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Or is the petrol station owner?

279 replies

Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 14:21

About four weeks ago I called in to my local PS to put some petrol in my car, I rarely use this PS as it's very expensive. I normally fill up at my local Asda.

I bought £10 worth of petrol - just to see me through till I could get to my normal filling up place. I also bought a packet of crisps.

Came up to £10.39, I paid on my card.

The following day I went in to asda and half filled the tank up.

My Dh used the car and didn't bother to replace the petrol so one week later when I got in the car it was basically running off fumes so I called in local PS and put another £10 in. When I went in to the PS shop the owner went in to the back and came out with a receipt of my last transaction. He said that last time I was in the card machine was broke for one hour and did not register the petrol amount/cost and I only paid for the crisps. The recept he had shown 0.39p he was quite relaxed and said he was just showing me. I offered to pay it back. I only had £10 note on me so said I will Bob in soon and pay it. He never once asked for it. Seemed relaxed about it.

Went home checked my online banking - yep the 39p from the PS was there.

I totally forgot to go to the PS the next day or for the rest of the week. It's not in the direction I normally go and I'd been asda and put petrol in so I didn't need to go local PS.

Anyway - today I went in as me and Dh have been sharing again and not replaced so had to call in local PS to put a little in just to get me out of the village. When I went to the pump it wasn't working. I went in to the PS shop and Bobbed my head in and said ' is the pump not working?'

The owner said 'I turned it off as you owe me £10'

I said ' oh god yes, I'll pay it now'
He said ' yes but you let me down. You said you would pay next day' (I never)

I said ' Ok, I forgot, but will pay now'

He carried on saying "yes but let me down, where was my money'

I said " hang on, I tried paying buy your machine was broke, I never stole it, like I said I'll pay now'

He said ' but you let me down, you said you would pay ...

At which point I walked out of the shop.

There were people in the shop and I felt he was trying to act as if I had purposely stole petrol or tried to get out of paying.

Not sure what to do know tbh.

Should I expect the police to come? Blush

OP posts:
Nocabbageinmyeye · 23/04/2016 15:43

I need wine too, it's like I've stepped into a parallel universe!! Yanbu op don't mind the rest of them Grin

SuperFlyHigh · 23/04/2016 15:46

You should have paid ASAP as soon as you realised your mistake.

If you owned a shop and a customer walked out with an item (eg a dress) without paying that's theft.

Not surprised he doesn't trust you as he does not think you'd ever pay, yes there was a problem With the card machine but that's hardly his fault or your fault. But you should still have made it a priority to pay that money ASAP.

Of course now there's a black mark against your name you won't let (or he won't let you use) the services of his station so you've shot yourself in the foot again.

Saying you'll pay in small change is equally galling for him and malicious from you. I'd just pay him now, not another word and leave it at that.

emotionsecho · 23/04/2016 15:49

So you got no petrol on your most recent visit due to the outstanding £10?

When you said you would pay him 'soon' I imagine he thought you would have the common courtesy to return within 24-48 hours rather then when you felt like it which could have been any time between now and Christmas.

He may well have laboured the point about the time it took you to return to his business to settle the debt but you hardly have the moral high ground on the justification of 'I forgot'.

I doubt he will miss your business as you are neither a regular or good customer and one who clearly resents using his services and would rather use ASDA who are of course such paragons of good customer service and commercial practice.

Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 15:49

I only had £10 note on me so said I will Bob in soon and pay it

That is in my first op

OP posts:
Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 15:51

Just stop by with £10 and a crappy box of biscuits

No chance! He should send me a bunch of his shite petrol court flowersGrin

OP posts:
GreenTomatoJam · 23/04/2016 15:53

Jesus Christ - she's not a non-payer, she doesn't owe him anything, he didn't take the money from her card properly, nothing to do with her at all!

If he doesn't have the good grace to be mildly patient for her to fix his mistake then he is being unreasonable.

But as Candy says - it all depends on whether you're prepared to never use the petrol station again.

diddl · 23/04/2016 15:53

Just to clarify, YANBU.

So the first time you return to the PS, after being told that the petrol wasn't paid for, you offer to pay & instead of saying thanks, he moans on about you taking too long-to rectify his mistake.

I'd complain about him.

Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 15:53

If you owned a shop and a customer walked out with an item (eg a dress) without paying that's theft

Nope - I'm not having that. I went though the transaction of paying. It was his fuck up. I didn't steal anything.

OP posts:
Sparklingbrook · 23/04/2016 15:53

She should have Bobbed in sooner.

Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 15:54

Cake &Wine for diddle Wink

OP posts:
diddl · 23/04/2016 15:55

Don't mind if I do, Flowers

Sparklingbrook · 23/04/2016 15:55

I'd complain about him.. Who to?

Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 15:56

I will go in and pay for it. Only so I don't get stuck. But my level headedness isn't very great at the moment due to being pregnant Blush

OP posts:
catkind · 23/04/2016 15:57

I fail to see what you've done wrong here. It's not your job to run around correcting other people's mistakes at their convenience.
You offered to pay on the next occasion you were there. Which by the way I'm not at all sure you were obliged to do having tried to pay in good faith (don't believe for a second that the machine wasn't working, it was his error, so he also loses credibility for blatant lies).
I'd bung a cheque in the post along with a letter letting him know he's lost your custom by his rudeness. Can't see you'd want to go in there now anyway would you?

SilverBirchWithout · 23/04/2016 15:57

If the card machine had been at fault rather than a clerical error, the card provider would have simply credited the money back to the PS. They can also do this when someone has been overcharged. No need for these sort of song and games.

I expect he switched the the pump off because the last time you went in you made the excuse of only having a tenner on you. He didn't want to get caught out by that again and needed to make sure you paid up.

He was wrong to go on about it and make you embarrassed but as you say you have a severe resting face (or words to that effect) I expect you were giving off really negative body language.

I do think you were BU, you should have gone back sooner. But you seem to not want to hear alternative opinions Hmm

Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 16:00

He was wrong to go on about it and make you embarrassed but as you say you have a severe resting face (or words to that effect) I expect you were giving off really negative body language

That has just properly made me laugh Grin

OP posts:
GreenTomatoJam · 23/04/2016 16:02

Ahhh, so he can lie about the card machine (when it can only have been his mistake), but when she genuinely only has a tenner on her because she nipped out for petrol, she's making an excuse..

Sparklingbrook · 23/04/2016 16:03

Pregnant with a face that frightens children. I would stick to Pay at the Pump.

Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 16:06

Pregnant with a face that frightens children. I would stick to Pay at the Pump

Good idea sparkling , I never have this issue at asda Grin

OP posts:
Bue · 23/04/2016 16:08

This is one of those threads where I realise that a large number of Mumsnetters live in an alternative reality. I can't believe the OP is getting a hard time about HIS error. And people suggesting that the police might come knocking are delusional. OP did not steal anything, and if she had never frequented this particular PS again, nothing would have come of this. We discovered weeks after our wedding that the shop had accidentally given us something like 29 bottles of white wine for free and only charged us for 1. If this had been a small local business I would have gone back to fix this, but it was a large chain so I clapped my hands gleefully and left it. Four years later I'm still waiting for a knock on the door from the police Hmm

Debinaround · 23/04/2016 16:10

He sounds like a self important dick. Why should you go in the next day to correct his mistake? You tried to pay 3 times ffs. What did he want? You to go in on your hands and knees with the tenner between your teeth a box of crappy biscuits under your arm and a letter of apology?

Take him his £10 and tell him to shove it up his arse Grin

Sparklingbrook · 23/04/2016 16:10

This is AIBU. OP asked for opinions. Opinions of all types arrived. OP is going to pay.


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emotionsecho · 23/04/2016 16:11

Catkind she didn't offer to pay the next time she was there as she only had £10 on her and had already put that much worth of petrol in her car and had no means of paying for the outstanding amount. No doubt the reason the PS owner switched the pump off was because he suspected she would only have £10 again.

Ameliablue · 23/04/2016 16:11

If the machine was "broken for an hour" I wonder how many other people he has chased for money.

derxa · 23/04/2016 16:11

I hate any sort of debt. You owe him money. Now pay. This is a local business and you might need to use it again. Ever heard of community and goodwill?

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