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If you were intending to give someone a bottle of wine ......

199 replies

BigSandyBalls2015 · 01/01/2016 16:43

...... would you turn up on their doorstep with a case of it?

DDs friends mum did this on xmas eve, as a thank you for giving her girl lifts to the sport they do. I'd had a little drink Grin, and sort of took the box from her, saying how very generous, what a lovely thing to do! really no need etc etc.

DH has been winding me up ever since saying she only intended to open it and give me a bottle, and prob had five more mates to visit Blush.
I keep thinking about it and going hot and cold!! How embarrassing, but who would do that? You'd come to the door with one brittle surely?

OP posts:
LoisWilkersonsLastNerve · 02/01/2016 17:06

GrinGrin You rock op.You booze stealing twit Grin

carrielou2007 · 02/01/2016 17:08

If someone arrived at my house with a case of prosecco I may well also have tussled with them for it ShockGrinGrin

BigSandyBalls2015 · 02/01/2016 17:36

You lot haven't reassured me you know!!
Well, most of you haven't Grin.
Still having cringey flashbacks, I'm trying to avoid going into my hall.
I might text her, she's away at the moment so I'll wait a couple of days.

DH has just popped his head around the door "shall I crack open one of those bottles of fizz that you nicked the other day, we might as well enjoy it even though it wasn't all meant for us". Blush.

OP posts:
CoffeeCoffeeAndLotsOfIt · 02/01/2016 17:46


Your Dh is loving this! What a windup merchant he is GrinGrinGrin

christinarossetti · 02/01/2016 18:14

If she hadn't mentioned the half case of wine that she was carrying when she was chatting to your dh (or indeed you!), it's difficult to conclude that it was a present.

Otoh, why take alll the bottles in if they weren't for you?

You should change your user name to 'slight tussle' though, so that you're reminded of the joy you've brought to others on this thread every time you log in.

doitanyways · 02/01/2016 19:22

Grin I am so depressed at the thought of work Monday and I am pale and fat and spotty and my clothes don't fit, and I miss my dad and am struggling with my stupid brother ... And then I re-read this thread and it makes it all OK! Wine Xmas Grin

PegsPigs · 02/01/2016 20:57

We had quite a few packets of biscuits on a shelf in our office because there were some good multi buy offers in the local supermarket. A friendly colleague asked the cleaner if he would like one gesturing to the open packet. The cleaner took a whole unopened packet and pocketed it Grin I would say that was an ambiguous situation. A friend bringing a case of wine into your house is less ambiguous. I wouldn't worry OP!

AnUtterIdiot · 02/01/2016 22:30

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AmIbeingTreasonable · 02/01/2016 23:05

We need a conclusion op, have you contacted her yet? Grin

Of course I'm not place marking............. Wine

AwfulBeryl · 02/01/2016 23:56

Have you opened the bottle yet op ?

GabiSolis · 02/01/2016 23:56

Ooh this is tough. I would say on balance that the whole case was meant for you, although if that's not the case she is probably feeling like it's her fault for bringing the whole lot into your house.

Wolfiefan · 02/01/2016 23:57

Have you drunk it all yet?!

BathshebaDarkstone · 03/01/2016 00:09

Maybe she's in a pissed heap on the floor!

HowBadIsThisPlease · 03/01/2016 00:18

I think she probably didn't even mean to give you one bottle, she probably just came over to show you her wine for Christmas because she was proud of it, and none of it was for you.

(Bollocks. Enjoy the lot)

FarterChristmoose · 12/01/2016 16:23

What happened in the end?

justmyview · 12/01/2016 16:34

She didn't let go straightaway so there was a very slight tussle

Tee hee, sounds like a sketch from Absolutely Fabulous

Damselindestress · 12/01/2016 16:42

There was a post about this from the other side on here recently! Someone only meant to give one bottle of wine but the person took the case. I wonder if it was your DD's friend's mum? TBF, I think it was an easy mistake to make, especially if tipsy. I wouldn't take a case of wine to someone's house if I was only going to give them one bottle. She could have left the rest in the car. It was probably meant for you but maybe check.

bumbleymummy · 12/01/2016 17:02

I think that other thread was just started as a joke after this one Damsel :)

LoisWilkersonsLastNerve · 12/01/2016 19:15

The op is probably still pissed. I'm assuming she didn't give the wine back.Grin

Damselindestress · 12/01/2016 22:53

Oops I didn't realise that lol! Maybe I've had too much!

BigSandyBalls2015 · 01/01/2017 22:37

She turned up this year with one bottle GrinGrin

OP posts:
BigSandyBalls2015 · 01/01/2017 22:38

We've never spoken about it, I didn't text ..... it was the elephant in the room.

OP posts:

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piranharama · 01/01/2017 22:43

GrinGrinGrin!!!! Hahaha oh OP that's a brilliant update! WineWineWine

Christmasnoooooooooooo · 01/01/2017 22:45

Oh I thought I having day ja vue there for a moment.
Glad she turned up with one bottle this year .

TooStressyForMyOwnGood · 01/01/2017 22:48
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