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To think defending your cat when it's crapping on my lawn is pathetic!!

292 replies

LegoComplex · 27/06/2015 19:35

Not me but DP right now was washing up and saw the same massive fat cat start to take a dump in our front garden, bearing in mind this one cat always leaves massive dog size droppings where the kids play and a constant aroma of the stuff!

So he banged on the window but it didn't move so he opened the window and hissed at it, cue my neighbour comuing up and shouting at him that he threw something at it and she'd throw something back, he said what did i throw? she said she didn't know but kept having a go.

Are we supposed to watch the thing do that on our lawn?! we have our own cat and if i saw it doing that on someones front garden i'd shoo her away myself!

OP posts:
RubbishMantra · 28/06/2015 18:35

Absolutely summery, nothing wrong with being chased/super-soaked for taking a dump in someone's garden.

But surely you wouldn't expect to be shot with a crossbow, or maimed?

ThisIsClemFandango · 28/06/2015 18:40

The thing is, humans can speak and generally adults and older children know it's just not cool to go round shitting in people's gardens.
Cats don't know this, can't speak and don't understand what they are doing, it just comes naturally to them and they have no reasoning abilities. If a toddler shat in someone's garden would it be fine to kick them? If it's assault, why is that ok?
Chasing a shitting cat is not animal abuse no, nor is squirting water at them, but kicking one is.
I think kicking anyone or anything is wrong.

CornwallsFinest · 28/06/2015 18:40

I am a no cat house in a street with lots of cats. They shit in my garden and yes, it's irritating picking up shit but I wouldn't dream of doing any deterrent methods mentioned here. Because, you know, I don't get a kick out hurting small animals. Hmm

Do none of you have an outside bin? You double bag with a carrier bag and put it straight in. No worse than digging up weeds. I have been doing some work on my flower beds and put down some essential oil grains from the local gardening shop as I have bought new plants and this seems to have worked.

I can't believe how many of you are advocating physical abuse towards a small defenceless animal. Completely disgusting.

AmIthatsummery · 28/06/2015 18:44

I think one poster mentioned a crossbow, pretty sure they didn't mean it literally.

And who talked about maiming a cat.

I don't want the time and expense of cleaning up MY garden, after someone else's cat. I'll do whatever I deem necessary

If you don't like it, get a litter tray

Gabilan · 28/06/2015 18:45

Reading this thread, I'm very glad I have such lovely neighbours, who happily feed my cats for me when I'm away and have no objection to where they shit (it's a farm, there's worse stuff around). The cats never shit on their front lawn, but that's because they have a dog. And the dog sometimes wanders into my kitchen, and I make a fuss of her and then take her home.

Should my cats attempt to shit on someone else's lawn, I wouldn't object to well-aimed water. Should anyone kick my cat, well I have a horse. Prepare to be kicked back, and by something much larger than you.

fackinell · 28/06/2015 18:48

My friend's cat was shot with an air rifle. He had the pellet removed from his leg and put on antibiotics but he started having seizures and went into septic shock. They had to have him pts in the end and the husband was so distraught he cried in the car for two hours before he could tell his wife.

Cats are part of the family for most people, I do not find these comments advocating abuse acceptable in the slightest. If I see any more nasty 'idea sharing' crap then I'm reporting this thread. Angry

AmIthatsummery · 28/06/2015 18:53

Actually Cornwall, I do have an outside bin. I get fortnightly uplift.

My bin has been stinking to high heaven - amazing when some pp maintains cat shit doesn't smell Hmm

I resent that too.

I love how some posters think aiming a kick at a shitting cat should be responded to by violence.

So you think assaulting another person is ok.

I know who the weird ones are on this thread

UglyBugaz · 28/06/2015 18:54

Summery that's exactly what I'm saying. So brave and bad to pick on animals.

AmIthatsummery · 28/06/2015 18:55

By the way, thanks for the ideas, I can't wait to try some of them out

AmIthatsummery · 28/06/2015 18:57

Mindful of talk guidelines and personal attacks, I would,just like to,

ThisIsClemFandango · 28/06/2015 18:57

So you think assaulting another person is ok.

But you think assaulting an animal is ok?
I don't think assaulting anyone or anything is ok.

AmIthatsummery · 28/06/2015 18:59

Posted too soon

Mindful of talk guidelines I am astounded that some posters think deliberate assault on a human being in any way equates to booting a cat out your garden.

Some people have seriously fucked up values

UglyBugaz · 28/06/2015 19:02

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SoupDragon · 28/06/2015 19:02

To all the idiots advocating violence : Don't behave like a nasty fucking twat, get a water gun.

ThisIsClemFandango · 28/06/2015 19:02

Some people have seriously fucked up values

I hope to god that if you do go and kick a cat, that you get reported to the RSPCA and prosecuted for animal abuse.
Then you might think a little about your own 'values'

AmIthatsummery · 28/06/2015 19:04

My values are just fine, thanks very much.

Now would one of you like to volunteer to sit in my garden all day and wield the spray bottle of water

squishyeyeballs · 28/06/2015 19:04

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AmIthatsummery · 28/06/2015 19:05

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kali110 · 28/06/2015 19:05

Agree clem. It's absolutely disgusting. Lucky we live on a stree t of animal lovers. Someone poisoned one of the cats a few streets away, they are still being looked for.
Saying you will kick or get a crossbow on an animal because it has annoyed you is awful. We get fox poo in our garden but i would never do anything to them as id never harm an animal. What kind of message would that be giving out to kids if i did that?

kali110 · 28/06/2015 19:06

Some people hate animal abuse

UglyBugaz · 28/06/2015 19:08

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AmIthatsummery · 28/06/2015 19:08

Kali, I think MOST people hate animal abuse.


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tobysmum77 · 28/06/2015 19:09

A cat may be part of your family but not mine. It is the only pet that anyone has that everyone else in the neighbourhood has to share whether they like it or not. The ones that go into our garden don't bury their poo.

Not that I'd kick one, but it's pretty entitled expecting people to put up with your crap.

CornwallsFinest · 28/06/2015 19:10

So you think assaulting another person is ok. Never said that summery.

I have weekly pick ups but still, no, it doesn't stink to high heaven with cat shit. Like I said, I double bag. Maybe I'm just lucky. However, I am not 'weird' because I don't agree with booting a cat.

SoupDragon · 28/06/2015 19:10

How dare you question my morals

I don't think there is any questioning to be done is there? You think animal cruelty is fine.

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