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That having a bikini wax shouldn't be a necessary part of any job?

794 replies

ThatsWotSheSaid · 16/08/2016 09:49

I've been watching the amazing gymnastics at the olympics and every time I can't help but wonder if they are all happy to have such revealing gym costumes. I would hate to have a camera doing a slow mo when I'm legs akimbo in the air wearing so little even if the camera angles seem to be discrete.

I have tried to look up if there is a rule about the cut and if they wanted could they wear little shorts but I can't find anything. I did read if they remove a wedgie they get marked down?!

AIBU to think that in this day and age it seems a bit odd that these elite athletes need to be so scantily clad and that they probably have more to worry about than waxing, ingrowing hairs and itchiness in the run up to the games?

OP posts:
meck · 21/08/2016 19:38

That's a pity, Bert... They were very nasty. Hence several of us commenting on the fact and Merchant being specifically mentioned also, as I've said.

MerchantofVenice · 21/08/2016 19:44

Nope, still haven't seen any insults attributed to me, meck. Keep trying.

You are weirdly hard to communicate with because rather than actually responding to my points, you refuse to acknowledge that I've said anything. But if I haven't said anything, how come you're so offended?

I am engaged in this discussion because I think the OP raised a valid question about the outfits in gymnastics. If you're not happy to call that a point, well, let's call it a fact.

I haven't come on here with radical plans for an overhaul of the sport, no, so if that's the kind of point you're looking for, yes, you'll be disappointed.

I came on primarily to disagree with the following - that there is absolutely no grounds for even considering that there could be any issues with the costumes or their implications.

As you're so keen to disagree with me, can I take it that you DO believe the above?

Do you think that, as a sport that shows off the female form, there is NOTHING that the gymnastics ruling bodies could do to make the sport less prohibitive to girls with insecurities about their developing bodies? Do you think they are irreproachable? in their treatment of girls' appearances?

Because unless you can answer yes to those questions, I really don't know why you have such an issue with my point of view.

MerchantofVenice · 21/08/2016 19:47

Oh - and you are definitely wrong about me insulting vbm. I did say that the act of reporting some fairly tame criticism from SOMEONE ELSE was pathetic. Yes. Not a personal insult as such.

But if you're going to keep perpetuating lies about earlier posts that have conveniently been deleted, then I'm done with you. You are a fantasist.

meck · 21/08/2016 19:47

I don't think VB swearing or frothing, she was very upset though. One of them called her weird for mentioning her daughter's body hair so often (the subject of the OP and ongoing discussion) etc etc

BertrandRussell · 21/08/2016 19:47

"That's a pity, Bert... They were very nasty"

C&P please. Unfortunately, I can't C&P where I was accused of victim blaming and of not being a decent person because all the posts have been deleted. But it shouldn't be a problem for you.

MerchantofVenice · 21/08/2016 19:48

Enjoy your frothing though...

clicknclack · 21/08/2016 19:54

"Frothing" such a respectful term. Fighting the fight for women's rights while dismissing women. Oh the irony.

meck · 21/08/2016 19:54

C&P please. Unfortunately, I can't C&P where I was accused of victim blaming and of not being a decent person because all the posts have been deleted. But it shouldn't be a problem for you.

VBs posts were withdrawn not deleted But the post I reported has been deleted!

meck · 21/08/2016 19:55

for breaking the guidelines, apparently

BertrandRussell · 21/08/2016 19:55

Sorry- I did mean withdrawn, not deleted.

About that C&P?

Felascloak · 21/08/2016 19:57

merchant I would class this post of yours as insulting
"Tbh I wouldn't worry too much about what VBmum says. .. She is struggling as much as MrsLion to follow any argument. All that she seems to understand is 'people are criticising some sports kit; my daughter plays sport; they are slagging off my daughter'. FFS."

I hope vbmum hasn't left. She got misquoted on here and picked on imo.

BertrandRussell · 21/08/2016 19:57

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BertrandRussell · 21/08/2016 19:58

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Felascloak · 21/08/2016 19:59

Oh and this one to click "clicknclack if you think attitudes to male and female bodies in our culture are the same then you are not really qualified to participate in this discussion..."
Rude assumption about what she thinks and also its not down to you to decide who's qualified to post.

Shall we stop being personal now?

Felascloak · 21/08/2016 20:01

No it isn't bert. She was using her experience of her daughters sports career as an illustration of how not all girls shave. And she got generally misquoted and goaded by several people.

meck · 21/08/2016 20:05

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

BertrandRussell · 21/08/2016 20:08

I disagree. But in any case, she was talking about legs- she saw no issue at all with girls being put in position where removing pubic hair was a requirement- and was one of the "if you don't like the kit, don't play the sport" team. But as she has he has had her posts- including her most unpleasant ones to me- removed, the debate is pointless. But as my posts remain, I leave it to you to decide, should you wish, whether I deserved her unpleasantness.

meck · 21/08/2016 20:14

Bert, the worst post, the one I reported has been deleted, I can't C & P deleted or withdrawn posts either.

Thanks for some of the other c & p s, Felas

meck · 21/08/2016 20:16

I'm sorry if you were accused of victim blaming, Bert. I remember you, unless I'm confusing you with somebody else (long term poster) and that doesn't sound like your style.

meck · 21/08/2016 20:19

Ooh there is some swearing after all then, one of Merchant's posts, acronym style of course

Sorry Grin

MrsLion · 21/08/2016 20:22

Ok so I couldn't resist coming back.

If some of you here feel I have been avoiding some points you make I will respond directly. Yes I believe in sexism and I see it all the time.

I see it at work, at see it in education and I see it all the time in sport. I've seen it at the Olympic Games in Rio.
It come from commentators, it comes from media, it's all around us.

But no, I don't believe it stems from the kit designers and I don't think changing the kit options will make sports less sexist. I don't think gymnastics contributes to 'unhealthy' attitudes, I think there's far more pressing issues with regards to sexual inequality than elite gymnastics.
I am not going to get dragged into justifying or explaining my views again, as there are literally hundreds made by myself, jiggly Meck and others that say the same thing over and over.

There have been very unkind remarks on here. The things said to volleyball mum were horrendous and personal. 'Stop talking about your daughters pubes, it makes you sound creepy'.

Really???? On what planet is that ok?

I was talked about long after I left the thread and accused of getting angry and worked up and unable to follow the thread.

I can follow the thread very well thank you. I just don't agree with you. Which seems to be making others rather angry.

I have also been repeatedly ignored. No one has responded to my questions on why pubic hair is so different to other hair, or why we are not accused of ignoring sexism by shaving our armpits or men shaving their face. Why is it different to other grooming?
Maybe you could give me that courtesy.

And no one has responded to my question about whether women at swimming pools or at the beach are interrogated as to whether they feel pressure to conform to wear something revealing or remove their body hair.

We all conform to social norms. It's how we function as a society. Yes some of these should be challenged or we won't progress, but making grooming choices or clothing choices that women genuinely are fine with into a sexism problem, is counter productive.

Yes maybe more women would want to do gymnastics if the kit was different but as many have pointed out, it's the other sacrifices you have to make at the elite level that drive people out. Not the comp kit.

Felascloak · 21/08/2016 20:30

Bert. You wrote "So your daughter would be perfectly happy for close up pictures of her "pubic area" to be all over the front pages of the Daily Mail and all over Twitter? To get vile sexual comments and abuse? Wow. One in 60 million, your daughter." To someone who is clearly very proud of her daughter and their sporting achievements. I would have found that comment upsetting in her shoes.
So yes I think that was unpleasant.


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BertrandRussell · 21/08/2016 20:52

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meck · 21/08/2016 21:07

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meck · 21/08/2016 21:10

I'm going to flag that (my post) up actually. VB mum chose to have her posts withdrawn after all.

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