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AIBU, need quick reply

163 replies

Ghanagirl · 02/05/2016 17:03

AIBU to as ask my SIL to drop my twins home?
My two have been at SIL overnight (really unusual occurrence) I arranged to pick them up at midday but when I called to say I was about to leave home she said her big sis was on her way with her two kids so I shouldn't come just yet.
I'm really grateful that she's had them overnight but I'm tired and it's getting dark is at terrible to ask her or other SIL to drop them home as I hate driving when it's getting dark

OP posts:
LobsterQuadrille · 02/05/2016 19:08

OP, I hate driving in the dark too. And the rain for that matter. I used to convince myself that I would be plunged into a thunderstorm in the pitch darkness even if it was sunny and broad daylight. I'm being tested for epilepsy at the moment and am not allowed to drive and, while I sincerely hope the tests are negative and the whole thing is very inconvenient, I'm really not missing the car!

Pipbin · 02/05/2016 19:12

It is getting dark here in the SE now. HTH.

SuperFlyHigh · 02/05/2016 19:13

Yeah Pipbin almost 45 minutes after my weather watch update! Grin

wtffgs · 02/05/2016 19:39

Not terribly relevant but whatever! Wink

viciousstarling · 02/05/2016 19:43

I think the newborn examination thing was to let us know that OP is a doctor so obv clever enough to know when it's getting dark

Pipbin · 02/05/2016 20:10

I hadn't thought about that Vic. How can a doctor not know if it is daylight or not?

Lweji · 02/05/2016 20:15

By spending all those hours inside a hospital.

My experience of many medical doctors is that they don't like to be told they're wrong.
Unlike us, the proper doctors. Ahem. Halo

witsender · 02/05/2016 20:22

If you had said "aibu to worry that they are going to be tired and out of routine" you would have gotten a different response. You only concern according to the OP was that you were tired and didn't want to drive in the dark, despite subset not being for hours yet.

Lunar1 · 02/05/2016 20:24

I'm very confused, what do medical exams have to do with driving in the dark 3 hours away from sunset?

TooGood2BeFalse · 02/05/2016 20:25

Won't comment on the light/dark situation OP, but wondering why you need to get permission to collect your children? You're their mother, surely you decide as,when and where they go? Fair enough if your SIL said ' it okay if we finish baking? ' -( and why can't you be present?Coffee while they finish up?) but to be INFORMED that you may pick up your kids 8 hours after previously planned is insane.

I would go absolutely bat-shit crazy if anybody tried to pull that stunt on me (MIL tried...did not succeed)

DoreenLethal · 02/05/2016 20:27

I am back from the allotment and it is still light here in the Midlands.

Funko · 02/05/2016 20:29

This thread has absolutely tickled me. You lot are so mean but also fucking hilarious

DoreenLethal · 02/05/2016 20:37

Ok, so NOW it is getting dark here.


Funko · 02/05/2016 20:41

I'm in east mids and could probably still get away with driving without my lights on 😂

witsender · 02/05/2016 20:43

Pretty good here on the old Isla Wight.

AIBU, need quick reply
Gide · 02/05/2016 20:48

North London here. Got dark in last Hal hour, but DH was on the phone then telling his mum about the bright blue sky. He wasn't wrong.

DailyMailDick · 02/05/2016 20:49

What a bonkers thread! Grin

Leggytadpole · 02/05/2016 20:54

Interesting thread. Better be off to bed now, it'll be getting light soon.

Topseyt · 02/05/2016 21:00

It is practically dark here in North West Essex now. Just thought I would update.

DiseasesOfTheSheep · 02/05/2016 21:02

I sympathise with the OP. I thought it was getting dark earlier too. Turns out I'd just blinked and forgotten to open my eyes again Blush

It's amazing what folk will argue on t'internet, even when it's so easily dismissed by actual, empirical fact...

Snoringlittlemonkey · 02/05/2016 21:05

I'd tell the SIL not to darken my doorstep again.


DailyMailDick · 02/05/2016 21:14


AIBU, need quick reply

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Bearsinmotion · 02/05/2016 21:25

It's dark in the Cotswolds now.

Funko · 02/05/2016 21:29

Definitely dark now. Definitely need lights on when driving. Hth

Topseyt · 02/05/2016 21:43

The street lights are on here too. So are the outdoor lights on the outside of our house.

That is how dark it now is in deepest, darkest Essex.

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