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To think defending your cat when it's crapping on my lawn is pathetic!!

292 replies

LegoComplex · 27/06/2015 19:35

Not me but DP right now was washing up and saw the same massive fat cat start to take a dump in our front garden, bearing in mind this one cat always leaves massive dog size droppings where the kids play and a constant aroma of the stuff!

So he banged on the window but it didn't move so he opened the window and hissed at it, cue my neighbour comuing up and shouting at him that he threw something at it and she'd throw something back, he said what did i throw? she said she didn't know but kept having a go.

Are we supposed to watch the thing do that on our lawn?! we have our own cat and if i saw it doing that on someones front garden i'd shoo her away myself!

OP posts:
CrabbyTheCrabster · 29/06/2015 10:26

All this outrage about people advocating shooting cats... I've just read the whole thread and one poster said she 'wished' she had a crossbow. Hardly incitement to mass violence. Grin

I wouldn't kick a cat as you could do it massive internal damage. Although there's a big difference between kicking it, and a toe up the bum to help it on its way. Mind you, you'd probably get shit on your shoe, since the only way you'd get anywhere near it is if it were mid-shit at the time. Grin

Chicken wire and holly has been very helpful for us in the neverending fight to keep the fuckers out of our garden. Also the hosepipe and a nerf water gun. Happy to put more info if people are seriously interested, rather than just continuing the massive bunfight.

OttiliaVonBCup · 29/06/2015 10:28

Bloody hate the bloody shitting cats.

My dog has a lovely time chasing them away.

lantien · 29/06/2015 10:29

Just as a matter of interest, does anyone know how to stop a cat spraying their scent? A stray ginger keeps marking my back door and it stinks to high heavens
^^ This is for in the house.

I think you can get neutralising sprays - at least the guy on my cat from hell seems to hand something out. Probably best to try and put something in front of the back door - spray it and around it with lemon scented spray when shut to try and deter it - put a spike plant there one a big bottle filled with water - they are not supposed like those.

I actually like cats and wouldn't advocate hitting or hurting them in any way - but I hated their shit in our gardens especially when DC were younger - toddler age - and much less able to avoid it.

Our nuclear/fantasy option was Cayenne pepper - it's not very good for them so we never did use it but when we got down about all the shit and the money wasted it was what we talked about.

We did change the grass in the open front garden to stones - helped a bit - but still had to do the garlic an lemon powder - on plus side that also eventually also deterred the dogs on leads whose owners where letting them shit all over our front garden. Still have grass out back but don't have ct shit problems out there now.

I know some people put one lot of lemon scented crystals down and the cat problem goes away not us but where we live I think we are the only house without a cat or dog. It did work eventually though with persistence and getting out there putting deterrent smells in powder and crystals and getting rid of the urine smells.

lantien · 29/06/2015 10:36

Chicken wire and holly has been very helpful for us in the never ending fight to keep the fuckers out of our garden.

I think this helped us out back which was enclosed and fenced as our hedges which do contain holly and brambles and lots of other stuff - not all spikes but not a stable to walk on - lots of climbers and bushes - has grown to a height it hard for the cats to get over from next door.

You can get spike things to put on fences - so they can't get over.

LarrytheCucumber · 29/06/2015 10:58

We have the same problem but never see the cats at it. We do have a constant procession of dog walkers past our house on their way to the fields at the end of the road, so wonder if sometimes it is dog, not cat.
Is there a safe deterrent to make the grass less attractive?

familysizepack · 29/06/2015 11:02

I ended up on the thread about the thread by mistake. So I've copied my big grumbly post before it gets deleted...

People that are this angry or upset about cat poo generally have seen the same cats doing it day after day. for years. There is clearly no justification for harming the poor animals.

Although they have no pets people
have to watch their feet in their own garden, or risk treading cat poo or vomit into their house.

Cats poo anywhere in my experience. We lived in a small town, with fields out behind our street. It had a very high population of cats per household in the area. We had cat poo on our front grass and gravel drive every day. And weekly vomit on the front door mat. The neighbour who owned the worst offenders was uninterested in trying to help, despite them pooping on our drive right in front of her. She did not provide a litter tray or an area in her own garden for then to go, so they loved ours as we'd spent a lot of time on it and it had lots if nice shade. (just small gardens)

I don't hate cats or cat owners in general, but to pretend its not a problem is unfair. I spent lots of money on all the commercially available deterrents, most worked for a few weeks then the cats got used to it.

We eventually dug up the small front lawn as it was destroyed.

I can't imagine how unpleasant it is having small DC clambering through surprise poo all the time. envy

lantien · 29/06/2015 11:22

Is there a safe deterrent to make the grass less attractive?


Couldn't use these out back as crystals and DC worried they would think they were for picking up and playing with- but fine out the front.

Used a lot of these below as well as cheaper - as often on offer. - they smell of garlic. You can put them down on grass - though found they did work better on the stones we finally replaced the front grass with.

Both seemed to eventually work on cats and the walked dogs - but did have to remove poo pretty quickly and treat areas to get rid of the urine smell - bleach, white vinegar as I wrote about above posts.

lantien · 29/06/2015 11:24

Maybe do a line of these in the grass rods so it's harder for them to poo there.

TreadSoftlyOnMyDreams · 29/06/2015 11:45

That motion detector thing is genius. Sod the cats, I'm off to get one for the manky urban fox that is using our garden as a latrine.

We've got two cats - I have no issue with someone using a water pistol if they are making a pain out of themselves. Anything else is pretty out of order though.

penguinsaresmall · 29/06/2015 11:53

Yes more info please crabby Smile

I do aim the hose when I can but obviously can't be on patrol all day and night! I've tried lion poo pellets, a fake cat with twinkly eyes, 'get off my garden', citrus peel... nothing seems to work and I'm sick of the dc coming in with cat crap on their shoes - or worse..

TaliZorahVasNormandy · 29/06/2015 12:07

I had a cat vomit all over the path to the front door. Why do they insist on eating grass?

PosterEh · 29/06/2015 12:16

Yes I watched out the window as next doors cat curl out a massive turd right next to my 18m old's slide. Right on the lawn with no attempt to bury it at all so the owners who say it must be foxes because cats bury their poo are in denial.
I have two toddlers and have to pick up cat poo off my lawn everyday from my neighbour's two cats in summer before the children can play after my 3yr old accidentally sat in some.

Littleen · 29/06/2015 12:50

Water pistol or spray bottle (cleaning one, but washed of course), with water and lemon juice. Squirt squirt! If it was my cat, I wouldn't mind that if my cat was pooing on your property!

SirChenjin · 29/06/2015 13:30

But as has already been said - the chances of you catching and actually hitting a cat with water are slim. So the frustration and anger continue...

FraggleHair · 29/06/2015 13:36

I know someone who super soaks to great effect! She's always pootling about her garden so is there when the moggies appear.

SirChenjin · 29/06/2015 13:48

That's the nub though - most of us aren't in our garden often enough to actually catch the bloody things

AmIthatsummery · 29/06/2015 14:03

Well looks like the TAAT has disappeared. So much venom, what an eye opener

I'm stopping off for some pepper on the way home

Still more expense. Is rather spend my cash on things I like

FraggleHair · 29/06/2015 14:08

Yes. And I can picture some people becoming a bit obsessive too. Rubbing mud on their faces, wearing camouflage gear and hiding in the herbaceous border for hours on end super soaker in hand till the dratted cat made an appearance.

Flambola · 29/06/2015 14:11

Good Lord I wouldn't actually shoot a crossbow at a cat.

Instead I've had to spend £10 this weekend on garlic granule things and a spray and lemon juice. All I want to do is sit out in my fucking garden and enjoy the sun in peace, not wage war against fucking cats!

Flambola · 29/06/2015 14:13

I can picture my DH doing that, fraggle, they annoy him more as he's the one who has to pick up after them as I'm pregnant.

AmIthatsummery · 29/06/2015 14:32

Smile That's what I've been like all weekend. Without the mud obviously

Flambola · 29/06/2015 15:52

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PinkSparklyPussyCat · 29/06/2015 16:23

Can I ask a question (not stirring, just genuinely interested) - do all the people who are complaining about cat shit get equally upset about dogs that are allowed to shit everywhere? As I said I'm genuinely interested about this as I'm sick of dog owners not clearing up after their mutts.

Alibabsandthe40Musketeers · 29/06/2015 16:31

Pink - yes of course.

But the difference is, that people don't allow their dogs to come and shit in my garden leaving me to clear it up.

Dog poo left lying around incenses me, but I do have the option to walk away from it, rather than have to clear it up myself before my children can go out and play in their own garden.

SirChenjin · 29/06/2015 16:41

Of course Pink. The difference is that it's a legal requirement to pick up after your dog, so if the neighbours in our street who are guilty if chucking their cats out to roam and shit in other people's gardens had dogs, and let their dogs shit in my garden, then I would have some form of recourse, ie the dog wardens (who are pretty good here). As it is, cat owners have all the fun of a pet and none of the responsibility.

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