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AIBU, need quick reply

163 replies

Ghanagirl · 02/05/2016 17:03

AIBU to as ask my SIL to drop my twins home?
My two have been at SIL overnight (really unusual occurrence) I arranged to pick them up at midday but when I called to say I was about to leave home she said her big sis was on her way with her two kids so I shouldn't come just yet.
I'm really grateful that she's had them overnight but I'm tired and it's getting dark is at terrible to ask her or other SIL to drop them home as I hate driving when it's getting dark

OP posts:
DoreenLethal · 02/05/2016 18:30

We are just about to go to the allotment because it is so light here.

Are you sure a lorry hasn't just parked outside your front windows?

UmbongoUnchained · 02/05/2016 18:30

Are you always this weak when it comes to your children?!

ScoutsMam · 02/05/2016 18:32

when mums with newborns come for postnatal examination

What?! My doctor did that and she wore gloves, wouldn't let this lot open a tin of beans!

PerspicaciaTick · 02/05/2016 18:33

I will support your right to collect your children as and when you want, absolutely.
I will not support you if you tell me it is dark when it isn't. Because I am a) not that stupid and b) I don't understand why you feel the need to lie about it.

Squeegle · 02/05/2016 18:33

Eh? Sounds uncomfortable

Ghanagirl · 02/05/2016 18:34

Thanks Squeegle
Just trying to be laid back when it comes to SIL's but my two used to a routine, obviously according to some that makes me worst mother ever😕

OP posts:
CoolforKittyCats · 02/05/2016 18:34

I will not support you if you tell me it is dark when it isn't. Because I am a) not that stupid and b) I don't understand why you feel the need to lie about it.

^ this..

gingergenie · 02/05/2016 18:35

OP is fighting you. It's just that some of your comments were a bit strange, but no harm done and I'm sure we're all pleased that your DCs are home soon?

jasmine1979 · 02/05/2016 18:36

I'm glad the issue has been resolved now Ghanagirl. Smile
I can see why you might have been concerned. I say this kindly, but do you stuggle with anxiety in general? It might be useful to look into methods to help you with things like this in the future?

OrangesandLemonsNow · 02/05/2016 18:36

will def be more open minded when mums with newborns come for postnatal examination

Not sure what that even means Hmm

Squeegle · 02/05/2016 18:37

I think that sometimes when you have someone (for example a SIL), who is always in your case trying to tell you that you're uptight, unfortunately the effect is that it makes you more uptight! My ex was always telling me I was uptight. Him advising me of this did not make me more laid back. It also made me very nervy about the kids. I don't know why really.

gingergenie · 02/05/2016 18:37

ghanagirl how old are they? I used to have to be v strict in routine when mine were younger (esp eldest - adhd/asd). It used to make me anxious too. But they're home soon and life can slot back into place X

blankmind · 02/05/2016 18:37

As I said worried it was going to get dark
I don't understand 'dark' in NW4, don't they have streetlights?
Driving where there are streetlights isn't comparable to driving where there aren't any, i.e in the dark Confused

Pipbin · 02/05/2016 18:38

As I said worried it was going to get dark...

I'm tired and it's getting dark

Squeegle · 02/05/2016 18:38

Yes, in my case certainly it made me anxious.

ScoutsMam · 02/05/2016 18:38

obviously according to some that makes me worst mother eve

Nope, run my house with military precision. I'd go bonkers otherwise. Routine works for some kids, nothing wrong with that.

It's more that you said you wanted to get them because it's dark. It's still 'taps off' weather here in Scotland.

SuperFlyHigh · 02/05/2016 18:38

Just so you know OP it's 6.36 in SE London now not dark yet and certainly ok to drive in.

But if course we can't judge light or light in ooh NE London.

If you'd wanted SIL to drop them home as "you were tired" you should have so and not banged on about "its too dark". When it isn't.

OhYouBadBadKitten · 02/05/2016 18:38

sunset is at 20:26 this evening - you have a while yet.

sunset times

Falling270 · 02/05/2016 18:40

OP I don't think you're being unreasonable at all your SIL's behaviour would really irritate me leaving you hanging all afternoon when you want to get on with things. She sounds like a bit of a control freak. Glad it's all sorted.

PS Don't know what's wrong with Mumsnet lately people seem to want to argue for no reason.

Squeegle · 02/05/2016 18:43

Too right, too much trying to prove people wrong all the time; let's have a bit of love, even when we are being unreasonable. Smile

MrsBobDylan · 02/05/2016 18:45


LoudBatPerson · 02/05/2016 18:45

I think you really should have just said that you were picking the children up at x time and stuck to it.

It seems pretty obvious that you have a really serious dislike of driving in non clear conditions ( I am currently in Wembley so can't be far from you and it's not getting dark here, overcast but not getting dark yet).

Due to your dislike I think you should stuck to your guns and insisted on picking up earlier.

However all sorted now, however I do think you need to give SIL a big thank you for having the children overnight, all day and then driving them back too.


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JugglingFromHereToThere · 02/05/2016 18:51

An hour or two ago it was a bit cloudy here and I thought OP might have a point at a push but it's really brightened up now - looking out the window there's definite bright blue sky out there. But then we are op north I guess kind of Smile

Oh, they're back home now are they? Sorted.

MardleBum · 02/05/2016 18:52

Getting dark? At 5 o'clock in May? Confused

Lweji · 02/05/2016 18:52

Wait a minute. Are you in NE London or NW4?
Who's where?

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