundabouts · 16/08/2016 22:37

Vicar so live next to the church in a tied house.

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