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To think defending your cat when it's crapping on my lawn is pathetic!!

292 replies

LegoComplex · 27/06/2015 19:35

Not me but DP right now was washing up and saw the same massive fat cat start to take a dump in our front garden, bearing in mind this one cat always leaves massive dog size droppings where the kids play and a constant aroma of the stuff!

So he banged on the window but it didn't move so he opened the window and hissed at it, cue my neighbour comuing up and shouting at him that he threw something at it and she'd throw something back, he said what did i throw? she said she didn't know but kept having a go.

Are we supposed to watch the thing do that on our lawn?! we have our own cat and if i saw it doing that on someones front garden i'd shoo her away myself!

OP posts:
Yarp · 27/06/2015 20:12


Get a water pistol and fire water at it every time you see it.

It will learn

I say this as a cat lover who has a cat

CrapBag · 27/06/2015 20:13

YANBU. I'm a cat lover but I get pissed off with them doing stuff on my property. Last house next doors cat kept being sick right outside my front door, right in the middle of the step! I think they must have heard me ranting to the kids about it because it had been cleaned away after I looked.

In our new house we seem to get loads of cats in the garden. One keeps shitting in the middle of the grass. I always chase them away and most of them run. One actually came up to the door and just sat looking at me so I got the water out. It didn't hit it but I didn't care if it did. It came back the next day and still didn't move when I tried to shoo it away. Once the water came out it ran and I haven't seen it since. I've no idea where these cats live though as I know they aren't neighbours on either side and there seems to be a fair few around here.

More children's enjoyment of their own garden is more important than some fucking cat.

Gabilan · 27/06/2015 20:14

"I have no sympathy for cat owners who let their cat roam and not confine them to their own property"

I think that really does depend on your circumstances. I rent a cottage on a farm. My cats have been seen a good 1/4 mile away from my property but, they're farm cats, they're doing what they're expected to do. They roam, and in time-honoured tradition of farm cats, they keep the rodent population down.

If you have a small back garden in an urban environment it's rather different but I'm sure my neighbours don't mind my cats' toilet habits. After all, there's enough fox, bird, cow, sheep, badger and horse shit outside. Bit of cat poo won't make much difference.

ThisIsClemFandango · 27/06/2015 20:14

alibabs majority of cats are litter trained but despite this they still seem to have a fondness for shitting outside, usually in someone else's garden. I'm not sure what can be done to stop them other than keep them in all the time.

Mouthfulofquiz · 27/06/2015 20:14

I chucked a litre of water over a cat the other day and it just looked at me like 'how very dare you',
So I've invested in cat repellant powder, and I'm growing some holly bushes so I can hide leaves in the borders and I will continue to leave the poo (when I see it) outside my neighbour's gate. So gross.

AbsentMindedNumpty · 27/06/2015 20:22

I love cats (have two) but your neighbour was being unreasonable to falsely accuse you of 'throwing something' if she had no evidence that you did. You are perfectly entitled to throw water over it if it comes into your garden.

At a previous house I lived in I recommended our neighbour (who had a lovely garden) do this if any of our two came into her garden (I had called RSPCA for advice and they suggested water because it might shock a cat but not hurt it). That was some years ago though and advice might have changed. Why don't you call RSPCA or google best practice to 'persuade' cats to leave your garden alone.

Frasras11 · 27/06/2015 20:25

Pick the poo up, bag it and label it with "this belongs to your cat, I thought they'd like it back" and deposit on your neighbours lawn. After all it is their cat and therefore their poo. If they have an issue with it, you merely (politely) point out that it's the exact same way you feel when the cat does a massive shit on your lawn.

Yarp · 27/06/2015 20:27

I do agree that you can't stop cats pooling outside, even if they have a litter tray and poo in it

Yarp · 27/06/2015 20:27

pooing, even

crustsaway · 27/06/2015 20:28


Her cat her responsibility. Throw the shit in her front garden and next time get a bucket of water and chuck it over the cat.

This is one of my "pet" hates Grin

crustsaway · 27/06/2015 20:29

Actually, thinking about it, knock on her door next time and tell her to pick it up!

LonnyVonnyWilsonFrickett · 27/06/2015 20:33

Romanoff when you say 'a load' of cinnamon, how much exactly do you mean? I am desperate for a solution to this problem, shooing and water doesn't work, there's shit all over my garden.

mugglingalong · 27/06/2015 20:37

Think that we must have the only cat who would think that a water pistol means game time. She loves it when the dc have water fights and will wander around getting soaked, then looking mildly surprised that her fur is so wet on a seemingly lovely day. Fortunately she uses a litter tray so not her!

Wolfiefan · 27/06/2015 20:38

I have cats. I love cats.
If my cat craps in your garden feel free to hiss or use a water pistol!
Maybe they actually thought something was thrown at the cat?

soverylucky · 27/06/2015 20:41

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Message withdrawn at poster's request.

A1Mum · 27/06/2015 20:42

Nerf Guns that takes the ice cubes with a blue slider along the bottom have a fantastic range and a really long shot. Works a treat on cats and gets to the end of my small garden. My neighbours, neighbours cats likes to use our garden for crapping and sunbathing. It would take no notice of tapping on the window until I got the Nerf Gun. Now I just have to wave the gun at the window and it makes hast. DC sees at as an after school sport, great for target practice.

LegoComplex · 27/06/2015 20:45

great ideas thanks haha, I do love cats I have one myself called Daisy Grin well i won't hesitate to use reasonable measures if i see it again and if she wants to take me on she can try as dp told me that when he said what it was doing she had the cheek to reply "and?" AND?!

OP posts:
LegoComplex · 27/06/2015 20:45

it was obvious nothing was thrown as well it was freshly cut grass on a small lawn you'd easily see something.

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LegoComplex · 27/06/2015 20:46

she has about 8 of them too..

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Leonas · 27/06/2015 20:47

Our neighbours have a water pistol/ spray bottle to get rid of our cat when he tries to poop in their garden which we think is fair enough. The secretly love him though and are quite touched that he climbs into the roof of their extension and states at them through their bedroom window :)
Yes, your neighbour is weird and needs to keep her cat inside if she doesn't want people to upset it

IUseAnyName · 27/06/2015 20:56

Get your toddler to shit on her lawn x

TRexingInAsda · 27/06/2015 20:57

I'm not a cat owner but FFS it's a cat! Banging on the the window and hissing are a bit Hmm - do something effective like a water pistol or leave it alone. Throwing stuff is massively not ok, so if it looked like he did then the neighbour was right to have a go tbh. "What did I throw?" is a very, very odd thing to say when accused of throwing something if you didn't. A bit like 'Prove it'!


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ReginaBlitz · 27/06/2015 20:57

So you shoo your own cat away when it's about to shit on your it then fucks off and shits on someone else's lawn pot kettle

LegoComplex · 27/06/2015 21:10

huh? no i said if i saw my cat doing that ie if i was her i'd have shood her away fom their garden!

and take it up with my dp, personally if i was washing up then banging on the window/opening and hissing would be my fist actions due to not having a pistol to hand and not wanting to locate a teatowel and make my way to the front door! as for what dp said.. idk can't really analyse it he was making the point that she was being ridiculous.

OP posts:
Lilicat1013 · 27/06/2015 21:13

I like cats, I have two. One stays indoors and the one that goes outdoors poos behind some bushes out the front. Not anywhere that belongs to anyone, where any one would walk or where children would be. They have a litter tray in the house though and I encourage them to use it as best I can.

If I knew he had pooed on a neighbour's garden I would offer to clean it up and if he did it regularly I would buy them a water pistol and/or other safe deterrents.

One of the neighbour's cats started pooing on our garden always in the same spot near the fence, so I went out every day and put citronella essential oil on the fence and grass in that area and that stopped her if that is any help to you.

The smell bothers cats, it did obviously bother my own cat and he also stayed away from that bit of the garden but overall it wasn't a big problem for him.

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