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To think defending your cat when it's crapping on my lawn is pathetic!!

292 replies

LegoComplex · 27/06/2015 19:35

Not me but DP right now was washing up and saw the same massive fat cat start to take a dump in our front garden, bearing in mind this one cat always leaves massive dog size droppings where the kids play and a constant aroma of the stuff!

So he banged on the window but it didn't move so he opened the window and hissed at it, cue my neighbour comuing up and shouting at him that he threw something at it and she'd throw something back, he said what did i throw? she said she didn't know but kept having a go.

Are we supposed to watch the thing do that on our lawn?! we have our own cat and if i saw it doing that on someones front garden i'd shoo her away myself!

OP posts:
code · 28/06/2015 16:12

There are some real abusive charmers on this thread Angry

TheOnlyOliviaMumsnet · 28/06/2015 16:31


SirChenjin · 28/06/2015 17:04

And some deluded ones...

AmIthatsummery · 28/06/2015 17:16

I like the cocktail sticks idea, but unfortunately, this cat shits right In the middle of the grass.

I've spent a good part of today, bobbing up and down to check out of the window to see if I can catch the fucker in the act again.

And I'm not ashamed. I no longer have pets, because the cleaning up after them was getting me down. My choice not to get another cat.

Why the fuck should I be all smiley and indulgent over someone else's.

fackinell · 28/06/2015 17:18

Hmm I seriusly hope that some of the people making these awful comments are not in my neighbourhood. Shame on you for wanting to hurt an innocent animal. I hope a seagull with IBS flies over your head every time you leave the house.

ThisIsClemFandango · 28/06/2015 17:24

Although I can understand and sympathise with being pissed off about cats shitting in your garden, advocating kicking them is fucking vile.

The device that owl posted seems like a great idea - deters the cat but doesn't harm it.

Why would anyone want to harm an animal? Disgusting.

code · 28/06/2015 17:25

Op you don't need to be smiley and indulgent and if you were my neighbour I would apologise, clear it up and invest in litter trays (most cats will keep using these). But it's not ok that there are people on this thread threatening violence against defenceless small animals. If some of these posts had been about threatening to attack children the posters would no doubt have been banned. Bloody loonies.

AmIthatsummery · 28/06/2015 17:30

I might try chill powder actually.

But I wonder who I can send the bill to for all the stuff I have to buy to deter this defenceless little animal.

I really resent having to spend money and time on this.

SirChenjin · 28/06/2015 17:35

The defenceless little animals are the ones who get the throats ripped out, heads bitten off, chest cavities eaten out and so on by cats, surely?

Chilli powder is now on my shopping list. I've finally had enough of the local cats.

code · 28/06/2015 17:37

Discuss with the neighbour. I would pay to solve it if they were mine. I would try to ensure (if you own the home) that this is settled amicably as you have to declare disputes when you sell (which would affect you and them so it should be in no-ones interest to let this escalate). The keyboard warriors on here are ready to send you into battle, although many of them I suspect wouldn't say boo to a goose in the real world.

usualsuspect333 · 28/06/2015 17:38

People who threaten to harm animals on the internet have some serious issues going on.

SirChenjin · 28/06/2015 17:39

Yeah, they're past the pissed off stage.

code · 28/06/2015 17:47

Psychos more like

AmIthatsummery · 28/06/2015 17:47

Pissed off people indeed, and I'm guessing that none would really hurt a cat. Hardly animal abuse, and the pp that compared it to hitting children, get a grip.

It's more likely I would chase it if I caught it again, but to be honest the attitude of some of the cat lovers on this thread shows what people are up against.

SirChenjin · 28/06/2015 17:55

Psychos? Loonies? You might want to think about your choice of language there - people with mental ill health suffer enough stigma without those terms being used in such a pejorative way.

ThisIsClemFandango · 28/06/2015 18:00

Hardly animal abuse

Of course it's abuse. If someone kicked you or your DC, would you consider it abuse?

SirChenjin · 28/06/2015 18:07

If my DC shits on your lawn or your doorstep you have my express permission to aim a kick at their backside.

UglyBugaz · 28/06/2015 18:08

Regardless of your feelings about cats, it is not illegal to have them outside and it is not illegal for them to poop in your garden. It is however illegal to hurt an animal just because it annoyed you.
You feel brave hurting an animal, you better not hope the owner catche's you because just know you DESERVE what happens.

mousmous · 28/06/2015 18:15

I don't particularly like cat and had a sense of triumph when I managed to soak one with the watering can mid-shit but would never knowingly hurt one. shooing away yes, trying to get it with waterpistol/watering can yes, kicking it never.

code · 28/06/2015 18:17

Sorry I am evidently wrong. Of course it's ok to revenge a bit of cat shit on the grass with maiming and killing the animal Silly me.

ThisIsClemFandango · 28/06/2015 18:19

Well sorry but no one has my permission or the right to kick my cat, whether she shits in their garden or not.
They do however, have my permission to squirt water at her, shoo and chase her out of the garden, and to return the cat shit to me if they want to. I would happily go round and pick it up myself if they asked!

WhatALoadOfOldBollocks · 28/06/2015 18:21

Lego, pick up the poo with a shovel and catapult it into the NDN's garden. It's their cat, their responsibility, so let them have shit on their lawn.


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AmIthatsummery · 28/06/2015 18:29

If someone kicked me or my DD I would consider it assault, not abuse.

If I shat in the middle of someone's garden I would expect some sort of sanction

You can't compare the two.

Chasing a shitting cat is not animal abuse. And if I knew where the owners lived, you bet I would dump the shit in their garden.

AmIthatsummery · 28/06/2015 18:31

So Ugly, what are you trying to say. That someone who boots a shitting cat off their property deserves assault?

code · 28/06/2015 18:34

Chasing, squirting, shoo-ing a cat- all ok.
Flinging poo back over NDNs garden- also ok but better to exhaust talking to them first. Unless you want a dispute that will affect you selling your home.
Not ok: maiming, poisoning, otherwise causing grevious harm to or shooting/killing a cat for doing poop. People who do this are operating against the law and are of questionable sanity.
Jesus H Christ.

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