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AIBU? think the green pepper is a waste of time?

172 replies

HappyHeart87 · 31/05/2016 19:10

I eat the yellow one in salads. Yum.

Mr. Red is delicious in stir fry or chicken pasta.

The stupid green one sits in my fridge going mouldy and making me feel guilty.

OP posts:
Justmeagain78 · 31/05/2016 22:04

I hear you. My green pepper is next to the other fridge regular - the half full tin of kidney beans. Who uses a whole tin of those buggers in their chilli?!!!

Woodhill · 31/05/2016 22:07

Thai curry but tbh no one likes them even the Guinea pig so I have to make an effort to use them

987flowers · 31/05/2016 22:27

Thankfully my guinea pigs do like them so that's where they go!!!

Owllady · 31/05/2016 22:29

The green ones get you moving if you are blocked up

AprilSkies44 · 31/05/2016 22:30

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Racheyg · 31/05/2016 22:33

I'm with you on this one op. I hate the green. Oh always gets lumped with it Grin

AvaLeStrange · 31/05/2016 22:49

Yanbu, although they are ok diced in chilli or spag bol for a bit of colour, chunkier in curries & essential in jambalaya.

The ratio of how many peppers I get in the house to how often I cook those things leaves a bit to be desired mind you.

LegoCaltrops · 31/05/2016 22:52

Green are the best in curry, & indispensable in Greek salad.

Grilledaubergines · 31/05/2016 23:12

Will have to test this out think the green pepper is a waste of time?
CrowyMcCrowFace · 31/05/2016 23:36

Pepper wasters, you are generally weird. Regardless of your colour preferences!

A half kilo a week, surely, if you cook for a family? I get through at least twice that.

EveryoneElsie · 31/05/2016 23:38

I've tried ripening the green peppers and turning them red but they just go wrinkly.
Grilledaubergines, I like the sexy pepper post, I'm going to try that.

troubledsoul12 · 31/05/2016 23:39

I absolutely love green pepper raw ... Could eat the whole one x
For breakfast scrumble eggs on toast and stripes of green pepper with bit of a salt on it x yummy

heavenlypink · 01/06/2016 08:18

Grilledaubergine this must be true .... The pepper I used at the weekend was definitely more bitter than others of later, and I have often wondered why sometimes there are loads more seeds too.

SpaceUnicorn · 01/06/2016 08:20

NOOOOOOO, don't fall for the bell pepper/gender hoax! It's Facebook bullshit.

Motheroffourdragons · 01/06/2016 08:26

I like the yellow ones least. I use green in a lovely pasta and tomato sauce dish with red pepper and if I only have yellow instead of green, it really doesn't taste right. I think it balances out the red's sweetness.

CathemeralChild · 01/06/2016 08:33

We love green peppers here!
Chop them into very large chunks, then fry them hot and quick in olive oil until they start to blister. Sprinkle with fleur de sel and chilli flakes, cover, and turn the heat right down. Cook slowly until soft. A poor man's version of Pedron peppers.
Perfect with Ribeiro and crusty white bread to mop the sweet sticky juice up. A few slices of manchego cheese and a tomato salad with olives and it's a fantastic dinner!

TheGnomeMobile1 · 01/06/2016 11:46

Green pepper is for meatloaf. That is all.

jo2107 · 01/06/2016 11:49

Great for curries or on pizza :-)

SugarMiceInTheRain · 01/06/2016 11:50

I only like them in curries. Chopped small. Otherwise they are horrible.

Eeeek686 · 01/06/2016 11:56

You guys are all pandering to your taste buds inner toddler! Green peppers can be delicious in the right context and if you try to see the good in them like lots of people actually ! Don't be so exclusive!


squoosh · 01/06/2016 12:21


It's just an unripe and unwelcome fucker.

grumpysquash · 01/06/2016 13:12

This pretty girl loves green peppers, they are her favourite. think the green pepper is a waste of time?

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thebestfurchinchilla · 01/06/2016 13:26

I love green pepper. It's a lovely addition to chilli. Just add it with the kidney beans. I use it in stirfry and salad too. Or I roast all 3 colours with onions, aubergine and courgette in a little olive oil. What's not to like?

thebestfurchinchilla · 01/06/2016 13:29

justmeagan I do!

susurration · 01/06/2016 17:15

you send me your green one, i'll send you my orange/yellow one. problem solved.

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