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Things not to say to a pregnant woman

136 replies

DesignedForLife · 01/07/2016 21:22

Heavily pregnant, with lively toddler in tow. Put a lot of effort into making DH a lovely made from scratch lasagna for supper, nearly ready when he walked through the door (he's got a lot of extra work on at the moment, thought he'd appreciate it). He said he didn't want dinner as he didn't have time. Which of course, made me burst into tears.

Please share what unhelpful things have been said to you, maybe it will make me feel better.

He's getting fish fingers and chips for dinner for the next few months. (He does do his share of cooking usually).

OP posts:
Bigfam · 01/07/2016 21:55


Eat motherfucking bastard arse ginger biscuits

^ Grin loved it

BeenThereTooSEL · 01/07/2016 21:58

MIL shouted Oi Fatty! Across a tube station car park when I was 7 months pregnant.

Then when DD was born moaned as she was a week late when she was meant to be away on the coast for a week Hmm

2yummymummy2 · 01/07/2016 21:59

Oh god would die if someone mentioned discharge in public

I've also been asked loudly by oh if my boobs are leaking?
Looked down and yes they were but he didn't have to say it so loud that everyone in the room looked at me. This was before I had the baby too so wasn't expecting it

This is my last baby now I can't wait to be done with pregnancy

Also been told birth horror stories about poo and I have had c sections so I don't have any poo stories to share back so I never know what to say except agree that it's all worth it in the end.

MrsMarigold · 01/07/2016 21:59

Your perineum will never be the same again.

babyinthacorner · 01/07/2016 22:00

"You realise I'm TOTALLY judging you now."
Said by a colleague as I sipped half a cup of pimms and lemonade at an after work event. Yeah good! Judge all you like!

BerylMeeps · 01/07/2016 22:02

Fucking GINGER... Just eat raw bloody roots ffs eurgh 😡

Also, aren't you done yet? I thought you were due weeks ago? (Due aug1, sorry mate forgot I was the size of a fucking blue whale)

You shouldn't be doing that (do it for me then. No? Ok I'll just carry on Hmm )

What have you been doing all day then? (You're the one that told me I wasn't allowed to do xyz so I've had a nap. Now fuck orf)

God it's ridiculous.

Bonywasawarriorwayayix · 01/07/2016 22:05

'Someone's pregnant. Jesus'. Thanks, I had noticed.
'Out the way you lazy bitch'. Though that was probably more down to misogynistic twatishness than my physical state.

Noodledoodledoo · 01/07/2016 22:08

'Are you having a baby' comment from my year 9's yesterday as I left to start Mat leave at 37 weeks - my response no I have just eaten a lot of cake!!!

My LSA and I could not believe they are that self absorbed!

ABCAlwaysBeCunting · 01/07/2016 22:09

An in-law to my friend with her first pregnancy: 'it will be so disappointing if your first born is a girl. It should be a boy'.

Pinkheart5915 · 01/07/2016 22:17

My second baby is due in August making it 11 months after I had my ds.

All I've had ( mainly from friends, and complete strangers) is " you must be mad" " how will you cope, I wouldn't be able too" "did you plan it " and my absolute favourite " I thought you couldn't have sex until 8-10 weeks after a baby"

Me and dh are both adults and know what we are doing thank you very much!

SpecialStains · 01/07/2016 22:21

There is an extra circle in hell reserved for those who recommend ginger products of any kind to a sick, pregnant woman.

NinjaPanda34 · 01/07/2016 22:21

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Message deleted by MNHQ because it contained a disablist term.

sallyjane40 · 01/07/2016 22:21

'Don't eat TOO much - you'll never lose the weight again',

  • when i was nibbling rich tea biscuits at work, to stave off my all-day-sickness, at about 8 weeks in...from a rather overweight male work colleague!
QueenImprov · 01/07/2016 22:21

"Are you allowed to eat that?", referring to perfectly acceptable pregnancy foods, by people who had no idea about what foods pregnant people can or can't eat.
"Oh you are in for a shock when the baby comes!", "you won't be able to do that when the baby comes!" when my partner and I did anything remotely fun or sociable when I was pregnant.
Both so annoying.

Jayne266 · 01/07/2016 22:29

At the minute I have sinusitis and wanted a bit of extra rest in bed. And my DM kept saying she's pregnant not ill why does she need extra rest.

Snow123 · 01/07/2016 22:32

'It's not the worst thing in the world I suppose. At least they're not 16' (MIL on the phone to her mother, said whilst sat next to me on the sofa. I'm 26)

'You know that alcohol at any time during the pregnancy can cause birth defects. It just has to be at the right time of development but it can happen ANY time'

'Have you tried ginger?' (Hyperemesis sufferers must hear this several times a week...)

'I think I need to come down to hold DH's hand during the birth. It will be very stressful for him' (Another MIL one.)

'Imagine if the baby is born with two heads or something and that's why you're so sick'' (Said at 12 weeks pregnant when Id been in and out on hospital on meds for hyperemesis. As if I needed anything else to worry about!)

PinkyofPie · 01/07/2016 22:33

"Pregnancy is not an illness"

"How can you have morning sickness? When I was pregnant I didn't have morning sickness until I was 12 weeks" 🙄

And worst of all, in a restaurant when I try to order anything except butter less bread or something equally as plain and shit "you can't eat that, it's not allowed". Yes I can eat prawns, as long as they're cooked, and I can have mayo and ice cream too, now fuck the fuck off

PinkyofPie · 01/07/2016 22:35

Eat motherfucking bastard arse ginger biscuits

Oh Lordy this makes me rage. They don't work and they give me the trots

MrEBear · 01/07/2016 22:41

Can you still fit behind the wheel? Fil
Yes, and I drove after I started contractions. He has come out with a few comments that have stuck in my throat over the years.

35 weeks, on phone to NHS Direct, "have you got a swollen abdomen?" Ive just told you I a 35 week pregnant so yes.

2yummymummy2 · 01/07/2016 22:49

Lol at the ginger biscuits
I did try them again this time but nope didn't work

Would be great if they did

Lol also at can you fit behind the wheel Grin

StarkyTheDirewolf · 01/07/2016 22:50

Dh works permanent nights, a couple of people have said "ooh that'll be useful for you when the baby comes". No it won't, he'll be at work, I'll be up all night with the baby.

It's still quite early for comments though for me as I'm only 19+2.

NoPowerInTheVerseCanStopMe · 01/07/2016 22:51

Every time I eat anything, no matter how big or small, whether it's healthy or not: "ooh eating for two!" Angry

When hobbling into the office having been given crutches for SPD by the physio and having a really bad day with it, to the extent that even with the crutches I struggled to walk the 25 meters from my car to the office: "it's funny, back when I was having my kids you never heard of anybody having problems like this; I guess we just got on with it" AngryAngryAngry


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foxessocks · 01/07/2016 22:57

I've had a lot of " you're so tiny you don't look 7 months pregnant at all" which always worries me because I am measuring small anyway but my midwife isn't concerned. I also get a lot of "what a lovely neat little bump"...hmm doesn't feel it to me actually it feels pretty big.

The eat ginger thing definitely annoying.

And the other day mil's partner made a comment about the amount of food I put on my plate at a buffet type lunch. And I said well seeing as I've not been able to keep anything down for 5 months I think I'm entitled to eat what the hell I want!

thrillhouse · 01/07/2016 23:01

I will tell anyone who'll listen the story of the prick who tried to stop me eating ham at a friend's Christmas party. It's 18 months ago and it still gives me fury Angry

I did also have someone at work when I was about 25 weeks say "oh I didn't realise you were pregnant" but, to be fair, I did have a fairly small bump.

Which people commented on.


RaggyDoll24 · 01/07/2016 23:06

'I'll just put undecided in your notes' when discussing with my midwife where I want to give birth, despite me explaining (eloquently I thought) why I don't want a home birth. Or you could just put 'Hospital' which is what I said Hmm

Oh and as others have said, comments on bump size. Yes, I'm bigger now, I'm growing a human being, that's what happens!

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