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If you were intending to give someone a bottle of wine ......

199 replies

BigSandyBalls2015 · 01/01/2016 16:43

...... would you turn up on their doorstep with a case of it?

DDs friends mum did this on xmas eve, as a thank you for giving her girl lifts to the sport they do. I'd had a little drink Grin, and sort of took the box from her, saying how very generous, what a lovely thing to do! really no need etc etc.

DH has been winding me up ever since saying she only intended to open it and give me a bottle, and prob had five more mates to visit Blush.
I keep thinking about it and going hot and cold!! How embarrassing, but who would do that? You'd come to the door with one brittle surely?

OP posts:
Waltermittythesequel · 01/01/2017 22:49

Fucking hell 😂😂😂

I'm so glad you updated.

So, the tussle was definitely her trying to get her wine back then!

cherrycrumblecustard · 01/01/2017 22:50

Grin hilarious thread!

EggnoggAndMulledWine · 01/01/2017 22:50

Hahahaha that's so funny thanks for updating

ZebraOwl · 01/01/2017 22:51

Oh OP...

Well you get all the points for the update, but...

Absolutely her own fault for bringing the whole thing in in the first place though. Only herself to blame. Wonder what she gave everyone who was due to get the rest of that case though... 🤔

Twatternatter · 01/01/2017 22:55

Howling here! Thanks op! I remember reading this last year! 😂😂😂

JustanotherMortificado · 01/01/2017 22:57

There was an identical thread to this last year..strange

WheresTheEvidence · 01/01/2017 23:00

It's the update Just

Mynestisfullofempty · 01/01/2017 23:00

JustanotherMortificado this is the thread from last year. Look at the date of the OP.

honeylulu · 01/01/2017 23:03

At least she brought a bottle this year.She might have considered that she'd given you six years worth (or twelve?) in one go last year! Hee hee!

seven201 · 01/01/2017 23:04
QueenMortificado · 01/01/2017 23:06

Ha ha, thanks for updating OP! Mortificado!

DailyMailDontStealMyThread · 01/01/2017 23:10

Bah ha ha ha. I'm sitting here thinking, I've read this before, then I started questioning the date didn't think about 2017 then I'm thinking "shit, have we been hacked"??

And all year you have been known as the mum that nicked the case of wine Wine Grin

Benedikte2 · 01/01/2017 23:15

I think the reason for the "tussle" was she was holding a heavy box and wanted to be sure you'd got a good grasp on it before she let go of it. Her fingers may have been stiff after standing there while your DH chatted away to her.
Must have been meant for you in appreciation of your kindness -- a little thing for you to do but a great help to her.

Larrytheleprechaun · 01/01/2017 23:19

Best update ever Grin

frauleinsallybowles · 01/01/2017 23:19

glad u updated us op

seriouslyenoughalready · 01/01/2017 23:21

That's hilarious!!! I had never seen this thread until today and its amazing!!
I guess turning up with one bottle was the explanation for last year's 'tussle'

PoorOldEeyore · 01/01/2017 23:27

Best thread ever! I didn't even realise it was dated from last Christmas until the update!
'Slight tussle' Xmas Grin

1horatio · 01/01/2017 23:28

I would have agreed that it was all for you until this:

Well DH opened the door, and she came into the hall and they were chatting. I came into the hall, clocked the case of wine in her hands, and gleefully took it off her before she had offered it to me if you see what I mean. Bit rude with hindsight. She didn't let go straightaway so there was a very slight tussle.

I'm giggling as if I was the one that had drunk all the Prosecco!

Can you give her a nice case of wine for the new year or something of similar value?

Champagneformyrealfriends · 01/01/2017 23:29

Brilliant Grin

1horatio · 01/01/2017 23:29

Oh my. From last year.

OP, you're kind of brilliant and definitely hilarious;)!!

EweAreHere · 01/01/2017 23:29


WicksEnd · 01/01/2017 23:31

Brilliant OP. I bet she's been cussing you all year! 🤣
Wonder if she was enroute to a party last year and had to turn up empty handed.
Thanks for the update.


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LoisWilkersonsLastNerve · 01/01/2017 23:32

Omg! Brilliant update. You owe her a box of wine Grin

Mummyreindeerlegz · 01/01/2017 23:33

Ha! I remember this from last year, it was her mistake. Never take more bottles in than you are willing to give. It's always going to be awkward.

SheFeedsYouTeaAndOranges · 01/01/2017 23:51

Fantastic! Grin

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