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be gutted about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner?

374 replies

Northernlurker · 30/06/2015 23:28

I've just read that they ARE divorcing. I was hoping it was all vicious rumour. They seemed like a genuine, real couple. Can nobody ever stay married in Hollywood? Hmm
It's coming to something when Warren Beatty, Warren Beatty , is an example of marital solidarity.

OP posts:
MamaLazarou · 01/07/2015 07:43

That's sad, they've got young kids. They always seemed like such a cute couple.

GnomeDePlume · 01/07/2015 08:13

annandale maybe not but in the context of the time I did think it was quite a good analogy.

goodnessgraciousgouda · 01/07/2015 08:16

Yes actually, I think it is pretty sad. There really aren't that many examples of long marriages in Hollywood, and especially not marriages where the two people (at least from the outside) seem genuinely happy.

The only moderately nice thing is that there is no vacuous 20 something bimbo involved. Frankly I lost pretty much all respect for Johnny Depp after shacking up with someone half his age within minutes of his relationship with Vanessa ending.

Northernlurker · 01/07/2015 08:17

Thanks Each - I'd forgotten about them all. I have to agree Will Smith and John Travolta wouldn't be top of my 'happily married' list.

Paul Bettany has been married to Jennifer Connolly for 12 years, Anthony Edwards has clocked up 21 years with Jeanine and Steven Spielberg and Kate Capshaw will make it to 24 years this year. Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart have been married for 5 years but together for 13. Helen Mirren and Taylor Hackford - married for 18 years but together for 29. And then there's always Alan Rickman, married for 3 years, living together for 38, first met 50 years ago.........Smile

That's cheered me up!

OP posts:
fiveofcups · 01/07/2015 08:19

Gutted? Hmm About people you have never met?

Northernlurker · 01/07/2015 08:24

Yup. Gutted. I barely slept, I've cancelled work today. I'm worried to death about the press intrusion, the legal dispute, who Ben will shack up with's a nightmare for me. Isn't it like that for everyone?


OP posts:
cleanmachine · 01/07/2015 08:51

Kelly1814 - are you kelly as in Kelly Preston?

Cherryblossomsinspring · 01/07/2015 08:57

Have to agree RE John Travolta! Not the sort of marriage any of us would want I'm sure!

I actually only know one divorced person among all our friends and extended family. Everyone I know is still together. I've never even heard a rumour of a separation, abuse or infidelity across everyone I know. If nothing else, everyone keeps their private lives private I guess.

MaggieJoyBlunt · 01/07/2015 09:01

Cherry where do you live!? Shock

DustBunnyFarmer · 01/07/2015 09:02

First thing DH said when I told him was: "Jennifer Garner's back on the market? Yay!" (Tongue in cheek though he definitely has a soft spot for her.)

Now, if only she'd pair up with Bradley Cooper (played her best friend in Alias), THAT would be a fine looking couple!

Pumpkinpositive · 01/07/2015 09:06

Now, if only she'd pair up with Bradley Cooper (played her best friend in Alias), THAT would be a fine looking couple!

She's at least 20 years too old for Cooper (in his mind). And rumours have always persisted that Cooper kinda likes el pene himself.

I kinda had a soft spot for Michael Vartan in his salad days. And he's apparently split from his wife. But Jen did throw him over for BA so he might not want to go back for further punishment.

DustBunnyFarmer · 01/07/2015 09:09

She's at least 20 years too old for Cooper (in his mind). And rumours have always persisted that Cooper kinda likes el pene himself.


silveroldie2 · 01/07/2015 09:10

I couldn't care less if I tried. How can you be gutted about people you don't even know?

However, I am unhappy to learn from your thread that Alan Rickman is now married. I knew he was in a long term relationship but while there's life there's hope. Sadly now he is married there is none Sad

Spog · 01/07/2015 09:11

no surprise. this divorce has been on the cards for over 5 years.

Hestheone · 01/07/2015 09:15

Oh I too find that sad

BringMeTea · 01/07/2015 09:20

Just googled Michael Vartan. Lovely! And apparently married to a gorgeous woman. So, no going back for Jen. Grin I reckon she has done the hard yards with Ben.

TheSpottedZebra · 01/07/2015 09:24

Paul Newman enjoyed both steak and burgers too, alas. He just had a good way with words, and pretty eyes.

I'll be sad if the Obamas split.

Pantone363 · 01/07/2015 09:33

Coopers gay no?

hellsandwich · 01/07/2015 09:33

I was distraught to hear that Dave and Sheila Taylor from Chipping Sodbury are divorcing.

On a lighter note, at least Michael Ball and Cathy McGowan are still going strong after 24 years together.

AlpacaMyBags · 01/07/2015 09:34

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

BrieAndChilli · 01/07/2015 09:35

I have a soft spot for Kevin Bacon, purely because he's been with his wife for years and years and also isn't afraid to take the piss out of himself on adverts and he did a flash dance sequence on some chat show. Most Hollywood stars won't refer back to earlier work.

Sansarya · 01/07/2015 09:36

It's a shame but there have been rumours about Ben's shagging around for years. Apparently he had an affair with Blake Lively while shooting The Town. I know I don't know her, but Jennifer Garner always seemed lovely and down to earth.

This Blind Gossip post explains the whole 10 year rule thing.


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Y0la · 01/07/2015 09:37

Ed Byrne and Christy Turlington. Not Ed Byrne the comedian. Another guy, an actor. They've been married for nearly 20 years I think?

Ben Affleck was cheating and the papers kept following JG looking for her to have a sad face. So annoying! why didn't the press stalk BA

I'd be shocked if the obamas split. I hope they don't. But that's stupid. If they're not happy of course it's not 'sad' if they do.

OnlyLovers · 01/07/2015 09:39

And then there's always Alan Rickman, married for 3 years, living together for 38, first met 50 years ago

Who is Alan Rickman married to?

Paul Bettany has been married to Jennifer Connolly for 12 years That's just because he hasn't met me yet. Wink Grin

Those saying 'Why do you care about people you don't know getting divorced?', why not just get off the thread if it perplexes and bothers you instead of making snippy comments?

Sansarya · 01/07/2015 09:40

Y0la, yes that's Ed Burns. Who, come to think about it, hasn't been in a film for ages as far as I know.

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