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To think defending your cat when it's crapping on my lawn is pathetic!!

292 replies

LegoComplex · 27/06/2015 19:35

Not me but DP right now was washing up and saw the same massive fat cat start to take a dump in our front garden, bearing in mind this one cat always leaves massive dog size droppings where the kids play and a constant aroma of the stuff!

So he banged on the window but it didn't move so he opened the window and hissed at it, cue my neighbour comuing up and shouting at him that he threw something at it and she'd throw something back, he said what did i throw? she said she didn't know but kept having a go.

Are we supposed to watch the thing do that on our lawn?! we have our own cat and if i saw it doing that on someones front garden i'd shoo her away myself!

OP posts:
minkGrundy · 28/06/2015 00:58

butterfly I like cats but I regularly lift half a carrier bag full of stinky cat shit out of my garden. The kids could not go on the front grass without getting it on their feet and bringing it into the house and we couldn't cut the front grass if the cat had pooed on it and it had then rained meaning it couldn't be picked up.

In the end I dug up all my grass to stop my own children from walking in their own garden!

And I saw the cat (who also vomits on my step) sneaking into to take a dump in my floor bed this morning so I chucked a cup of water at it. I would never throw anything solid at a cat but water yes, or muddy water.

I used to have a cat scarer but it got broken.

AmIthatsummery · 28/06/2015 01:27

My problem is that the little bastard that shits on my lawn waits till I'm at work, so I can't spray it.

I'm sick of it, I'm sick of having to pick it up, I'm sick of having to buy bags to dispose of it, I'm sick of my bin stinking, I'm sick of having to buy cat repellent, which doesnt work once it has rained.

And Butterfly, I catch your cat shitting in my garden, I'll boot it up the arse. Bring on your solicitor's letter Hmm

kali110 · 28/06/2015 02:05

People would really kick a cat for shitting in their garden?? Spray it with water yes but saying its ok to abuse animals because it's pooing in your garden ( when it doesn't even know it's wrong) that's awful.

Alibabsandthe40Musketeers · 28/06/2015 09:51

butterfly when the crap is all over my kids play area, then we can't help but notice it. It stinks to high heaven if anyone steps in it - we have had to throw away shoes before now.

Perhaps I should send an invoice for new shoes via a solicitor Hmm

We choose not to have pets, one of the reasons being I don't want to spend my days clearing up animal shit. I absolutely resent having to clear up the shit of other people's pets.

The bloody things also scratch our cars - maybe we should start billing their owners for a respray?

code · 28/06/2015 10:14

I'm wondering if some of this cat poo being reported is actually fox poo. Cats bury their poo and it's normally firm and almost smell free. Foxes poo on lawns and pavements and it stinks to high heaven.
My cats go out but come back in the house to do their poos and wees in their trays. The problem is lots of people get rid of the trays so the cats have no alternative but to do it outside. I would have no problems with a neighbour squirting my cat or complaining to me if they didn't want it in their garden or if it messed in there. I would have a bloody big problem with them kicking or poisoning them or any other form of violence. Luckily we all love cats in this road, can barely think of a house without a cat in it. The cats don't love each other as much...

lantien · 28/06/2015 10:47

I'm wondering if some of this cat poo being reported is actually fox poo

This always comes up - in our case we could see the cats doing it and they weren't trying to bury it.

Though I do agree fox poo is massively more smelly - as we have at another address encounter it.

The water spray gun is good.

Also you get garlic or lemon scented power to put down or sprays - the garlic one were from Wilkinsons is cheaper - that eventually worked with our gardens.

You do have to put bleach where they wee and poo though to get rid of the scent. It seems to stop the dogs being walked doing it on our front garden too.

It took years though - and having to be very though with the powder - you can also get crystals which with stand the rain a bit better. Went very OTT with it all - other neighbour complained about the smell withteh garlic powder. The constant cost did bug me till it finally started to work.

You can if you get cats that do react to the lemon scent- not all do - make your own - boil up peels from oranges and lemons and spray round.

chickenfuckingpox · 28/06/2015 10:49

you dont bleach to get rid of the smell use bio washing powder/liquid

mousmous · 28/06/2015 10:58

Cats bury their poo and it's normally firm and almost smell free.

ha, bloody ha!
cat poo stinks or the owners would be happy to have a litter tray in the house
I have caught cat shitting on lawn.
cat poo is different to foxes, it's torpedo shaped as opposed to dog turd shaped.
and by the way it stinks!

lantien · 28/06/2015 10:59

bio washing powder/liquid - never read that one before.

Usually read about the one's below - and a common household cleaner whose name escapes me - but is for bathroom cleaning in powder from.

Cat urine odours can also be removed cheaply and effectively with common household items such as white vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and hydrogen peroxide.

I think we used vinegar - white and malt - bicarb, white sprits and bleach with hydrogen peroxide at different times.

AngelinaCongleton · 28/06/2015 11:03

We've not had cat/fox crap since we put down a couple of those battery operated noise deterrents.

lantien · 28/06/2015 11:06

We tried the noise deterrents - didn't work for us. I wonder if the cats were deaf - as a few were apparently quite old.

BubbyBum · 28/06/2015 11:16

I'd love to know what breed of cat does these magical shits that don't smell.

Shit that doesn't stink. I've read it all now.

ASorcererIsAWizardSquared · 28/06/2015 11:21

Can i suggest you also use a water pistol to shoot your neighbour every time she complains? Grin maybe it might train her to shut the fuck up!

fackinell · 28/06/2015 11:28

If this was my cat I'd be apologising and asking them to contact me every time it happened so I could clean up. Cats won't often mess in their own turf but it is unpleasant for others. Not much you can do, maybe install a sprinkler? Kitty won't come near it.

NobodyLivesHere · 28/06/2015 11:34

Yes I would kick it. It wouldn't be traumatised for life like going blind would my kids.

grumpysquash · 28/06/2015 11:38

If the cat always craps in the exact same spot, and if it isn't exactly where your DC play, I would recommend a liberal sprinking of cayenne pepper or chilli powder on the grass (or wherever it is). It gets on their paws and burns when they lick. They soon learn to go elsewhere. Doesn't cause any lasting damage, just a great deterrent.

fackinell · 28/06/2015 11:40

Do not kick cats!! You can do no end of damage to their internal organs. You can't train them. Use a water spray or get the neighbour to clean up if you don't see it happen. Angry

Flambola · 28/06/2015 11:46

Every fucker on my street seems to have a cat that shits in my front garden. Sick of it, we aren't pet owners yet every day we're having to clear up shit.

I wish I had a crossbow.

SirChenjin · 28/06/2015 11:47

Where are all these cats who wait for home owners to be in position with a fully armed water pistol before they take a crap?? Hmm

The chances of you actually catching one with your water pistol is very low, given that most of us are out at work during the day and sleeping at night - so please desist with the water gun suggestions. We had to clean cat crap off our lawn yesterday (again). I notice that the owners of the guilty cats appears to have burnt patches on their lawn - I suspect the owner of the 2 bitches 3 doors up is wreaking revenge on them. Wonderful!

shushpenfold · 28/06/2015 11:55

Flipping heck....we have 2 cats and I'm always relieved when I see them poo in our garden/on our back lawn as it's hideous in someone else's garden. Your neighbour is being unreasonable.

shouldnthavesaid · 28/06/2015 12:28

Don't kick the cat, you'll find yourself in more problems. Have known someone who did this years ago, when a cat peed on their tent, they pretty much killed the cat. Not to mention the fact that it's abusive, and pretty disgusting to hit a defenceless animal, and generally frowned upon by polite society!!!

LegoComplex · 28/06/2015 12:36

i wouldn't kick a cat, but will try deterrents. Definitely not fox, i've watched the little fuckers do it happily on mine and others lawns!

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minkGrundy · 28/06/2015 12:54

I tried chili powder but I worry about the poor earth worms getting itchy skin.

PotKettleInterfaceSituation · 28/06/2015 13:00

It's funny really - when it comes to dogs I'm all about the positive reinforcement and I shudder at the idea of water pistols etc.

However if a cat was shitting on my garden I would totally buy the biggest super soaker I could find and drench the bloody thing.

I'd also tell it's whinging owner to shut up or keep it indoors.

DisappointedOne · 28/06/2015 13:28

I've had enough of cats using our open plan front garden as their personal toilet. We've resisted an automatic soaker up to now for fear of getting the postman Blush but nothing else has worked. Flower beds are getting studded with cocktail sticks and I'll seriously scare any cats that I catch within our boundary.

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