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To have recorded this and now be considering social services?

225 replies

MxJackMonroe · 12/08/2016 21:37

I went to a beer garden today with the boy (6) and the dog (on a lead, well behaved) to kill an hour of time.
I spent that hour listening to a 'woman' (looked like a teenage girl) growling at her kids, 2 under 4, shrieking, calling them fucking little cunts, snatching toys off them for no reasons, barking at them, encouraging them to scare the dog 'to see if he was friendly', as she downed pints and shots, and left when a drinks tray flew at my face and she came over to retrieve it...not to apologise, as I assumed one of the kids had thrown it, but to laugh in my face as she said "well they wouldn't fucking share it so I fucking threw it away innit." No apology. Laughing at herself for nearly clouting a stranger in the face with a tray. I'm usually quite ballsy but Jesus, she seemed insane and quite volatile, so, feeling extremely sorry for her kids, I quietly left.
I've just had a text from my bank to say my bank card has been fraudulently used. I checked my bag. My wallet - which was on the table in the pub garden, is not there. The little scrunge not only terrified my dog and threw a drinks tray at my face and screamed at her kids all afternoon, it seems she nicked my wallet too.
I'm meant to move house tomorrow. I need to pay £2,200 that I have worked my arse off for, to a letting agents at 10am. Luckily for me I can go to my bank with ID and get it out. Unluckily for her, I left my phone on the table recording SB playing with the dog (making cute memories to listen to when I'm down) and caught all her shit in there too.
First move, calling the pub to see if they have CCTV in the garden.
Second stop, if she can be identified, social services?
I am a genuinely reasonable, decent person. But Jesus Christ, this thing hit all my nerves today. And her kids deserve her getting some help.

OP posts:
lifesalongsong · 12/08/2016 23:42

I don't know about the logistics of reporting someone you can't identify to SS but I'd be very tempted to at least try.

Even without the recording you can explain what happened.

ExasperatedAlmostAlways · 12/08/2016 23:51

I think it will be hard to report it to ss with no photo or info on her BUT definitely mention to the police who you suspect it was and also add in the details of the way she spoke to the children and that if they can get a photo from cctv you want to make a report to ss regarding her treatment of them.

What a total horror she sounds.

IamViolet · 12/08/2016 23:53


Houseofmirth66 · 13/08/2016 00:05

Hilarious how sucky everyone becomes because they think the OP might be a celeb. Although Jack Monroe campaigns on gender issues and poverty so I'd be quite surprised if she were to refer to someone as a scrunge if so.

ExasperatedAlmostAlways · 13/08/2016 00:07

I literally have no idea who Jack Monroe is, never heard the name before in my life. Off to Google.

Just5minswithDacre · 13/08/2016 00:10

Hilarious how sucky everyone becomes because they think the OP might be a celeb. Although Jack Monroe campaigns on gender issues and poverty so I'd be quite surprised if she were to refer to someone as a scrunge if so.


Who OP is completely immaterial to this one.

It's basically a 'WWYD' about a theft, some v dodgy parenting and some other random stuff.

Just5minswithDacre · 13/08/2016 00:11

Is 'ducky' supposed to describe the opposite of trollhunting BTW?

Just5minswithDacre · 13/08/2016 00:11

Sucky, ffs.

ImperialBlether · 13/08/2016 00:12

I thought JM was on here long before she was well known.

elephantoverthehill · 13/08/2016 00:13

It doesn't matter who the OP is. What matters is someone is concerned for some children's welfare. If nobody speaks out nothing happens.

usual · 13/08/2016 00:14

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NeedAScarfForMyGiraffe · 13/08/2016 00:16

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NeedAScarfForMyGiraffe · 13/08/2016 00:17

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LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 13/08/2016 00:17

another book due out, I wonder?

usual · 13/08/2016 00:19

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Houseofmirth66 · 13/08/2016 00:21

Kind of creepy to be secretly recording strangers too. Even if the intention is to be 'making memories'.

DesolateWaist · 13/08/2016 00:21

And just because the op calls herself the name of a well known person, it doesn't mean that's who she is.
I could post under the name Queen Elizabeth but that wouldn't mean that's who it was.

IIRC when Jack did post here and was verified the title of Mx was not used in the user name.

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 13/08/2016 00:24

I was sure the title Mx was used?

DesolateWaist · 13/08/2016 00:28

I might be miss remembering.

DesolateWaist · 13/08/2016 00:29

I was wrong.
This is a post from the same poster that MNHQ verified as being the real person.

KimmySchmidtsSmile · 13/08/2016 00:32

They are on twitter. All ties in. Shit day. Sorry to hear about that OP. Brew
(I give out tea to anyone on here before being accused of being sucky). Besides, wish to remind them to return to the gender theory thread they started, when life calms down and stops being so shit obv, as I was looking forward to a line by line critique of Shania Twain Wink

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 13/08/2016 00:32

But no you can't go around recording people on your phone.


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Houseofmirth66 · 13/08/2016 00:34

Don't mean to labour the point (although that's precisely what I'm going to do) but if the OP isn't Jack Monroe then she is pretending to be and not just assuming the user name for fun. The reference to 'the boy' is a JM 'thing', as are mentions of the dog. Not that it matters terribly much but if I had one of those hobbies mumsnetters are so fond of then mine would be pedantry.

LiviaDrusillaAugusta · 13/08/2016 00:35

I think we established that the poster is the real JM

NeedAScarfForMyGiraffe · 13/08/2016 00:35

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