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Or is the petrol station owner?

279 replies

Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 14:21

About four weeks ago I called in to my local PS to put some petrol in my car, I rarely use this PS as it's very expensive. I normally fill up at my local Asda.

I bought £10 worth of petrol - just to see me through till I could get to my normal filling up place. I also bought a packet of crisps.

Came up to £10.39, I paid on my card.

The following day I went in to asda and half filled the tank up.

My Dh used the car and didn't bother to replace the petrol so one week later when I got in the car it was basically running off fumes so I called in local PS and put another £10 in. When I went in to the PS shop the owner went in to the back and came out with a receipt of my last transaction. He said that last time I was in the card machine was broke for one hour and did not register the petrol amount/cost and I only paid for the crisps. The recept he had shown 0.39p he was quite relaxed and said he was just showing me. I offered to pay it back. I only had £10 note on me so said I will Bob in soon and pay it. He never once asked for it. Seemed relaxed about it.

Went home checked my online banking - yep the 39p from the PS was there.

I totally forgot to go to the PS the next day or for the rest of the week. It's not in the direction I normally go and I'd been asda and put petrol in so I didn't need to go local PS.

Anyway - today I went in as me and Dh have been sharing again and not replaced so had to call in local PS to put a little in just to get me out of the village. When I went to the pump it wasn't working. I went in to the PS shop and Bobbed my head in and said ' is the pump not working?'

The owner said 'I turned it off as you owe me £10'

I said ' oh god yes, I'll pay it now'
He said ' yes but you let me down. You said you would pay next day' (I never)

I said ' Ok, I forgot, but will pay now'

He carried on saying "yes but let me down, where was my money'

I said " hang on, I tried paying buy your machine was broke, I never stole it, like I said I'll pay now'

He said ' but you let me down, you said you would pay ...

At which point I walked out of the shop.

There were people in the shop and I felt he was trying to act as if I had purposely stole petrol or tried to get out of paying.

Not sure what to do know tbh.

Should I expect the police to come? Blush

OP posts:
Pinkheart5915 · 23/04/2016 14:45

I'd just take the money in and say I'll make sure I'll never need to use there again.
Yes his card machine/till was at error when only 39p payment was took but I would of made the effort to pay it as soon as I knew it hadn't been paid.

NicknameUsed · 23/04/2016 14:48

The petrol station manager was BU for being repetitive. You were BVU for not paying back the money straight away. I use our local petrol station a lot, because the savings I would make by driving into town and queuing at the pumps for ages with the engine running would be lost.

Also, I am a believer of supporting local businesses so I think YABU for not doing that as well. Use it or lose it. Do you really save several pounds a week by not using your local petrol station?

EweAreHere · 23/04/2016 14:49

He sounds like a complete and utter jerk.

You forgot to go back in to correct a mistake HIS business had made. And you immediately offered the money when he reminded you. His constant harping on it, publicly, and not just accepting the apology and the money graciously speaks very poorly of him.

You do have to go back in there and pay him, though. I would wait until there are no other customers inside and have a real go at him for his behaviour when I did though.

rockabella · 23/04/2016 14:49

I used to work in a petrol station and chancers were extremely common so it was common practice to give someone 24hrs to pay before calling police. There was a specific form for his and it was a headache so when people don't come back in, even for perfectly innocent reasons, we would pre pretty pissed off as it affected a lot of other paperwork and cash etc too.

YABU in having not went into the shop to speak to him before trying to fill up again, and it's understandable him being a bit annoyed? Is English his first language? I worked with an asian lady and she came across as much more abrupt than native english speaking collegues even though she was an absolutely lovely lady!

YANBU in thinking he was being a bit rude, but you still owe him £10.

fascicle · 23/04/2016 14:50

You say the place is local. Why would you leave it more than a week to pay off the debt? And why, on your last visit, did you leave without paying him? You can't write off the debt on the basis that you don't like the way he spoke to you.

As an aside, do you think ASDA would give you extended credit on a debt? I very much doubt it.

Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 14:50

I'm not sure sparkling but I have a face that could frighten children so maybe it's that.

It was his mistake originally which I did say I would come back and pay for - in which I genuinly forgot. Maybe because he was relaxed about it. But this morning he made out as if I had filled up and done a runner which I hadn't. I offered to pay joe three times but he kept harping on about 'yes but you let me down - where was my money..'

It was embarrassing

OP posts:
EweAreHere · 23/04/2016 14:51

Local petrol stations (just like other small village shops) can be considerably more expensive over time, nicknamed. Great for top ups, but not for regular, full on shopping trips. You're paying for the convenience, but the convenience comes with a mark up. Not everyone can afford paying extra for everything.

Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 14:52

fas have you read my op.

I tried paying for it. The fault was at his end.

When he reminded me I only had a £10 note. He actually didn't ask me to pay for the amount he messed up on- I offerd. He said he was just showing me.

I never asked for credit

OP posts:
Herewegoagainfolks · 23/04/2016 14:53

Oh for goodness sake.

You are in the wrong for not paying back as soon as you could.

Yes he was rude, but that doesn't negate the fact that you owe him £10. Or that you walked out still owing him.

Don't be an arse paying in pennies. Just pay him and get a receipt.

You've now put yourself in the position of no longer being able to use this petrol station - which will inconvenience no one but yourself and could have been avoided if you'd payed back when you should have done.

bluespiral · 23/04/2016 14:53

If the machine was broken how did it manage to take payment for the crisps? That's rubbish. It was their error, they omitted to add the petrol onto the transaction.

I'd go back and pay it but then make damn sure I never needed to give him my business again.


Sparklingbrook · 23/04/2016 14:54

It was probably by number plate, most PS have cameras to catch people filling up and driving off.

Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 14:54

YANBU in thinking he was being a bit rude, but you still owe him £10

Yes I agree - meh

OP posts:
FuriousFate · 23/04/2016 14:54

Arkwright - how have you never heard of bobbed in? Makes perfect sense to me!
PS owner sounds like an idiot.

Orda1 · 23/04/2016 14:54

Yanbu. I think he's weird for even bringing it up.

bluespiral · 23/04/2016 14:55

Just to clarify I use chip and pin machines at work and they don't randomly change what you're being charged for or only take part payment. They charge what they gave been instructed to charge.

OurBlanche · 23/04/2016 14:55

So you go in without buying petrol, wait until there are a few people...

"Here is the £10 your faulty machine didn't take. I would have paid last week but as you insisted in trying to embarrass me I left. Trying to embarrass customers is never a good idea. I wouldn't dream of trying to embarrass you because of your problems with your machin., But you did try to embarrass me... here. Be assured I will tell everyone that you care more about emabrrasing customers than building friendly relationships. You should be embrassed... and ashamed!"

Just chunter on.... then demand a receipt, as you don't want to be embarrassed again.... Smile

Sparklingbrook · 23/04/2016 14:56

Just go and pay him his tenner.

OurBlanche · 23/04/2016 14:56

And yes, the error would not have been the machine, it would have been his error, enirely!

IceMaiden73 · 23/04/2016 14:57

YABU - you acknowledged you owed him the money, your online banking showed you owed him the money, you should have gone back ASAP to pay for it, not over a week later

NicknameUsed · 23/04/2016 14:57

I agree that the 39p payment sounds suspicious. I wonder if the manager was trying to cover up his own mistake.

PuppyMonkey · 23/04/2016 14:58

I think he was completely out of order going on at you like that when it was his machine at fault in the first place. Yes, you should have gone back to pay and I wouldn't blame him for being cross that you didn't - but you were there, offering to pay at that moment. Not the time for him to be saying "oooh but you really let me down."

roundaboutthetown · 23/04/2016 15:00

How can a card machine be broken, but still take 39p out of your account? Surely the wrong amount was put in/the 1 wasn't working on the machine, and you were as guilty of not checking as they were? I think forgetting to go in for a whole week was exceptionally bad mannered of you. No, he shouldn't have gone on about it, but I suspect that was down to the way you came across to him - too arrogant to apologise.


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Whathaveilost · 23/04/2016 15:00

I may get Dh to take in £10 in pennies.

roundaboutthetown · 23/04/2016 15:00

Oh, and not considering the debt worth remembering.

wavingnow · 23/04/2016 15:01

Not nice, so be nice decent and pay up. He probably thought you still wouldn't pay given your response and actions so far and so couldn't trust you. Prove to him there are decent people out there.

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