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Or is the petrol station owner?

279 replies

Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 14:21

About four weeks ago I called in to my local PS to put some petrol in my car, I rarely use this PS as it's very expensive. I normally fill up at my local Asda.

I bought £10 worth of petrol - just to see me through till I could get to my normal filling up place. I also bought a packet of crisps.

Came up to £10.39, I paid on my card.

The following day I went in to asda and half filled the tank up.

My Dh used the car and didn't bother to replace the petrol so one week later when I got in the car it was basically running off fumes so I called in local PS and put another £10 in. When I went in to the PS shop the owner went in to the back and came out with a receipt of my last transaction. He said that last time I was in the card machine was broke for one hour and did not register the petrol amount/cost and I only paid for the crisps. The recept he had shown 0.39p he was quite relaxed and said he was just showing me. I offered to pay it back. I only had £10 note on me so said I will Bob in soon and pay it. He never once asked for it. Seemed relaxed about it.

Went home checked my online banking - yep the 39p from the PS was there.

I totally forgot to go to the PS the next day or for the rest of the week. It's not in the direction I normally go and I'd been asda and put petrol in so I didn't need to go local PS.

Anyway - today I went in as me and Dh have been sharing again and not replaced so had to call in local PS to put a little in just to get me out of the village. When I went to the pump it wasn't working. I went in to the PS shop and Bobbed my head in and said ' is the pump not working?'

The owner said 'I turned it off as you owe me £10'

I said ' oh god yes, I'll pay it now'
He said ' yes but you let me down. You said you would pay next day' (I never)

I said ' Ok, I forgot, but will pay now'

He carried on saying "yes but let me down, where was my money'

I said " hang on, I tried paying buy your machine was broke, I never stole it, like I said I'll pay now'

He said ' but you let me down, you said you would pay ...

At which point I walked out of the shop.

There were people in the shop and I felt he was trying to act as if I had purposely stole petrol or tried to get out of paying.

Not sure what to do know tbh.

Should I expect the police to come? Blush

OP posts:
Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 16:15

emotion you may be right about the switching off of the pump.

But I did offer to pay. I said I would Bob in soon.

OP posts:
Goingtobeawesome · 23/04/2016 16:15

You'll only pay in case you need to use his station again?

Hmm. You are completely in the wrong.

Cloudstasteofmash · 23/04/2016 16:17

You'll only pay in case you need to use his station again?

Yes be cause he was a complete arse this morning even after I offered to pay three times. He wanted a grovelling apology - he wasn't going to get one as it was his fuck up

OP posts:
Nocabbageinmyeye · 23/04/2016 16:18

Ever heard of goodwill and community????

That course must have been on the same day the op was stealing the petrol because the owner missed it too. Ffs

emotionsecho · 23/04/2016 16:19

Bue but it was a large chain so I clapped my hands gleefully and left it - I find the 'glee' in that despicable and to say "Oh if it was a small, local business I wouldn't have done it" as a way to lessen your thievery and make it somehow more acceptable, it doesn't.

EweAreHere · 23/04/2016 16:20

The OP hasn't done anything wrong. I can't believe the grief she's getting!

Frankly, the PS owner is lucky she said she'd bring in the £10, since she had completed the transaction properly as far as she knew the first time! This was a mistake on the part of the PS, and he behaved rudely and made it sound like she had stolen fuel when she clearly had not. The mistake was on his part, not hers.

WordGetsAround · 23/04/2016 16:21

I agree with others - it's a different world in here!

YANBU (I know I've already said this once before). I can't cope with posters repeatedly saying things like, 'once you noticed your mistake you should have gone back to rectify it'!!! I need a brick wall to hit my head against repeatedly!

OurBlanche · 23/04/2016 16:21

Goingto that is her stance after he persisted in trying to embarrass her instead of accepting repayment!

I suspect that many of us would have done the same faced with someone who has made a mistake and is trying to publicly humiliate us!

TheOptimisticPessimist · 23/04/2016 16:21

I don't think you're being U either.

He fucked up. Yet he expects you to take time out of your schedule to rectify his mistake (out of the goodness of your heart incidentally, not because you are required to) rather than just settling up next time you went in, and then starts going on about it in front of other customers repeatedly?

It would be different if you'd been in repeatedly after being told saying 'oh yes I'll pay' and never did, but the first time you visit after he tells you and he shuts the pump off? Considering he obviously knows you use the station fairly regularly (or at least it seems you do?) and therefore it wouldn't have been long before you were back I think he needs to get a grip and take some responsibility for his own mistakes.

Sparklingbrook · 23/04/2016 16:22

I would pay but make sure I never ever needed to use his PS again. Why would you go back?

merrymouse · 23/04/2016 16:24

YANBU. You tried to pay in good faith. Their machine or somebody on the till made an error and you thought you had paid. When you tried to rectify their error they gave you a hard time.

He may never have seen you again and is lucky that you are a local and that the transaction was for a small amount. If you had paid with cash, it would have been up to you to check you received the right change, and if he uses a card machine it's up to him to check the receipt at the time of the transaction.

memyselfandaye · 23/04/2016 16:27

What I meant was you didnt go to pay him first, you tried to get the petrol then went into the shop to ask if the pump was broken.

Bue · 23/04/2016 16:28

The OP doesn't technically owe him money. She paid the amount that was charged to her card, I don't think he has any further recourse (as someone who works in a PS has already told us).

And am I the only person who thinks he never should have said anything in the first place? Or mentioned it but explicitly written it off as a gesture of goodwill? Pursuing someone (even gently) for an error on his part doesn't seem like great customer service (not that that appears to be this guy's forte). I get that margins are probably tight but come on, it was £10.

emotionsecho I didn't actually clap my hands in glee - it's called hyperbole. I was actually surprised and felt a bit bad but I wasn't going to return to a multi million pound business to rectify THEIR mistake months after we had bought the wine. If I hadn't glanced at the receipt at the time before I binned it we'd never even have known! Can you explain how I am a thief, please?

Debinaround · 23/04/2016 16:36

Maybe he wanted you to organise this for himGrin

Or is the petrol station owner?
emotionsecho · 23/04/2016 16:38

Bue hyperbole or not it shows an attitude where theft from a big corporation is somehow acceptable, or even to be lauded/celebrated, which I find awful.

You kept and/or used goods that you knowingly did not pay the correct price for and by your own admission were not prepared to return to a multi-million pound business (there it is again multi-million pound business = acceptable to steal from) and query it. Who knows if you had at the very least phoned them they may well have said "Don't worry about it, our mistake".

notagiraffe · 23/04/2016 16:38

Um, you owe him money. He let you off twice. Pay the man and don't strop.

WordGetsAround · 23/04/2016 16:40

'He let you off twice'?!!!!!!!

Give me strength!

notagiraffe · 23/04/2016 16:46

She went in and he explained what she owed and she didn't pay him then and didn't come back for a week. Yes, it wasn't her mistake in the first place, but she still owed him the money. She can't just storm off because she doesn't like his attitude. She can pay and never return, but she can't not pay when she knows she owes him. (And it would be daft not to, because if it's the nearest station to her village she's going to need to use it again at some point.)

WordGetsAround · 23/04/2016 16:49

She went in and he explained his mistake. He didn't ask for the money, but the op offered to pay, but was unable to at the time.
She went in a second time Ann tried to pay twice.
At what point did he 'let her off' once, let alone twice?

Ameliablue · 23/04/2016 16:49

How did he let her off?
He made a mistake, the contract was completed so others have said she is not legally obliged to pay. Morally she may be but he wouldn't accept the payment when offered.

WordGetsAround · 23/04/2016 16:49


OurBlanche · 23/04/2016 16:50

She can't just storm off because she doesn't like his attitude. so, payment being offered, despite the error being his, he rants on and she just walks off... hmmm!

Yeah! He is in no way responsible for OPs being pissed off with him!


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ljny · 23/04/2016 16:52

Why don't people actually read the thread before posting?????

He's an arse. His screw-up. He should be apologising to you, it's not your responsibility to remember to go out of your way for this.

I'd have told him to waste his time coming round to ours to collect his tenner. Except I wouldn't want him knowing where I live.

Of course you don't want to go back and face another unpleasant confrontation with him shouting and implying you're a thief.

Do you think he's blacklisted you anyway? How likely are you to need his out-of-hours petrol in an emergency, especially if you're pregnant?

Think I'd write asking for his PayPal info so I could pay the tenner - then moving forward, be extra-careful to keep your tank topped up, especially if you're pregnant

EverySongbirdSays · 23/04/2016 16:52

LittleMissBossyBoots Sat 23-Apr-16 14:38:46

Why would you pay in pennies other than to confirm to him that you're a piss taker

Grin - it IS a pisstake OP you surely can't believe you're in the right here???

notagiraffe · 23/04/2016 16:58

Actually yes, you're right and I'm wrong. She did try twice and he was being unpleasant as it wasn't her fault but the garage's. But I'd still pay so she can use the local garage again, after calming down a bit.

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