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AIBU, need quick reply

163 replies

Ghanagirl · 02/05/2016 17:03

AIBU to as ask my SIL to drop my twins home?
My two have been at SIL overnight (really unusual occurrence) I arranged to pick them up at midday but when I called to say I was about to leave home she said her big sis was on her way with her two kids so I shouldn't come just yet.
I'm really grateful that she's had them overnight but I'm tired and it's getting dark is at terrible to ask her or other SIL to drop them home as I hate driving when it's getting dark

OP posts:
IHopeYouStepOnALegoPiece · 02/05/2016 17:58

Just go and get them if you want..But stop making excuses. I'm currently in NE London and it's nowhere near bloody dark

Furiosa · 02/05/2016 17:58

Is she a bossy SIL? Does she have kids herself or is she playing mummy with yours?

She can't tell you you can't collect your own kids Confused

PerspicaciaTick · 02/05/2016 17:58

If you want to get your children - go get them.
If you want them returned to you - ask.
But please don't lie about it being dark.

Haudyerwheesht · 02/05/2016 17:58

But OP it isnt dark and that's pretty much the whole premise of your question.

Ghanagirl · 02/05/2016 17:59

I've said more than once I'm not tired, was concerned my DS might be tired, but obviously according to some he should get over it!
Can't believe a parenting website full of such vitriol

OP posts:
ScoutsMam · 02/05/2016 18:00

They might be tired, that's fine. It's still not dark though.

Can't believe a parenting website full of such vitriol

Is this a test, I know some people on AIBU will argue night is day, but this is a bit literal.

DrinkFeckArseGirls · 02/05/2016 18:00

It's your kids, pick them up when you want to. Confused

PerspicaciaTick · 02/05/2016 18:01

I think people react badly when lied to. Even when the lie is childish and simple to debunk.

WineOrSleep · 02/05/2016 18:01

May not be sunny but definitely daylight here!! (North London)

Seriously op, is your house under a cloud? It's shade, not darkness y'know Grin

JonSnowsBeardClippings · 02/05/2016 18:01

Just text saying 'just leaving, be X minutes, see you soon' and go.

DailyMailDick · 02/05/2016 18:02

OP, it might be worth checking if you are wearing sunglasses

Haudyerwheesht · 02/05/2016 18:02

But but but OP it's like saying 'grass is blue' and then being annoyed when people say 'no it's not'. You can't base your whole OP around it being dark when it is not, in fact, dark.

Topseyt · 02/05/2016 18:02

You are giving the vitriol here, OP.

People are just expressing surprise that you seem to think it is dark when it is broad daylight still, and that you seem to need your SIL's permission to collect your own kids.

GrimmauldPlace · 02/05/2016 18:02

Why don't you just go now to get them? Are they having dinner at SIL's or at home?
You seem to be worried about getting your own children back. If you want them home either go get them or ring SIL to see if she'll drop them back.

DoreenLethal · 02/05/2016 18:03

Is this a test, I know some people on AIBU will argue night is day, but this is a bit literal


HackerFucker22 · 02/05/2016 18:03

OP at 17:43 you said "but I'm tired"


ScoutsMam · 02/05/2016 18:04

OP at 17:43 you said "but I'm tired"

Maybe tired means wide awake in opposite land?

Arfarfanarf · 02/05/2016 18:05

This reply has been deleted

Message withdrawn at poster's request.

WineOrSleep · 02/05/2016 18:06

10-1 this thread gets deleted because the op throws a strop that everyone is disagreeing about the amount of daylight

ImperialBlether · 02/05/2016 18:07

Grin at opposite land.

gingergenie · 02/05/2016 18:07

OP no-one is fighting you, it's just a little strange that you say it's getting dark when it's not. Perhaps some of us are a little confused but no-one is trying to fight! As PP have said, tell SIL you are on your way and you'll get your DC's home in good time for a sensible school night bedtime?

Pipbin · 02/05/2016 18:08

I've said more than once I'm not tired

I'm really grateful that she's had them overnight but I'm tired and it's getting dark

Which is is then?
And it really isn't getting dark. I'm not in London but I'm close enough to know that it isn't getting dark.


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Ghanagirl · 02/05/2016 18:08

Bowing out my SIL just said "sorry for keeping them later than arranged"
It's def getting dark in NW4 but whatever

OP posts:
DailyMailDick · 02/05/2016 18:09

I've just taken this photo - I don't live far from N London.

Perhaps there is a localised eclipse or perhaps someone is having a huge bonfire.

AIBU, need quick reply
Lweji · 02/05/2016 18:10

Just go and get them, FGS.
Never mind your SIL. Why are you worried about what she thinks?

(it's getting dark now in NE London)
Must be the non-existent smog.

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