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be gutted about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner?

374 replies

Northernlurker · 30/06/2015 23:28

I've just read that they ARE divorcing. I was hoping it was all vicious rumour. They seemed like a genuine, real couple. Can nobody ever stay married in Hollywood? Hmm
It's coming to something when Warren Beatty, Warren Beatty , is an example of marital solidarity.

OP posts:
EachandEveryone · 01/07/2015 14:53

Yes that made me laugh as did Hugh Jackman and his clearly mutual agreement marriage.

FraggleHair · 01/07/2015 14:55

Surely this photo proves that John Travolta is the ultimate ladies man. Look how Scarlett melts in his embrace!

be gutted about Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner?
babbas · 01/07/2015 15:09

Just popping back in to say Travolta 's happy marriage is about as real and happy as that there weave on his head. Hahaaaaaa.

stopeatingbiscuits · 01/07/2015 15:14

So what's the theory on the Travolta marriage then?

I did think Mr and Mrs Jackman were genuine - mutual agreement marriage??

TheSpottedZebra · 01/07/2015 15:19

Mrs Travolta was put off doing sexy times / picking her own partners when her chap at the time, a young cad called Charlie Sheen, shot her.
So her 'church' put her in touch with a devout man called Mr T, and the rest is heterosexual, airline pilot uniform-wearing, bewigged history.

Sansarya · 01/07/2015 15:20

I'm pretty sure Kelly Preston is a long-suffering beard but Hugh Jackman married his wife long before he hit the big time. In fact, she was more famous than him at the time and they starred in a hit TV show together. All the times I've seen him speak about her in interviews, from day 1, he comes across as genuinely besotted by her. Which some rude people (not anyone here, mind) think can't be for real as she is several years older than him and hardly a Hollywood beauty.

TheSpottedZebra · 01/07/2015 15:35

Oh she's set the standard for beards. She's a beard deluxe (KP).

stopeatingbiscuits · 01/07/2015 15:36

Mrs T was shot by Charlie Sheen??? Off to google!

EachandEveryone · 01/07/2015 15:39

Yeah MrsJ was more famous than Hugh I don't get what your point is? Its well known in Aussie circles that they don't live together and are the bestest of friends. Both have benefitted,

GoodbyeToAllOfThat · 01/07/2015 15:43

I can't even imagine what it is to be Kelly Preston.

Kelly1814 · 01/07/2015 15:44

I can confirm that I am Kelly Preston.

My husband is as gay as the day is long.

I am good friends with huge action (Hugh jackman) and can confirm that he is also in the gayers.

Yours beardly,


CatMilkMan · 01/07/2015 15:50

They got divorced within a week of gay marriage becoming legal Hmm

Only joking, the celebrity gossip threads on mumsnet can become pretty toxic.

Pumpkinpositive · 01/07/2015 16:00

Jared Leto and Nigel Slater, that's quite a taste range you've got nigelslaterfan!

Didn't even know who Nigel Slater was. Had to google that.

I would put him out on a cold, dark night. Confused

Pumpkinpositive · 01/07/2015 16:06

Hugh Jackman, eh. Who'd have thunk it?

How long have Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson been joined in holy padlock? They seem like a nice couple, even if Hanks always seems a bit asexual to me.

EducationalWelfareMakeMeCry · 01/07/2015 16:08

Charlie 3 sheets to the wind, shot KP in her sex organs? Shock

TakeMeUpTheNorthMountain · 01/07/2015 16:12

I read that BA was humping that model Emily radalaloktjdjfski or whatever her name is.. the one form the blurred lines video

EachandEveryone · 01/07/2015 16:14

I can imagine that

Sansarya · 01/07/2015 16:29

Ok, I totally read stopeatingbiscuits' post as MR T was shot by Charlie Sheen!

TheSpottedZebra · 01/07/2015 16:31

He shot her in her arm, IIRC. It may have been in the bathroom, and the loo may have been hit also.

FraggleHair · 01/07/2015 16:33

How is Charlie Sheen still alive?? He's been acting like a psycho, drug addled, Tasmanian Devil for over three decades!

EducationalWelfareMakeMeCry · 01/07/2015 16:35

After that experience you can see the attraction of a life with a guy who is going to leave you alone.

Inkanta · 01/07/2015 16:53

'a life with a guy who is going to leave you alone.'


She is very beautiful and seems a nice person. You would think she would prefer a meaningful relationship and not settle for a life with a man who is allegedly gay.


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FraggleHair · 01/07/2015 16:56

Maybe Scientology has a hold over her and 'convinced' her that marriage to Travolta would be a good idea.

People do crazy stuff for that organisation.

WannaShedthisFatSuit · 01/07/2015 16:57


what sort of issues? do tell

Sallystyle · 01/07/2015 17:03

Bono has been with his wife since they were teens Grin

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