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To have recorded this and now be considering social services?

225 replies

MxJackMonroe · 12/08/2016 21:37

I went to a beer garden today with the boy (6) and the dog (on a lead, well behaved) to kill an hour of time.
I spent that hour listening to a 'woman' (looked like a teenage girl) growling at her kids, 2 under 4, shrieking, calling them fucking little cunts, snatching toys off them for no reasons, barking at them, encouraging them to scare the dog 'to see if he was friendly', as she downed pints and shots, and left when a drinks tray flew at my face and she came over to retrieve it...not to apologise, as I assumed one of the kids had thrown it, but to laugh in my face as she said "well they wouldn't fucking share it so I fucking threw it away innit." No apology. Laughing at herself for nearly clouting a stranger in the face with a tray. I'm usually quite ballsy but Jesus, she seemed insane and quite volatile, so, feeling extremely sorry for her kids, I quietly left.
I've just had a text from my bank to say my bank card has been fraudulently used. I checked my bag. My wallet - which was on the table in the pub garden, is not there. The little scrunge not only terrified my dog and threw a drinks tray at my face and screamed at her kids all afternoon, it seems she nicked my wallet too.
I'm meant to move house tomorrow. I need to pay £2,200 that I have worked my arse off for, to a letting agents at 10am. Luckily for me I can go to my bank with ID and get it out. Unluckily for her, I left my phone on the table recording SB playing with the dog (making cute memories to listen to when I'm down) and caught all her shit in there too.
First move, calling the pub to see if they have CCTV in the garden.
Second stop, if she can be identified, social services?
I am a genuinely reasonable, decent person. But Jesus Christ, this thing hit all my nerves today. And her kids deserve her getting some help.

OP posts:
Darthvadersmuuuum · 13/08/2016 10:29

Why the derail and potential victim blaming? If Jack had her purse stolen, it was her bloody fault!

Sorry you've had such a hard time on this thread Jack. I hope you've reported the theft and the abusive actions of this mother.

liz70 · 13/08/2016 10:30

"Jack, it occurs to me that throwing the tray would be a good decoy to take your wallet off the table...or I'm watching too many crime shows"

It happens. I once had my bag nicked from under my table at a cafe, by a bunch of delghtful young ladies. They staged a distraction too, can't remember what exactly as this was over 20 years ago. It happened very quickly.

Sundaysmumisfullofwine · 13/08/2016 10:42

I work at the front end of social services in terms of taking calls/ screening referrals, and you would be surprised how we can identify children from quite vague details. Not all the time, but if a family is known previously, or if you know first names, approximate ages, it can be possible to track them down.

liz70 · 13/08/2016 10:46

Some perfect people here, who never have anything stolen, never lose things, never "lose" their children, never have accidents, their children never have accidents etc...Hmm

Darthvadersmuuuum · 13/08/2016 10:48

^wasn't her fault (obviously)

Katinkka · 13/08/2016 11:29

What were you knitting?

LagunaBubbles · 13/08/2016 11:35

Livia do you need it explained to you any clearer? No-one leaves things unattended on purpose ffs! But when you are busy, forgetful, distracted etc - you know....all the things that can happen to normal human beings.....these things can happen. I don't believe anyone that says they have never left somethings somewhere accidentally which is why victim blaming posts are so nasty and hypocritical.

Northernlurker · 13/08/2016 15:54

Isn't 'victim blaming' rather strong language to be throwing around? The OP lost her purse, it's not exactly the crime of the century though very annoying of course.
I look forward to seeing this in the Daily Mail btw. The decision of the OP to so publicly identify themselves doesn't seem very wise in the current climate tbh.

TinklyLittleLaugh · 13/08/2016 16:17

I think Mumsnet works best as an anonymous forum. When someone, particularly someone well known, posts using their name, it clogs up the discussion with stuff that people know, or think they know, about the poster in real life.

To be brutally honest, to me the OP seems to be using Mumsnet as a vehicle for self promotion (thinking about her "Ask me anything" thread, now a little mention of her brave good deeds). It's not for that kind of thing,
Perhaps stick to Twitter.

NeedAScarfForMyGiraffe · 13/08/2016 16:19

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usual · 13/08/2016 16:33

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Davidcameronscat · 13/08/2016 16:58

I guess today is moving day? Good luck with that. A flat mate of mine, many years ago stole 2k from my bank account. It was my grant money. She knew my pin. It wasn't an account I used constantly because I had a pub job and was paid cash. I notified the bank when I realised and I got all the money back from the bank. So hopefully you won't be out of pocket.

Pseudonym99 · 13/08/2016 17:04

It is partly the victim's fault. Fair enough, you should be able to leave stuff lying around but you can't. You need to take reasonable precautions. People need to start looking after themselves rather than blaming someone else when something happens.

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 13/08/2016 17:09

To be brutally honest, to me the OP seems to be using Mumsnet as a vehicle for self promotion (thinking about her "Ask me anything" thread, now a little mention of her brave good deeds). It's not for that kind of thing


The only place I have heard of the Op is on here. Posting in their own name does smack of self promotion.

NeedAScarfForMyGiraffe · 13/08/2016 17:13

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LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 13/08/2016 17:34

If not self promotion then why post under their real name?

OfstedAintEverything · 13/08/2016 17:51

Sorry you lost your wallet, and that your 6 year old was subjected to seeing crappy parenting. I feel more sorry for the kids of the woman though.
Ignore people who are critical, I'm sure you know by now that any AiBU type thread will attract a range of views. I once got slated for an AIBU thread when I'd seen some local schoolkids driven around with no seatbelts and decided to ring the school....

KimmySchmidtsSmile · 13/08/2016 17:53

^ Couldn't be arsed to nc? Didn't feel they had need to?
Put it this way, had they changed names in any case, there is no way this thread would not have been deemed trollery.
By posting in their own name, at least the experience was generally accepted to have gone down as they said it did.
Not sure what motive there would be to post under own name, given the fact that so many were/are still waiting for an answer on the What makes a woman thread. (Incidental to that, JM, by putting 'woman' in inverted commas in your OP and describing your aggressor as a teen girl, I assume you equate women = adult female).
I do not believe anyone thinks you're a cunt just because they questioned your description of the girl in question, why you were recording or your response to the situation (which is perfectly understandable - with kids in tow you automatically minimise risk and conflict).
Mixture of responses = being treated like anyone else on AIBU irrespective of using real name. Chat is much nicer. Flowers

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 13/08/2016 17:57

Why are people more likely to believe it because they are supposedly well known?

It's not a subject that would necessarily invite trollery is it?

KimmySchmidtsSmile · 13/08/2016 18:05

Not because of being well known but because hardly anyone on here uses their real name. Therefore if you know that a poster IS using g their real name then far less likely to be making anything up. Why would they have been accused of trollery under a name change?
Because the OP mentioned teen mum, shit parenting, purse lifting drama and recording all on one new post, hence tick boxing some of the crap that's been on here of late. Critique of 'teen' mum = inflammatory, 'secret' recording = unusual, shit parenting = clickbait, purse lifting = mystery/did they? didn't they?) But I have been here way too long. Wink

KimmySchmidtsSmile · 13/08/2016 18:08

Anyhoo, I do hope your house move went well, you get your money back and a crime ref no., and you have a pleasant weekend OP.

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 13/08/2016 18:12

But it's just as likely to be bollocks from this OP as anyone else! Just because they are known by their real name, doesn't make them any more credible. And the AMA thread kind of underlined that posting under their own name is an attention seeking move.


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milliemolliemou · 13/08/2016 18:30

Perhaps MN HQ could advise on the ins and outs of filming/use of material as evidence? Clearly there have been some successful prosecutions based on film gathered eg by relatives of elderly people whose carers have abused/stolen from them - and that wasn't done with the carers permission. And the police can use CCTV (also gathered without the public's written permission) for prosecutions. I understand journos can't film children without parental permission and can't film undercover without very good reason, but if someone like Persian can't film child abuse happening next door what is the world coming to?

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 13/08/2016 18:37

I would have thought that a lawyer would be better placed to advise?

OfstedAintEverything · 13/08/2016 18:42

What have you decided to do, mxJack ?

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