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To have recorded this and now be considering social services?

225 replies

MxJackMonroe · 12/08/2016 21:37

I went to a beer garden today with the boy (6) and the dog (on a lead, well behaved) to kill an hour of time.
I spent that hour listening to a 'woman' (looked like a teenage girl) growling at her kids, 2 under 4, shrieking, calling them fucking little cunts, snatching toys off them for no reasons, barking at them, encouraging them to scare the dog 'to see if he was friendly', as she downed pints and shots, and left when a drinks tray flew at my face and she came over to retrieve it...not to apologise, as I assumed one of the kids had thrown it, but to laugh in my face as she said "well they wouldn't fucking share it so I fucking threw it away innit." No apology. Laughing at herself for nearly clouting a stranger in the face with a tray. I'm usually quite ballsy but Jesus, she seemed insane and quite volatile, so, feeling extremely sorry for her kids, I quietly left.
I've just had a text from my bank to say my bank card has been fraudulently used. I checked my bag. My wallet - which was on the table in the pub garden, is not there. The little scrunge not only terrified my dog and threw a drinks tray at my face and screamed at her kids all afternoon, it seems she nicked my wallet too.
I'm meant to move house tomorrow. I need to pay £2,200 that I have worked my arse off for, to a letting agents at 10am. Luckily for me I can go to my bank with ID and get it out. Unluckily for her, I left my phone on the table recording SB playing with the dog (making cute memories to listen to when I'm down) and caught all her shit in there too.
First move, calling the pub to see if they have CCTV in the garden.
Second stop, if she can be identified, social services?
I am a genuinely reasonable, decent person. But Jesus Christ, this thing hit all my nerves today. And her kids deserve her getting some help.

OP posts:
fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 12/08/2016 22:04


BillSykesDog · 12/08/2016 22:04

I would try following this up with the police by asking if the case has been assigned to an officer and if so can you speak to them regarding it. Explain the situation. It's highly likely if they looked at the CCTV they would know who she was as it sounds like she knew what she was doing.

It is also worth ringing SS as she may well be someone already known to them too.

But, yes, you would hope that the police and SS would want to follow up children supervised by a drunk who was probably using them as cover for a crime too.

But be warned this is MN and an awful lot of people on here think child abuse is excusable if you're having a bad day and robbery is generally excusable and you are horrible and judgemental.

In fact I have my MN bingo card out and reckon you'll be told she's probably a victim of DV using your card to flee within half a dozen posts.

MxJackMonroe · 12/08/2016 22:04

desolate As were 3 dog toys, water bottles, pens, knitting, colouring books, all of which magically made their way back into my bag. If my large, gaudy wallet had been there, I'd have picked it up at the same time.

OP posts:
NeedAScarfForMyGiraffe · 12/08/2016 22:04

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Fortybingowings · 12/08/2016 22:06

Ok fair enough.

ZippyNeedsFeeding · 12/08/2016 22:06

Well, maybe nothing will happen if you report it. However, if you don't report it then it's a certainty that nothing will happen.
If you report, with what information you have, then you will have done your best and you won't be one of the good men doing nothing. the outcome is out of your hands, but this information may be the piece needed to complete a picture. (I think I have some more clichés, shall I try to squeeze them in?).

NeedAScarfForMyGiraffe · 12/08/2016 22:06

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fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 12/08/2016 22:06

Not often ashamed to be a MNetter but am when threads go like this

MxJackMonroe · 12/08/2016 22:07

Re made up story - no. Can I post audio on here?! Coz I have it. Also as someone else pointed out, I'm moving house tomorrow. I kind of don't need any additional drama. If I want a fantasy world, I read a book or have a wank, not come on fucking Mumsnet.

OP posts:
ImperialBlether · 12/08/2016 22:08

Me too, Fanjo. Some right fucking lunatics here.

NeedAScarfForMyGiraffe · 12/08/2016 22:08

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SDTGisAnEvilWolefGenius · 12/08/2016 22:09

If the police are involved, and it was the same woman who stole your wallet, MxJack, hopefully they will be able to identify her and not only will you get your wallet back, but you could also show the police the phone footage and see if they can take that side of it fur too.

I hope that your move goes well - and I am sorry you have been subject to some nasty comments on here!

dangermouseisace · 12/08/2016 22:10

I'd report the abuse to...someone- as suggested nspcc could advise. I witnessed similar happen to a boy my kids went to school with. Obviously I could describe him which means it was easier for me to report (I did it to school). school were grateful for the info as they already had safeguarding concerns but lacking in 'evidence'. As others have said, if this woman/kids are local it is likely SS already know who she is and have concerns. It's a horrible thing to witness- the poor, poor kids...

MxJackMonroe · 12/08/2016 22:11

It's just an audio recording. It's a thing me and the boy do. Collect happy sounds. Him reading me stories, happy chatter in the woods, etc. I don't really want to listen to this one, to be honest, but I have it.

OP posts:
fanjoforthemammaries7850 · 12/08/2016 22:11

There are quite a few posters on MN who are social workers..hope one can advise

PersianCatLady · 12/08/2016 22:12

Did you catch any film of her kids in your recording because if you did I would definitely think twice about going to the police.

I know a family where the kids are being abused and I could easily get video evidence of it happening from a window. However when I mentioned this to a police officer she told me that if I were to film the kids at all and the family complained she would be more likely to arrest me than them regardless of the content of the video.

It makes me so mad that we are supposed to look out for kids and stop abuse happening, yet the scumbags who do abuse children can use the law to ensure that they can continue doing it.

Dontyoulovecalpol · 12/08/2016 22:13

That's rubbish Persian

Ricksheadtilt · 12/08/2016 22:13

In my very humble opinion, gut instinct is worth a lot :-
Someone looks lost, ill or in need of help
Someone/something looks dodgy...
All too often people ignore it as they're scared for one reason or another. This is why recently some aspects of society are falling apart.
OP you think something needs acting on whether it be for those poor kids or your bank balance. I say act on it.
I think it's about time more of us stood up to be counted. (And not just on the internet making silly little comments).

MxJackMonroe · 12/08/2016 22:13

persian it's just audio! thankfully.

OP posts:
elephantoverthehill · 12/08/2016 22:14

What a horrible experience. I think moving is very stressful and it is easy to take 'your eye off the ball'. You were lucky your bank picked up on the card theft, I have no idea what else you have in your wallet, but most things are replaceable. I have had 2 wallets knicked in the past and they have turned up and been returned eventually. The more important issue is about child protection. Childhood is something altogether different from material possessions.

DesolateWaist · 12/08/2016 22:14

desolate As were 3 dog toys, water bottles, pens, knitting, colouring books, all of which magically made their way back into my bag. If my large, gaudy wallet had been there, I'd have picked it up at the same time.

Fair enough, I was being 'devils's advocate' there.

LewisAndClark · 12/08/2016 22:15

I think the police AND social services would both be very interested. She's likely to already be on their radar.

I'm not sure why you're getting such a hard time here. Mumsnet is a fucking weird place lately.

Good luck with your move.


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Noonesfool · 12/08/2016 22:16

Give the whole shebang to the police Jack

They are bound by safeguarding regs to pass on/investigate any child protection concerns to the appropriate agency.

PersianCatLady · 12/08/2016 22:16

Who goes to a pub to kill time a day before they move house?! Bloody hell
Maybe people who have packed most of their belongings away and want to go and grab a drink and a snack or maybe people who just want a break from the misery of packing up all their belongings to move house.

Either way, why the OP went to the pub is totally irrelevant.

NeedAScarfForMyGiraffe · 12/08/2016 22:16

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