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AIBU, need quick reply

163 replies

Ghanagirl · 02/05/2016 17:03

AIBU to as ask my SIL to drop my twins home?
My two have been at SIL overnight (really unusual occurrence) I arranged to pick them up at midday but when I called to say I was about to leave home she said her big sis was on her way with her two kids so I shouldn't come just yet.
I'm really grateful that she's had them overnight but I'm tired and it's getting dark is at terrible to ask her or other SIL to drop them home as I hate driving when it's getting dark

OP posts:
Ghanagirl · 02/05/2016 17:43

Thanks for replies, I set off to collect them at 2.00pm but my SIL told me not to come as her older sis was coming over with her two DC and she was planning on doing baking with them.
She said she would call when time to pick them up!
I'm trying to be laid back as we've had a really difficult relationship in the past but I'm tired and hate driving when it's getting dark (it's getting dark now in NE London) plus I know my DS will be getting tired

OP posts:
Pseudo341 · 02/05/2016 17:43

Well it's well past midday now, presumably she fed them lunch even though that wasn't pre arranged, is she feeding them evening meal? You need to phone and find out because if you've got to feed them you need to get them home sooner rather than later, but otherwise I'd arrange to pick them up at whatever time she expects them to finish eating. There's no harm in asking her to drop them off, but I wouldn't expect it. It won't be dark for a while yet, surely you'd be more tired if you'd had them home with you all day.

DoreenLethal · 02/05/2016 17:46

(it's getting dark now in NE London)

Looks out window to glorious sunshine here in the Midlands.


But you should have said 'drop them when you are ready but they need to be in bed for X as it is school tomorrow. Have fun'

Sparkletastic · 02/05/2016 17:47

It isn't dark - just ring or text and say you are on way as want them home for tea. Your kids, your call.

JugglingFromHereToThere · 02/05/2016 17:48

How far away is SIL, and your DC?
I think you should be a bit assertive but also do your bit and ring to say you're coming over now as the twins need to be home for school tomorrow (or can mention the driving before it gets dark thing if you like too) HTH Smile

PerspicaciaTick · 02/05/2016 17:49

You have another 2.5 hours before it gets dark - even in NE London (looks out of window at sunny afternoon in Essex).

BabyDubsEverywhere · 02/05/2016 17:49

You're moaning about being tired at very early evening and driving in daylight... seriously?

Ask her - she will think you are either a cheeky cow of really weird. But she may still oblige.

Tiopyn · 02/05/2016 17:50

I would ring or text SIL to ask if either you could pick them up soon, or she could drop them off for you.

OrangesandLemonsNow · 02/05/2016 17:50

it's getting dark now in NE London

Looks out of window not far from NE London and sees blue sky and sunshine... Hmm

PotteringAlong · 02/05/2016 17:51

It's not getting dark now in north east London. It just isn't.

Ghanagirl · 02/05/2016 17:52

I'm not tired just don't like driving when it's dark.
Also I'm very grateful that SIL had them, I didn't ask she offered and for those saying she must be tired having them, I appreciate her looking after them whilst my husband away and I've done the same for all my DH nephews and nieces when we didn't have kids and since!
That's not issue I did whatever parents wanted ie, drop them 12.00, don't let them eat peanuts etc.
I wanted to pick them at prearranged time but she put me off.
Think some people just want to be contrary!!

OP posts:
ScoutsMam · 02/05/2016 17:52

Which London are you in. It's light in Scotland!

Do you wear glasses? I ask I hated driving at night until I got the anti-glare stuff on my glasses for night driving. I never realised how much it had bothered me until then.

YANBU to ask, but if she declines just take it with good grace.

Fratelli · 02/05/2016 17:53

Just ring and ask!
Don't tell her it's because it's almost dark as that's just a lie.
You should consider seeing a dr about being tired at this time though unless your twins are babies.

PotteringAlong · 02/05/2016 17:53

Sunset in London 8.26pm today

AIBU, need quick reply
CoolforKittyCats · 02/05/2016 17:54

Think some people just want to be contrary!!

I think you are just wanting to be awkward.

It isn't any where near dark!

If you want them home go and pick them up but stop making up untrue excuses about it nearly being dark.

gingergenie · 02/05/2016 17:55

I'm confused. OP said she would collect at midday, but SIL said not to. Then in a later post you said you set off at 2PM but SIL told you not to. Even in the depths of winter it's not dark at 2. I don't like driving in the dark either (that over 40's eyesight thing) but it's nearly 6pm and it's still not dark. Surely the DC's have had plenty of time to do baking with other SIL and now you could just scoop them up and bring them home? Am I missing something and being horribly thick?

AdrenalineFudge · 02/05/2016 17:55

I honestly wonder how some people manage in the world. Go and get them, I really can't understand the angst.

PirateFairy45 · 02/05/2016 17:56

Not at all

Ghanagirl · 02/05/2016 17:56

Gosh, I've said its dark where I am, if it's sunny in Kent or Birmingham lucky you!
Thought this was a supportive mums group not "fight club"

OP posts:
HackerFucker22 · 02/05/2016 17:56

It has certainly clouded over (I'm north central London) but OP you are absolutely bonkers if you think it's getting dark!!!

They are your kids, ring and let sil know you are on your way.

My in laws sometimes keep DC1 out late - they seem to think keeping my 3yo out until 8pm somehow benefits me???? I grit my teeth as it's not all the time and I generally get on well with them all but it pisses me off.

MrsBungle · 02/05/2016 17:56

But it isn't dark? It's not even nearly getting dark Confused

HackerFucker22 · 02/05/2016 17:57

Aibu and fight club are not entirely dissimilar!!!


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CurbsideProphet · 02/05/2016 17:57

They're your children, so just go and pick them up. You shouldn't need to deliberate or wait for your SIL to tell you when you can pick up your children.

Topseyt · 02/05/2016 17:57

I am in Essex, not too far from North East London.

It certainly isn't dark. Mystified by why you are panicking about that at the moment.

Just go and get your twins. Your SIL can't keep them against your will surely. You want them home because it is school tomorrow. Nothing else needed.

ScoutsMam · 02/05/2016 17:57

Thought this was a supportive mums group not "fight club"

We don't talk about fight club.

And it's not dark.

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