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Do you think it's a bit out of order for a sil to tell everyone she's pg on your wedding day [DOWNTOWN ABBEY SPOILER WARNING added by MNHQ]

192 replies

LardLizard · 05/01/2016 11:32

This happened at my wedding but I didn't think anything of it really

Just thought sil was telling everyone that she was pregnant because it was an oppertunity to see everyone

She didn't stand up and make a speech or anything she just told everyone individually

Anyway afterwards my mum said she thought it was out of order of her and I've just watched the Xmas downtown where mary doesn't announce her pregnancy news as she doesn't want to steal Edith thunder

Anyway what do you think ?

OP posts:
ThumbWitchesAbroad · 07/01/2016 04:13

I think, if it didn't bother you, and she told people quietly and individually, then there's no issue.

Some people are more precious than others about their big events being "all about them" - you clearly aren't, your mother obviously is. Don't let it worry you :)

I do think it would have been bad if she'd stood up and made a speech about it, but she didn't, she just told people as she saw them - no big deal.

Oldandfallingtobits - that IS rude though. They "spoiled" your first dance by making it all about them, and that is one of the aspects of the wedding that is traditionally about the B&G and their dad (B) and mum (G), so I'm not so surprised at your mum being angry.

DadWasHere · 07/01/2016 04:17

You can talk about anything anywhere, but if you 'announce' it to an audience you have to look at content and context. Like at a wedding I could tell someone I had built a new fence, but if I decide to 'announce' it to everyone there they would think I was weird as hell. So 'announcing' 'big' news at a wedding is really basking in someone elses limelight.

fidel1ne · 07/01/2016 05:02

It is ridiculously difficult to not drink alcohol and a wedding without people making a fuss. She could have claimed to be in recovery for alcoholism, I suppose, but short of that, people were going to guess.

There's something very 'pwecious pwincess' and foot stampy about the 'thunder stealing' line of thought, TBH.

fidel1ne · 07/01/2016 05:02

at a wedding^^

2gorgeousboys · 07/01/2016 05:12

My thunder was well and truly stolen at our wedding by my 3 week old nephew. It was the first opportunity extended family had to meet him. I was not bothered at all,he was far cuter than me!

I was pregnant at a different nephew's Christening and didn't tell everyone as I didn't feel it appropriate as the event was about DN and DBil/DSil.

I agree with others that unless they'd hijacked the speeches for their announcement i can't see a problem with telling people the happy news.

ThumbWitchesAbroad · 07/01/2016 07:25

I was a few weeks pg at a friend's wedding, and couldn't drink - but got round it because I was designated driver and our hotel was a good 20min drive from the reception venue Grin

I didn't tell anyone though.

SirChenjin · 07/01/2016 07:34

Can't see the big deal. The wedding isn't all about the B&G - a lot of the day is a chance to catch up with family and friends you haven't seen for ages, and if good news is shared during that catch up then that's great! I'd be delighted for your SIL - she must be thrilled! Watch your mother though - she sounds like she was stirring and shouldn't have tried to take the gloss off your lovely day.

Twinklefuck · 07/01/2016 07:48

My aunt did this at my wedding, i was so happy for her it made my day more special (she'd had trouble conceiving).

I'd guess it depends on your relationship but I'm really close to my side and I was just over the moon and we did a lot of happy celebrating that day, brilliant memories.

Lweji · 07/01/2016 07:48

Watch your mother though - she sounds like she was stirring and shouldn't have tried to take the gloss off your lovely day.

Not only that as playing you against your SIL too.

Bunbaker · 07/01/2016 09:47

I have said this umpteen times on MN, but some people just look for offence in everything.

I really don't get this "thunder stealing" view that some people have. Seriously!

A wedding is where friends and family gather together to share the joy of the happy couple getting married. People catch up with each other and pass on their news don't they? As long as it isn't announced during the speeches what exactly is the problem?

I can only think that some brides are terribly insecure or are self absorbed, attention seeking bridezillas.

I don't actually subscribe to the view that a wedding is just about the bride and groom BTW. I think of it as a social gathering where two people are getting married.

m0therofdragons · 07/01/2016 09:49

Perfect time as all family in one place. I'd be really happy for her. However my mum would probably have been a bit Hmm about it. She's all about the etiquette.

GloriaSmellens · 07/01/2016 09:56

Are there really people, grown adults, out there who would be offended by this sort of thing? Yes, if she or her DH had stood up during the speeches to announce it, it would have been a bit Hmm but if they were just telling people during dinner, in the evening, in small groups, because everyone was there, then seriously who would give a shit?!

'Stealing thunder' - FFS.....

Secondtimeround75 · 07/01/2016 11:04

Oldandfallingtobits -That is hillarious.

Op - I agree that you should not get sucked into the drama now, it's over. Your mom was wrong to bring this up.

reni2 · 07/01/2016 11:14

Ffs, I don't even watch Downtown Abbey! I thought the OP was genuine. I don't want to be caught out by threads about fucking tv dramas.

LoisWilkersonsLastNerve · 07/01/2016 11:22

Kristen shot JR in Dallas.

Hygge · 07/01/2016 11:39

Reni2 The OP was genuine, I think, although she hasn't been back.

She's referenced Downton Abbey, as when she watched it it reminded her of what her own mother had said to her, but what she's described in her opening post as happening at her own wedding is the exact opposite of what happened at the wedding in the episode of Downton Abbey.

OP's SIL apparently did tell people she was pregnant at the OP's wedding, which upset the OP's mother, Lady Mary did not tell anyone she was pregnant during Lady Edith's wedding.

reni2 · 07/01/2016 11:57

Thank you. I apologize.

GloriaSmellens · 07/01/2016 13:00

What a pointless edit by MNHQ - anyone who actually watches Downton will get a spoiler from the fact that that subject matter of the thread title has been linked to Downton Abbey.

springscoming · 07/01/2016 13:03

I'd have been thrilled as I loathe being the centre of attention anyway and it's such happy news.
And we all know how up herself that cunt Mary was. Grin

SoWhite · 07/01/2016 14:17

Exactly what I was thinking Gloria.

Ooh, so somebody announced they were pregnant at the wedding then? Utterly pointless!

Lweji · 07/01/2016 14:22

Maybe weddings could have a notice board on one side of the room. And people would simply add to it. No major fuss and everyone would be aware of the news.

  1. X & Y got married today
  2. uncle Z has the flu but still came.
  3. couple A are starting to TTC (whoever announces that, anyway? It's like saying, we will have lots of unprotected sex from now on, and preparing themselves to be questioned every month until it happens - idiots)
  4. moh B is on her period. Don't make her cross.
  5. couple C are thinking of separating, but have come to the wedding anyway.
G1veMeStrength · 07/01/2016 14:28

Best spoiler alert ever, crying with laughter here.

AIBU to tell my son that I am really his father when he thinks I am a bad guy? [WARNING STAR WARS SPOILER]

WWYD if the man you loved didn't know you were a woman? [WARNING SHAKESPEARE IN LOVE SPOILER]


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LoisWilkersonsLastNerve · 07/01/2016 14:32

Yes mnhq. Very pointless edit. Step away from any big red buttons.

Pollyputhtekettleon · 07/01/2016 14:33

Too late with the spoiler edit:(

BYOSnowman · 07/01/2016 14:38

I only read the spoiler because of the MNHQ title edit! Daftest spoiler alert ever!!

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