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be gutted about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner?

374 replies

Northernlurker · 30/06/2015 23:28

I've just read that they ARE divorcing. I was hoping it was all vicious rumour. They seemed like a genuine, real couple. Can nobody ever stay married in Hollywood? Hmm
It's coming to something when Warren Beatty, Warren Beatty , is an example of marital solidarity.

OP posts:
SunbathingCat · 06/07/2015 12:03

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Y0la · 06/07/2015 09:58

Oh thanks sunbathingCat I just don't see enough films these days.

SunbathingCat · 06/07/2015 02:29

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Frizzcat · 05/07/2015 22:49

That was a great thread, kept me entertained for days, I thought it had just died off, didn't realise it was zapped.

Sansarya · 05/07/2015 21:16

Yes, and then it quickly segued into juicy gossip about slebs and royals!

Frizzcat · 05/07/2015 20:47

I think I know the one, was it "Who is the rudest celeb you've ever met?"

Sansarya · 05/07/2015 19:53

There was a very juicy sleb gossip thread recently that got nuked by MNHQ!

Spog · 05/07/2015 19:18

KayAdams any more gossip? love hearing it from those in the know.

EachandEveryone · 03/07/2015 11:50

When I saw Gone Girl I imagined him just to be like that character

silverglitterpisser · 03/07/2015 01:25

Yanbu. I wouldn't go as far as to say I was gutted but it is always disappointing n a bit sad when a couple that looked like they would go the distance don't make it.

nigelslaterfan · 03/07/2015 00:09

Gambling, that's a nasty addiction, worse then ever now addicts can gamble any time anywhere online.
(shouldn't be allowed imho)

nigelslaterfan · 03/07/2015 00:08

bennifer! thanks! I had lost that completely in the sands of time...

If it's true than she is a sucker for punishment! She should stay with her staff boyfriends! I mean dancer boyfriends!

Nettletheelf · 03/07/2015 00:06

'Bennifer'. Who is she married to now? Didn't she divorce that Cuban bloke who looked like Nosferatu?

nigelslaterfan · 03/07/2015 00:03

oh it's all J-Lo's fault!
benLo? What were they? J'affleck? What was their nickname?

SunbathingCat · 02/07/2015 23:54

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MaggieJoyBlunt · 02/07/2015 23:21

Good point.

PrivatePike · 02/07/2015 22:30

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Sansarya · 02/07/2015 21:11

Hideously thin?

MaggieJoyBlunt · 02/07/2015 21:09

I think ( Smile ) that she means 'thin' Ihate.

ihatethecold · 02/07/2015 21:05

Amal has become hideously think since the wedding. What are we supposed to surmise from that??

Typo? What do you mean?

MaggieJoyBlunt · 02/07/2015 21:04

It's supposed to be 'wee little humphy face', isn't it? Smile

I DO use 'creepy wee brackets' IRL now. To general consternation Grin

TheSpottedZebra · 02/07/2015 20:57

I LOVE the phrase Humphy Face. Please use it in real life. Grin

Look, another post on that site, going on about the wonder woman/batman thing!


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EachandEveryone · 02/07/2015 20:55

That gossip site is just awful. A load of cryptic rubbish sourced from other rubbish gossip sites. It's slowed my tablet right down as well.

MaggieJoyBlunt · 02/07/2015 20:46

Smile @ 'humphy face'

Maybe Confused would have summed it up better. It wasn't very clear.

TheSpottedZebra · 02/07/2015 20:37

Yes, Yola was quoting from the link that Bue posted.

Why the humphy face?

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