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AIBU, need quick reply

163 replies

Ghanagirl · 02/05/2016 17:03

AIBU to as ask my SIL to drop my twins home?
My two have been at SIL overnight (really unusual occurrence) I arranged to pick them up at midday but when I called to say I was about to leave home she said her big sis was on her way with her two kids so I shouldn't come just yet.
I'm really grateful that she's had them overnight but I'm tired and it's getting dark is at terrible to ask her or other SIL to drop them home as I hate driving when it's getting dark

OP posts:
ScoutsMam · 02/05/2016 21:45

Scotland is now dark.

WandaFuca · 02/05/2016 21:49

It sounds to me as if there's an issue with the SIL being a bit overbearing, and the OP not knowing how to handle that. The SIL wanted to keep the OP's children for longer than arranged, just because the SIL's sister was visiting. Nothing to do with the children's needs, nor the OP's.

Lots of people get anxious about driving as the light is fading/the sun is low in the sky. I wonder if the SIL knew about the OP's anxiety and was ignoring that (didn't give a fuck) because she wanted to show off her doting aunt persona.

GColdtimer · 02/05/2016 22:05

What a deeply unpleasant thread.

calmandcussing · 02/05/2016 22:13

OP, genuine question here & not at all wanting to sound you suffer from anxiety?

WandaFuca · 02/05/2016 22:47

Yes, deeply unpleasant. A lot of mockery and derision. Rather than thinking, you know, maybe there's deeper situation going on here.

I bet that if it had been an exH or a MIL, rather than a SIL, the responses would have been very different.

TealLove · 02/05/2016 22:53

This thread is awful.
OP was obviously anxious. I would be too I hated it when DD wasn't dropped back at a certain time. Plus I had anxiety around driving late. People are just so nasty on here sometimes.

ImNotThatGirl · 02/05/2016 23:12

People were a bit mean but the OP wasn't doing herself any favours with her weird comments about the dark. As it happens, I drove past Brent Cross (NW4) at 5.30pm (ish) and it was most certainly full daylight. I don't love driving in the dark and I don't love putting hyper kids to bed on a school night, so I can empathise but this whole thread get derailed by OP's comment about the sky colour. If she'd said she felt silly and anxious, she might have got different answers.

Ghanagirl · 02/05/2016 23:59

Thanks for lovely supportive replies, sister in law flaked out at last minute so I've picked up twins and they are in bed! Also

  1. I do work
  2. I've looked after SIL kids many more times than she's had twins (this is second time and they are 8)
  3. I'm not a Doctor but do work in NHS and am professionally qualified (just to clarify for those who thought I have God complex).
  4. thanks for all the support
OP posts:
Topseyt · 03/05/2016 01:16

OP derailed her own thread by insisting that it was dark outside when it was broad daylight still. She began saying this very early in the thread, between 5 - 5.30pm in May.

I too am anxious driving after dark, but there were about another three hours of daylight left.

Nor did she seem clear whether she lived in NW4 or North East London.

She was virtually insisting that everything was the opposite to what it actually was and was then somehow surprised when that was ridiculed.

It was ridiculed because it was blatantly not so.

GColdtimer · 03/05/2016 14:06

But topsey, did the ridicule really need to take up the best part of 160 messages? This thread was worse than a bunch of cackling school girls, all trying to be cleverer than the previous poster - posting pictures and screen shots.

viciousstarling · 03/05/2016 16:38

Yes it did. OP made a bizarre claim about it being dark when it wasn't. So the ridicule was justified. This should go in classics

GColdtimer · 03/05/2016 18:47

Suit your name there vicious.

Funko · 03/05/2016 19:14

Apologises profusely for my childishness 😞

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