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If you were intending to give someone a bottle of wine ......

199 replies

BigSandyBalls2015 · 01/01/2016 16:43

...... would you turn up on their doorstep with a case of it?

DDs friends mum did this on xmas eve, as a thank you for giving her girl lifts to the sport they do. I'd had a little drink Grin, and sort of took the box from her, saying how very generous, what a lovely thing to do! really no need etc etc.

DH has been winding me up ever since saying she only intended to open it and give me a bottle, and prob had five more mates to visit Blush.
I keep thinking about it and going hot and cold!! How embarrassing, but who would do that? You'd come to the door with one brittle surely?

OP posts:
MadamCroquette · 01/01/2016 17:16

Yes a whole case would be heavy to bring to your door just to remove one bottle.

An acquaintance once gave me a postcard they thought I'd like but they had it inside a large hardback book, to keep it flat. They opened the book and presented it to me saying "this is for you" and I didn't even notice the postcard (it was an art book) so tried to take the book! They had to go "no no I just meant this card!" Blush

I CRINGED about it for weeks but then eventually I thought well FGS, they put me in that situation really, though they may not have meant to.

If someone turns up with a case of wine and you accept it, even if you weren't meant to, it's kind of their lookout!

BigSandyBalls2015 · 01/01/2016 17:18

DD said that! She prob wanted some scissors mum Blush

OP posts:
Goingtobeawesome · 01/01/2016 17:19

Send my text.

BigSandyBalls2015 · 01/01/2016 17:21

I can't text her, she would just agree it was all for me. I can't see her saying it wasn't and coming back.

I've decided I might invite her and her DH over for a new year drink so they can have some of it, I don't know them that well but from what I do know I think we'd all get on and have a laugh.

OP posts:
Lexigrey · 01/01/2016 17:21

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usual · 01/01/2016 17:23

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BigSandyBalls2015 · 01/01/2016 17:25

Well DH opened the door, and she came into the hall and they were chatting. I came into the hall, clocked the case of wine in her hands, and gleefully took it off her before she had offered it to me if you see what I mean. Bit rude with hindsight. She didn't let go straightaway so there was a very slight tussle.

OP posts:
Merguez · 01/01/2016 17:26

I don't think it's that unusual to give someone half a case of wine as a token of appreciation. A whole case would be very generous!

What sort of wine is it?

I think inviting them over for a drink to share it with you is a really nice idea.

Passmethecrisps · 01/01/2016 17:27

I am absolutely sure you were meant to get the whole box. She could just have picked the box open in the car or used her keys. No need for scissors. It is a generous gesture but probably equally covers the cost of your picking up of her dd so it is fair and lovely.

It does remind me a bit though of a friend of mine who called past the fire station during strikes to deliver a box of beer. Unknown to him his daughter with asd silently handed over the rather posh bottle of wine he had purchased for himself. Only when it was in the hands of a fireman did he twig what she had done by which point he just smiled meekly and drove away.

AnchorDownDeepBreath · 01/01/2016 17:29

If you don't know each other that well, it's quite possible that she'd just prepared what she was going to say (not a speech, but you know, "Here's 6 bottles of wine to thank you for looking after DD/being a taxi/whatever") and then you threw her off a bit when you went to take it off her before she'd offered it.

Nobody would take 6 bottles of wine to someone's house, in a car, and then give them one. That'd just be weird.

Invite them round now, sounds like it's a nice budding friendship.

BifsWif · 01/01/2016 17:30

I thought it was all for you until you mentioned the tussle. Grin

It definitely wasn't.

Potatoface2 · 01/01/2016 17:34

made me giggle ..tussling over a box of wine in the hallway....invite them for a drink...and have a lovely evening

SushiAndTheBanshees · 01/01/2016 17:39

This is pretty funny Grin

I think you should have some Wine to get over your embarrassment.

catkind · 01/01/2016 17:42

If you invite them for a drink, isn't there going to be a massive elephant in the room unless you say something?
I think you should ask, even if you're sure they're going to say it was all for you. It's a laugh either way. And if/when they say yes they did mean to give you all of it, there's the ideal opportunity to invite them to help you drink it.

knobblyknee · 01/01/2016 17:42

She was in your hall? Why would she carry a case out of the car, into your house and then open it to give you one. Then put the rest back in the car?
Would she walk into your house with a packet of boiled sweets, pick out one for you, then take the rest to other people?

The box was for you, get stuck in. Grin

CoffeeCoffeeAndLotsOfIt · 01/01/2016 17:44

I think your dh is teasing you.

The wine must all have been for you or she wouldn't have carried all the bottles in.

She probably looked taken aback as you wrestled the bottles off her before she offered them Wink.

ohtheholidays · 01/01/2016 17:46

You took the box out of her hands and she hadn't even said any of the wine was for you?

Oh OP you have to ring her or text her and check now!

My God I'd be mortified,if your DH wasn't as pissed as you though it wouldn't have harmed him to have stopped you.

IamSantaClaus · 01/01/2016 17:47

I'm sure it was all for you but the thread has made me laugh.

Grin at wrestling it off her .

Griphook · 01/01/2016 17:50

After the tussle comment I think you me dh was right Grin

TrinityForce · 01/01/2016 17:51

this is hilarious!

TenTinyTadpoles · 01/01/2016 17:52

Cheesy yes! Grin of course not, that would be very, very mean.

razmataz · 01/01/2016 17:52

I'm sure it was all for you, she probably looked taken aback as you took it off her before she'd had the chance to present it to you - which might have come across a teeny bit rude.

I'd invite them round for a drink and apologise for the accidental tussle!


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Passmethecrisps · 01/01/2016 17:54

Send her a text thanking her for the terribly generous gift. So even if she didn't intend the whole box to be yours she will feel good about it and you get all the wine. It's a win win

MySordidCakeSecret · 01/01/2016 17:57

oh wow haha Grin brilliant.

LynetteScavo · 01/01/2016 18:00

We need to know exactly what kind of wine it is, to we can gauge whether it is worth the car pool.

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