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my daughter wants a new wardrobe...50 mile ikea drive???!!

255 replies

user1471353057 · 16/08/2016 14:36

my daughter (14) has been trying to persuade me for months and months for me to buy her a brand new wardrobe as hers is "too small" "doesn't go with her room" or whatever and I completely understand why she'd want one. at first, I was reluctant but offered £45 towards a second hand one if she could find anything half decent,but she now wants a brand new one from ikea that is over £100. she has saved up the other money for it herself (she has a job) and i don't know if i'm being mean or not when i told her that I won't drive fifty plus miles all the way to ikea for a brand new wardrobe in the middle of the year. it isn't her birthday, it isn't christmas, it's a big long excursion for one very expensive item she just happens to want. am i being unreasonable??? pls help!!!

OP posts:
ShatnersBassoon · 16/08/2016 17:11

You're decided beyond doubt that there will be no new wardrobe from Ikea. Fair enough. So what are you asking here?

cardboardPeony · 16/08/2016 17:12

Minus your petrol money form the 45 and make her pay the rest if she has it saved up anyway and you're so reluctant

Why can't she have a new One?

OhSoggyBiscuit · 16/08/2016 17:15

What, are you expecting Santa to bring the wardrobe?? Confused Don't think it'll fit on his sled either. Just go take her to IKEA.

I want to go to IKEA at some point. Desperately need new desk and bookshelf!!

MunchCrunch01 · 16/08/2016 17:16

it seems to me as though you set her up to fail - she saved the money, and now you've found a reason not to make it happen. She's 14, not 21 and she's saved up a LOT of money so she clearly really wants it.

MunchCrunch01 · 16/08/2016 17:17

can you ebay/sell the old wardrobe to raise petrol money/delivery?

YoureAllABunchOfBastards · 16/08/2016 17:18

We once bought so much from IKEA that I couldn't fit in the car to go home. DH drove home and came back to get me: I went back in, bought a wicker chair and a hot dog and had a nice sit down outside while waiting for him to do the trip...

Mrsderekshepard · 16/08/2016 17:19

50 miles is not far, don't be so tight and take her.

Lovelongweekends · 16/08/2016 17:22

I'm 121 miles from my nearest IKEA (sob)!!

RhiWrites · 16/08/2016 17:23

When I was 15 I saved up my own money for a chest of drawers from Ikea. It's big and black and built to last. Over 20 years later I still have it. My taste has changed a bit but it still works in our dining room. That was a quality purchase.

Glad my parents drove me to IKEA.

MrsSippy · 16/08/2016 17:23

In your OP you asked if YWBU, I'd say yes. yes you are!

A little encouragement for independence goes a long way, your DD sounds fab!

Mrsderekshepard · 16/08/2016 17:34

50 miles is not far, don't be so tight and take her.

TheFullMinty · 16/08/2016 17:38

OP you sound awful, like the kind of person who takes home a half finished bottle of wine from a dinner party.

Doubt you are coming back but on the off chance: take your daughter, buy the wardrobe and stop being so selfish.

OohMavis · 16/08/2016 17:44

Well how about this. Charge her petrol money and then you'll not be out of pocket.

Maybe a bit extra for your time.

And a little bit on top of that for wear and tear of the car. Make her buy the car snacks since you're being so generous driving her there.

You massive scrooge.

YelloDraw · 16/08/2016 17:49

PrimalLass we are clearly superior polo PAX packing creatures :-) I got a double and 2 single tall pax wardrobes in the polo like that.

Fitting in the car was easy. Carrying them up 3 flights of stairs when I got home (on my own) reduced me to near tears and I I had to take the packages apart and carry up prices individually.

I did have a word of warning from my cousin tho - don't try and shut the boot door with a slam on a bully book case that is lying between the front seats.... Smashy smashy windscreen!!

MrsLouisTomlinson · 16/08/2016 18:05

OP you're being mean. In all senses of the word.

Wondermoomin · 16/08/2016 18:06

Very mean not to take her or pay for delivery, and I also think it's mean you're making her pay about half of it anyway. As a parent I see it as my job to pay for that sort of thing at that age, you said you can see why she wants a new one so it's obviously not just on a whim. I'm reminded of the friend I had whose parents bought a nest of tables... and gave her the smallest one for her room as her Christmas present Sad

BumWad · 16/08/2016 18:08

Gosh, you sound mean

teacher54321 · 16/08/2016 18:13

My mind is boggling at this. I regularly drive 100 mile round trip to meet friends for lunch, with 4 year old ds and think absolutely nothing of it. It's under an hour on motorways or A roads. Hell I made dh drive an 80 mile round trip just to go and get the cupcakes I like for my birthday. She's saved the money, it's an opportunity for a nice day out.

Bettybooop25 · 16/08/2016 18:18

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Floggingmolly · 16/08/2016 18:20

Why, Betty? Confused

NotYoda · 16/08/2016 18:21


Eh? What a total over-reaction.

SquidgyRedBall · 16/08/2016 18:22

YABU and this breaks my heart.

I'll take her if it's that much trouble!

I cannot imagine at 14 having £60 - let alone spending it on a wardrobe!


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ShatnersBassoon · 16/08/2016 18:22

Bettybooop25, where did that come from? Confused

NotYoda · 16/08/2016 18:22

Maybe the mention of cupcakes set you off

idontlikealdi · 16/08/2016 18:23

I think you're being mean op. And it's def £35 for delivery.

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